Celebrating 16 Years!

Greenhorns has reached an important milestone with our 16 year anniversary in 2023! Thanks to many of you, we’ve persisted and evolved as a young agrarian institution, with an outstanding list of achievements, a beautiful archive of films and publications, a large national and international network, and a lovely campus in the historic coastal village of Pembroke, Maine. Thank you for your support over the years, and here's to a bright future ahead for Greenhorns everywhere.

Help us continue this work

Your tax-deductible donation to Greenhorns will help us support ongoing programs, expand our reach, and continue our work towards agrarian reform and a healthy future for all.

Welcoming 2024

2024 will be Greenhorns' seventh season here in Downeast Maine. With a new baby and a hugely diverse set of projects underway, we're dedicating this year to intensification, focus, and depth. This means fewer weekend workshops, and more residency-based programs.

Throughout the spring we'll get our site updated with our latest project updates. Here is where we're putting our focus this year.

  • We'll host the Third Annual Pennamaquan Alewife Festival on May 24+25, alongside the Pennamaquan River in "downtown" Pembroke. Thank you to Maine Office of Tourism and Downeast Salmon Federation for supporting this event! 

  • We'll continue expanding the Smithereen Farmstore and the shared-use Minke Kitchen, to feature and sell locally-grown produce and value-added products. This is a collaboration between Greenhorns and Smithereen Farm and is funded by a grant from the USDA Local Food Promotion Program.

  • Greenhorns is producing the new "Local Food Map" promoting Washington County farm producers and products, based on the precedent-setting map done by WCOG's Judy East, ten years ago.

  • We're hosting our seventh season of seaweed harvest and learning, and we'll release our seaweed episode of Earthlife.tv!

  • We'll install interpretive trail signage along the Pennamaquan River View Trail, built by volunteers and our Americorps VISTA for public access.

  • We'll support Sue van Hook's continuing MycoBuoys program, which is working on an alternative to plastic in aquaculture. We'll help especially with outreach, distribution, and media documentation. This project was incubated in the shed behind Grey Lodge, which it has now outgrown! It's supported by a Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant.

  • We'll create and install a FarmHack studio, in the outbuilding behind Grey Lodge, showcasing Don Blair's water quality and greenhouse sensors as an exhibit. He'll be back for a workshop, as will renaissance "tinker" Lu Yoder, all organized by our wonderful FarmHack Fellow, Elizabeth Baumhoff.

  • We'll hold increased public open hours at the Reversing Hall Agrarian Library. Librarian in Residence Lou Judge will host open days, improving public access and facilitating "Activist Scholar-in-Residence" programs. We'll also give attention to renovations and safety upgrades at Reversing Hall, thanks to the Steven and Tabitha King Foundation.

  • We'll welcome back ARRT (Artist Rapid Response Team), for an art retreat working with Sipayik School and local youth to create public art at Pleasant Point.

  • We'll welcome back artist Rosy Keyser, to renew the Minke Whale and Alewife signage. We'll have a few other artists coming for week-long residencies, details TBA.

  • We’ll host more visiting chefs to work with Washington County's abuntant native plants including wild blueberries, chokecherries, sweet fern, sweet bay, and lesser-used seaweeds that are easy to process with our shared drying infrastrucure—with the intention of bringing these ingredients to more regionally common culinary use.

  • We'll continue our collaborative work on the Maine Civic Halls Initiative, supporting and advocating for the restoration and continued use of civic hall infrastructure statewide. Join the list to get notifications about grant committee meetings, in-person gatherings, and pop-up exhibits. Write us at [email protected].

  • We'll work on the next volume of the New Farmers Almanac, volume 7, theme "Premonition." We'll finally print the "Habitat Everywhere" Guide.

There's always a lot going on at Greenhorns HQ! Join us in 2024 as we deepen our focus and facilitate a shared exploration and celebration of this Downeast ecosystem we call home.

