Essays & Articles
the farm bill and beginning farmers
via the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition's Blog. Also check out a response they posted from a farmer. Vilsack: Farm Bill Should Emphasize Beginning Farmers A funny thing happened on the […]
always read schlosser
Unsafe at Any Meal By ERIC SCHLOSSER July 24, 2010 EVERY day, about 200,000 Americans are sickened by contaminated food. Every year, about 325,000 are hospitalized by a food-borne illness. […]
fighting the good fight
many thanks to greenhorn Tim Quinn of Lost World Farm for his words and photos. He says of the Greenhorns, "Your group has been a large part of my inspiration, […]
front step farm
Check out this video from the Providence Journal on a new urban farming project. |
farmers = rockstars
--so says a recent piece by Christine LaPado in Chico's news, where the greenhorns get a shout out! you can read the blurb HERE rock on.
this is crazy
Young farmers: On-job training a must Federal proposal would keep non-family off land By Rick Dandes The Daily Item SUNBURY — A law proposed by a California congresswoman may make […]
need young farmers!
Agriculture struggles with lack of young farmers BY COURTENAY EDELHART, Californian staff writer [email protected] | Saturday, Jun 12 2010 12:00 PM Don Davis' grandfather founded his family's northern Kern County […]
best management
The Journal of Extension recently published a short paper called "Best Management Practices for Beginning Farmer Support," documenting strategies and recommendations shared by great CCE educators who have a long […]
dissertation to dirt
Greenhorn Neysa King keeps a blog about her transition to a career in organic farming, Dissertation to Dirt. Recently, She sent us this new post about her first year working […]
responsive regulators
Good news on the doj hearings. Remember. it's not glamourous news. But at least it's not an unstoppable oilspill wafting out over the commons. By WILLIAM NEUMAN Published: June 18, […]
zen of maintenance, motorcycle or otherwise
By MATTHEW B. CRAWFORD Published NY Times: May 21, 2009 The television show “Deadliest Catch” depicts commercial crab fishermen in the Bering Sea. Another, “Dirty Jobs,” shows all kinds of […]
retired farmland
A nice piece on the Transitions Incentive Program. From conservation land to beginning farmer land! Program seeks retired farm land By Vershal Hogan (Contact) | The Natchez Democrat Published Monday, […]
earnest prose from a young farmer
“A Pipe Dream Revolution” is a portrayal of a young person’s quest to be a sustainable farmer, to live off the land and with integrity. It’s representative of a surging […]
champion advocates for young farmers in Canada see success
Feds pledge "future farmers'" summit June 1, 2010 from The federal government plans to convene a meeting this fall of young and beginning farmers with representatives from the ag […]
marketing to the psyche
just today in the nytimes -- major food brands (sugar pap mostly) are advertising between 15- 82% more than usual. What does this mean and how are they doing it? […]
this is the holy land
steven's recent book" the call of the land" has a little passage about greenhorns in it. This is the Holy Land…I Am a Human Being May 22, 2010 – “I’m […]
big oil goes to college
Jennifer Washburn passed on this NYtimes article that references her forthcoming report, Big Oil Goes to College, which is being published by the Center for American Progress Hopefully, this […]
bennett sings songs
Our friend Bennett, who traveled the world on a Watson Fellowship to learn work songs, was just featured in the NYtimes: City Slickers Take to the Crops, With Song Check […]
biogas from dairy cows
A Data Center Power Supply that Moos By ASHLEE VANCE. May 18, 2010. Hey diddle diddle. Guess what the cow has done this time? America’s dairy farmers could soon find […]
more up there more!
The Food Movement, Rising by Michael Pollan, New York Review of Books. June 10 2010. Food Made Visible It might sound odd to say this about something people deal with […]
using nature's bounty to feed the hungry
May 21, 2010. By Allie Brown, CNN West Milford, New Jersey (CNN) -- For Gary Oppenheimer, 2007 was a year of plenty. His backyard garden produced a bountiful harvest with […]
annie in atlantic
Diary of an Urban Farmer: Braving the Storm by Annie Novak Two weeks ago, three stories up in the air, I knelt on the rocky, shallow soil of the Eagle […]
is there dirt under your fingernails this morning?
regardless of the answer, you'll appreciate this article by Shannon Hayes. The Work Ahead Growing renewed relationships with our food, homes, and communities requires hard work. It's time we embrace […]
elysian fields of france
Thanks to Paula for telling us about this article from the . MAY 23, 2010: The Champs-Elysees was transformed into a giant strip of farmland, as French farmers attempted […]
the trades are rising
our wonderful mechanic out here, pat kinney says that this year he's had 4 requests to apprentice at his shop from kids who'd dropped out of school and wanted to […]
burning monsanto's seeds.
Haitian Farmers Commit to Burning Monsanto Hybrid Seeds Tuesday 18 May 2010, by Beverly Bell "A new earthquake" is what peasant farmer leader Chavannes Jean-Baptiste of the Peasant Movement of […]
up tunket road
Here is a delightful new book from Chelsea Green, which we're digging into right now. Up Tunket Road , the Education of a Modern Homesteader Ever since Thoreau’s Walden, […]
from our friends over in "reduce monopoly" world.
"Drop Dead Economics": The Financial Crisis in Greece and the European Union The Wealthy Won’t Pay Their Taxes, So Labor Must Do So By Michael Hudson Riddle: How are the […]
greenhorns in OR, ID, WA
Our pal chandler passed this along - press opportunity for young farmers! Know any up-and-coming farmers, ranchers, or agribusiness people that would make interesting profile subjects for a story in […]
make sure you know about this blog/publication
Daily Yonder. Relevant news for rural America. Check out their latest offerings: Dear Readers, We bring stories of local food and beverage this week. David Mudd reviews Cornbread Nation 5, […]
aussie greenhorns
we've been hearing from more and more young farmers in australia-- they are getting organized over there too.. and hot on the email. Farmers' voice needs to be loud and […]
useful source material
courtesy of the soil association. “I battle so furiously on behalf of the small family farm because they are threatened with extinction from huge global corporate concerns, and governments that […]
even in Texas, the rose blooms.
and applications are due May 14! New Beginnings TDA grants jump start a budding generation of farmers... Friday, May 7, 2010; By Matt Felder Trent Thompson is a fire fighter. […]
controversy over 'Farming the planet"...
what do we think about geo tinkery? As huge cloud-whitening experiment goes public, global coalition urges an immediate halt to geoengineering First UN talks on issue in thirty years begin […]
a poem to start off your week
greenhorn Katy Giombolini sent us this letter and a beautiful poem that she wrote! Thanks Katy, good luck in the fields this summer. I was taking a poetry class this […]
rodale rodale rodale
Their May newsletter is chock full of good information, resources, tips, and research findings. Check it our HERE.. And their Spring Planting Festival is this weekend!
greenhorns reading list
Starting today, and weekly from now on, we'll be featuring books all of us greenhorns who " farm with their brains as well as their bodies". We'll categorize them under […]
holy smokes
imagine if the midwest grew 28 kinds of vegetables for local consumption! A very nice study just came out unfurling the economic impact of such a future-- no surprise, more […]
king corn boys, swing + hit
just out in the nytimes: For Corn Syrup, the Sweet Talk Gets Harder By MELANIE WARNER Published: April 30, 2010 FOR much of 2009, Michael Locascio, an executive at ConAgra […]
energy efficiencies!
This just in from our scientist friend Lucas Patzek. I have just moved to Washington State University's research station in Mount Vernon, which is about 30 minutes south of Bellingham. […]