Essays & Articles
tree aid
'Trees of life' are vital food source Miranda Spitteler BBC News The "famine food" of trees can keep drought-hit communities alive when all other food crops fail, says Miranda Spitteler. […]
as farmers age...
As farmers age, plans match aspirants with pros By Sharon Cohen The Associated Press RICHLAND, Iowa — He quit his job and drove his wife and their four young daughters […]
An ‘agri-intellectual’ talks back by Tom Philpott for Grist 14 Aug 2009 A lot of folks have asked what I think of the essay “The Omnivore’s Delusion: Against the Agri-intellectuals,” […]
interfacing with wildness
but it seems that farming, and interfacing with the wildness, is good for our psyches. Slow Down: How Our Fast-Paced World Is Making Us Sick By Linda Buzzell, AlterNet. Posted […]
greenhorns art - miranda currie
Greenhorn & artist Miranda Currie sent us some of her whimsical artwork recently, and we love it. Here's a note from Miranda about her work and inspiration. I currently work […]
kentucky greenhorns
Teen greenhorns in Kentucky, recipients of Rural Youth Loans from the Farm Service Agency. Working hard for the moo-la By Katheran Wasson July 19, 2009 published in The State Journal […]
look who's farming now
we love it when zoe gets airtime. and particuarly since she lived on credit cards for the past year after being turned down for a Loan from the local farm […]
king corn boys -- at it again.
Our only comment: Boys! Get some Land! Drive Through: A Truck Farm Grows in Brooklyn by Curt Ellis When my buddy Ian suggested we turn his ’86 Dodge half-ton into […]
Comanche Greenhorns
Our friend Chandler Briggs, a greenhorn at Island Meadow Farm on Vashon Island, sent us this great article on some rad young farmers in Texas at Windy Hill Organics. Organic […]
mississippi young farmers
Click here to download the March 2008 Farm Country Magazine (a publication of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation) highlighting Mississippi's young farmers. Scroll past the Beef Council ads and the […]
land. the issue is land.
interesting commentary on one farm's struggles, celebrations and learnings with regards to land. Check out their blog: Red Planet Vegetables These first five years at Red Planet have been exciting […]
can we PLEASE have 'reality based food policy"
these rules they have about riparian areas, they are rules designed by the folks who farm with lazers. Crops, ponds destroyed in quest for food safety Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Washington […]
digging ditches
you probably know of This I Believe, a "public dialogue on belief". Listen to this one, by Mary Seton Corboy of Greensgrow, a pioneer in urban gardening in Philadelphia. […]
generation m
we like this manifesto! m is for movement, and meaningful stuff that matters the most. The Generation M Manifesto Dear Old People Who Run the World, My generation would like […]
news from island meadow farm
Greenhorn Chandler Briggs of Island Meadow Farm, on Vashon Island in Puget Sound, passed on this little note about their first season, and some nice local press! It's a process […]
official CNN report: If you farm, you will eat well.
hey, we're not saying it. It's CNN who has figured this out... Life on an Organic Farm by Jack Hamann Lynden, Washington (CNN) -- Jesse Williams' career as an organic […]
on the dairy crisis
here is a re-post from the ethicurean...a bit dated, but important and serious stuff. We were wondering about this on the greenhorns radio show. Not milk: The ingredient behind the […]
is it suburbi-feudalism?