The GREENHORNS believe we humans must reform agriculture to survive on this planet. Our mission is to create a welcoming cultural space and a practical professional resource for those new to ecological farming. We make books, films, radio, parties, symposia, workshops, networking and online curriculum. We are based in rural Maine where we farm and host campers, researchers, media producers, artists and collaborators. Our community is the international movement of LA VIA CAMPESINA. Our activism helps us express our solidarity with future generations and the non-human world. Come! We can do it together.


About us »
  • Wild Maine Blueberry Weekend with Odessa Piper

    August 3 2024 - August 4 2024  

     Maine Wild Blueberry Weekend takes place across the state, and we celebrate with a free, family-friendly event on Saturday and Sunday, 10am-3pm both days. 

    Blueberry Weekend Tic-Tac-Toe — Three stops on your blueberry tour of Pembroke!

    All of these locations are bike-able, if you can bring your bike on a rack, you could park at any of the 3 places, and do a lovely loop! There are plenty of places to jump into salty or fresh water along the way!

    1. Wild Blueberry U-Pick at Blueberry Land, our organic blueberry barrens. Special FREE WEEKEND! Typically $4 a pint. 306 Youngs Cove Road 

    2. Handpie Making at the Summer Kitchen at Smithereen Home Farm — Hand Pie Making in the shade, hosted by chef legend Odessa Piper,
    3. to talk and chat about berry cooking of all kinds, sample and savor, roll and press the handpies in the breezy shade, bake in the outdoor wood oven and enjoy a view of Cobscook Bay while chatting with whomever shows up! 767 Leighton Point Road

    4. Blueberry Treats of all kinds at the Smithereen Farm Store — Blueberry popsicles, frozen blueberries, and more! The Farm Store offers a delightful range of local food products, takeaway, sauces, dairy, meat, fish, eggs, candies, tinned fish, camping supplies, a surprising diversity of healthy foods from Washington County and small farms in Maine. 12 Little Falls Road, open 8am-3pm.

    Smithereen Farm Summer Kitchen: 767 Leighton Point Road, Pembroke ME 04666
    Blueberry Land U-Pick: 306 Young's Cove Road, Pembroke ME 04666
    Smithereen Farm Store: 12 Little Falls Road, Pembroke ME 04666

  • Chokecherry + Fireweed Intensive with Rachel Alexandrou

    August 17 2024 - August 18 2024  
    Smithereen Farm, 767 Leighton Point Rd, Pembroke, ME 04666, USA

    --> SIGN UP HERE!

    Join wild edible plant educator Rachel Alexandrou for a hands-on, immersive workshop identifying, harvesting, processing, cooking and tasting two important, abundant and delicious plants of Downeast, Maine. This weekend-long workshop is meant for anyone interested in learning about how to safely harvest and eat these plants or for those seeking to experience a communal wild food harvest. All levels of experience are welcome. 

    Chokecherry is a prolific, native shrub that is often overlooked in modern North American cuisine. Together we will prepare a brilliant magenta juice and syrup as well as chome cherry bbq sauce. Fireweed is another native fire-loving plant which can be processed into a complex and flavorful tea reminiscent of a fruity, floral black tea. 

    We will end the weekend creating a feast together and tasting the fruits of our labor. Based on the abundance of the hedgerow, and the swiftness of our handiwork, participants may be able to take home a jar of syrup, jam, bbq sauce, or fireweed tea.

    Signup for the workshop here (link coming soon) and then book your stay through Smithereen Farm HipCamp. Campsites with outdoor tent platforms are available for your stay during the workshop. If you have any questions about the workshop, do not hesitate to reach out to Rachel via email: [email protected]

    Rachel Alexandrou is an interdisciplinary artist who uses her education in plant science, and collaborative practice, to create experiential work about food, flora, and innovating human relationships to the natural landscape. Find out more about her @giantdaughter on Instagram or her website giantdaughter.com for more information on her events around Maine this year.



    • 10–11am — Meet at the outdoor kitchen for breakfast and introductions 
    • 11am–1pm —Fireweed Harvest 
    • 1–2pm — Lunch!
    • 2:30pm — Chokecherry Harvest
    • 4:30pm — Cleaning and Juicemaking in the kitchen 


    • 10am–12pm — participants may join in on the community plantwalk (see below), process fireweed, or enjoy free time swimming etc.
    • 12pm — Lunch 
    • 1pm — Processing Fireweed and cooking chokecherry sauces or any other foraged recipes in the outdoor kitchen
    • 6pm — Wild Feast, Fire and Hangout 

    Community PLANTWALK 
    Sunday August 18 

    Join us Sunday morning for a family friendly wild edible plantwalk at Smithereen Farm. We will meet at the outdoor kitchen and make our way through the gardens and to the shore learning about the wild edible and medicinal plants along the way. Notebooks are highly encouraged during this walk as lots of information will be disseminated. At the end of the walk, participants will be invited to the kitchen for a foraged refreshment. This walk is open to community members, visitors and is included for Fireweed/Chokecherry Workshop participants.

  • Community Plant Walk with Rachel Alexandrou

    August 18 2024

    More information coming soon!

A Digital Magazine & Podcast For The Intrepid Young Farmer

Check out our series EARTHLIFE. Our first episode is ALEWIVES, exploring the landscape, looking upstream, downriver and out to sea to discover the destiny of our home region. See our episodes on BERRIES, CIVIC HALLS, and SEAWEED. Alongside our films, we've created a multimedia learning-experience with audio interviews, articles, out-links, archival and contemporary materials that inform an approach to ecological farming, rural enterprise and coalition building.

dive in »

THE New Farmers Almanac

Order Volume VI: Adjustments and Accommodations today!

This latest volume seeks to recognize our own collective agency in the face of sizable uncertainties. The morphing climate, ongoing culture of land dispossession, continuing global pandemic, shifting and intensifying weather patterns, and migrations of all species—spurned by political and environmental upheaval—are considered within. There is adaptability in each bloom of algae; tiny particles of inspiration can enliven lives and farm systems; the natural currents and connected sentience of the living earth moves genetic material. Dynamic flux and rapid change remain possible.

Order Now >



As a literary journal powered by farmers, for farmers, with farmers—in daily relation with the living world. Vol. 7 is called PREMONITION. Literature, as in dreamworld allows our human psyches to sort, unfold and reorganize memories and meaning. Evolutionary life, learning from extremity, unfolds with inspiration, trembles towards survival. We are earth-bound beings tuned to a world wide web of soil, it is a response to narratives of inevitability and selfishness taught by these machines. This Almanac challenges us to share our premonitions: what transmissions we are receiving from the living world?

Email your abstracts ASAP (no later than February 28, 2024) to [email protected]

Learn more about volume 7: Premonition >

Maine Civic Halls Initiative

The Maine Civic Halls Initiative seeks to preserve, restore, and support the role of civic halls as critical rural community-building resources in Maine.

Drawing on the expertise of historians, government officials, community leaders, business owners, economists, and active grangers/Masons, and citing original research, Greenhorns and project partners Maine Preservation and Friends of Liberty Hall produced a report on the current status of civic halls of Hancock and Washington counties. 

Learn more and read the report here>

seaweed Commons network

We are part of an international collective of seaweed growers, lifelong harvesters, scientists and advocates. We believe that the seaweed aquaculture industry should be developed with a precautionary approach: conservation minded, at an appropriate scale, and with local ownership and control. Farms should be small scale until knowledge gaps can be satisfactorily filled and the impact on wild coastal ecosystems and coastal communities is shown to be minimal.

Visit The SITE »

Read our contribution to LUMA ARLES AR#1: Aquaculture

Read the ETC group's paper: The Seaweed Delusion