Do we approve of this trend in agri-burbia? Is working for a Home Owner's association better than working for the man? Do we think it offers hope to the young […]
in it to win it
young farmer ninjas have what it takes to survive the global warming blasts. real guts. real courage. real resilient diversified systems! here's the latest from our friend Nic Koontz of […]
news from a goat-milking greenhorn in spain
We just got word from Greenhorn Talia Kahn-Kravis, who's busy spreading the good greenhorns vibes in the mountains of Spain! Talia worked with us all of last year, maintaining databases […]
Dissertation to Dirt
we asked greenhorn Neysa King to tell us a bit about her experience transitioning to the farming life. here's what she had to say... My fiancée Travis and I had […]
help from the state
State programs out to help young farmers Two beginning-farmer programs are helping a new generation of farmers and ranchers with below-market interest rates, fee reductions and other services by David […]
cargill et al still benefitting
Cargill, Bunge Win Most Export Aid Since 1992 as Credit Slows By Alan Bjerga May 27 (Bloomberg) -- Cargill Inc., Archer Daniels Midland Co. and Bunge Ltd. are benefiting from […]
farm or die - a revised manifesto
fresh stuff from greenhorn Trace Ramsey Farm or Die - A Revised Manifesto A few months ago I wrote an essay that became known as “A Young Farmer Manifesto” for […]
hey mom, i want to farm
some brilliant advice from a director of the Yale Sustainable Food Project to graduating students & their parents. Hey Mom, I Want to Farm Jun 5 2009, by Melina Shannon-DiPietro […]
update from the director of the greenhorns
Almost two years after its founding in a basement in Berkeley, California, The Greenhorns has matured from an idea for a recruitment film into a widespread national community. We are […]
fishkill farms re-opening party!
here's a note from greenhorn hannah geller... Dear Fellow Greenhorns, We’d like to invite all of you to join us here at Fishkill Farms on Saturday, June 13 for our […]
more hinterland farm happenings
here's a letter from a greenhorn in Gill, Colorado. Front Rangers - take note, and head to the barn dance on tuesday! Hello Severine, I love your blog and the […]
dairy woes
NY Times: Organic Dairies Watch the Good Times Turn Bad If you are 35, capitalized, and looking to buy dairy equiptment--now might be a great time. If you are 17 […]
Farm news from the hinterlands...
Dear Severine, I've been following your blog for the past several months, as I finished one farm apprenticeship and started another. I had been meaning to send a note to […]
outsourcing ag
Buying farmland abroad: Outsourcing's third wave The Economist (London) | May 21st 2009 Rich food importers are acquiring vast tracts of poor countries' farmland. Is this beneficial foreign investment or […]
Small Farm Revival
Here's an uplifting story about West Oakland, urban farming and agricultural revival. Security, business drive small farm revival By Suzanne Bohan Contra Costa Times 05/16/2009 The din of a neighborhood […]
Ag Issues in the News
Some light reading for a drizzly day... Seriously people. BUY MILK! not sodapop Young Dairy Farmers Worry About Future - Brattleboro Reformer, May 8 bootstrap optimism. but only to a […]
Immoral Maize
Contamination is a crime against humanity. And this piece is brilliant. LONG, but worth the time. Immoral Maize: Extract from Don't Worry, It's Safe to Eat by Andrew Rowell I […]
So, she's not farming...
But she is Sexy. Liz Hurley shares her country "estate" with four labradors, two cats, three geese, eight chickens, 49 cows, 63 sheep and 82 pigs, and thinks people look […]
Snippets from Rodale
via Comfood, some of Rodale's recent work... Carbon, Connections and Culture Toward an ecologically sound, greenhouse-gas reducing and socially just foodshed for New York City. Without factoring in farming systems […]
Perspectives on the Swine Flu
If you have to read about Swine Flu, you might as well read this. And then go eat some pastured pork. The swine flu crisis lays bare the meat industry's […]
Wolf Lake Farm, PA
A re-post from the Green Fork blog, on greenhorns Kristen and Nate Johanson of Wolf Lake Farm in Pennsylvania. Starting Farming on the Cheap: An interview with Kristen and Nate […]
Joel Salatin & Food, Inc.
The mainstream press is catching on: 'Natural patterns' of farming touted in documentary By Joshua Hatch, USA TODAY SWOOPE, Va. - The white metal sign over the desk at Polyface […]
Spring Harvest
Greenhorns & Sustainable Foodie Types across the country are harvest and savoring the first green growing things of the season - asparagus, fiddleheads, ramps, radishes. Here's Greenhorn Zoe Bradbury's take […]