an update on GIPSA
Originally posted on on the National Young Farmers' Coalition Blog. The USDA has published the Final Rule implementing the 2008 Farm Bill provisions in order to help protect livestock and […]
new single horse implement
We're happy to help spread the word about this new tool! For all you fans of draft power. [youtube=] Anny’s All in One This multi-purpose implement is based on a […]
intern at cricket creek
Cricket Creek Farm is a small grass-based dairy in Williamstown, Massachusetts. We make several award-winning cheeses from the milk of our herd of Brown Swiss and Jersey cows (currently milking […]
books for farmers
via Civil Eats: Farmers Talk About the Books that Inspire Them Scores of books depict farms as little slices of heaven on earth, where venison is smoked and butter is […]
sylvester manor field crew
This is a wonderful place, greenhorns. FULL-SEASON and PART-SEASON “FIELD CREW PLUS” Sylvester Manor Farm, a rejuvenated, growing farm on Shelter Island, NY in Suffolk (the state’s agricultural leader) county’s […]
here is the original FARMSHOW
as spring scurries nearer and nearer to us each day, check out this place for all things farm.
real food in hospitals
this article sheds light on the evolution/revolution going on in the world of hospital food. Brought to you by Food Fair Network:
blazing bluegrass in shelter island, NY
Grammy-nominated Blue Highway, a contemporary bluegrass band, will play Shelter Island, NY in a concert sponsored by Sylvester Manor Educational Farmwith support from the Town of Shelter Island Recreation Department. […]
NOFA-NY announces journeyperson program
NOFA-NY will be accepting applications from qualified new farmers to participate in its two-year support program, known as the NOFA-NY Journeyperson Program, until February 8th, 2012. NOFA-NY, along with state […]
holistic management workshop
Join us for a 3-day, hands-on workshop on Holistic goal setting, decision-making, and land use planning featuring Holistic Management Certified Educator, Kirk Gadzia. We will spend time in the field […]
rock the bike
Check out this 6-minute video to learn about the Philosophy of Rock The Bike. This interview and performance footage of Rock The Bike’s founder Paul Freedman, a.k.a. Fossil Fool, was […]
deb eschmeyer is keynote!
Don't miss the 2012 WFAN annual conference, Friday and Saturday, January 20 and 21 in Des Moines. We are planning the most entertaining, educational conference ever! The theme: Women Transforming the […]
check them out
growing culture is growing up .. not just a blog anymore. have a look!
soils = life
View the videos on Human Health, Food Security and Water Quality
no farms no food rally, feb 15 - Albany
Do you care about local food, productive farmland and a strong farm and food economy for New York state? Tell Governor Cuomo and state legislators how much you care about […]
bicycle-powered carding!
It's called the Cyclocarder and was invented by Katherine Jolda. Read more about it HERE
small farm grant applications due friday!
That's January 13th. The Cornell Small Farms Program is requesting proposals for projects that address specific priorities for small farms in New York as identified at the 2010 statewide Small […]
grass farmer seeking partner
Here is a note from Ed Robertson who owns a 373 acre farm in Theresa, NY. He's looking for an experienced Grazier to partner with. If interested, contact him by […]
greenhorns winter newsletter
What a gentle start to winter. After that one big snow, its been just fine and sunny. Much nicer than last year. Good weather for making lists, actually. What will […]
bike a bee
Check out this project from young beekeeper Jana Kinsman and read her note below! She could use a kickstart. [vimeo] Hello young farmer friends, I wanted to share with […]
jobs at Holcomb Farm
Holcomb Farm is a fast-paced production-oriented produce farm. We have two year round farmers and a seasonal staff of 4-10 for about 28 acres of vegetables plus a small amount […]
permaculture farmers seeking a housemate
Ever expanding lot of green farmers seeks comrade for adventures in communal living. Homesteading? Yes. Permaculture? Yes. Strengthening the local food economy? For sure. Room for rent. $300/month. 20 miles […]
have you heard of the jang seeder?
Local Roots Farm talks about their experience: You can purchase the seeder through Johnny's Selected Seeds HERE. And HERE is a tech sheet on the rollers.
NY apprenticeship opportunity
Denniston Hill, Majestic Farms, and Trussbridge Farm are pleased to announce the availability of a farm apprenticeship program that underscores the creative aspects of small farming. Located in Sullivan County, NY - […]
california job opening
Hidden Villa is a nonprofit educational organization that uses its organic farm, wilderness, and community to teach and provide opportunities to learn about the environment and social justice. Hidden Villa […]
dr. huber on GMOs
Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Don M. Huber, one of the senior scientists in the U.S about area of science that relates to genetically modified organisms. [youtube=]
grow your farmer
this article in Sightline dishes about a new incubator mixes Latino farmworkers and foodie entrepreneurs in the NW:
2011 Trends: Food+Tech
Food+Tech Connect published three end of the year reports looking at the information and technology currently driving innovations in the food system. We thought many of you would be interested in reading: […]
farming opportunity in northern california
Brought to you by the good folks at Gaberville Farm: We are seeking a farming couple, or individuals to come and help us on our certified organic farm. We are […]
usda organic production survey
Farmers: Participate in Organic Production Survey! USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service is quantifying organic production in the United States. The data will help shape decisions regarding farm policy, funding allocations, […]
job posting at camino de paz school - new mexico
Farm Manager Position (Horticulture) – Camino de Paz School & Farm Contact Info: Horticulture Manager is responsible for 2 acres of year-round produce production (includes 5,000 sq ft of […]
demand for organic milk
As Supply Dwindles, Organic Milk Gets Popular There is a shortage of organic milk across the country, and it has become so bad in areas like the Southeast that Publix […]
a movie about food stamps
seeking apprentices, sullivan county NY
Denniston Hill, Majestic Farms, and Trussbridge Farm are pleased to announce the availability of a farm apprenticeship program that underscores the creative aspects of small farming. Located in Sullivan County, […]
job opportunity with city sprouts - MA
CitySprouts is a nonprofit school garden organization that partners with public schools to build schools’ capacity to integrate school gardens with existing curricula and school culture. CitySprouts operates as a […]
we want partnerships, not handouts
A nice framework:
a guide for greenhorns from 1775
The open source, scanned copy of American Husbandry, Volume II, 1775 (provided by google books).
new food movie
A work in progress: Food Patriots [youtube=] Food Patriots is a film and public engagement campaign with a goal to start a conversation about food that inspires audiences to make […]
farmland available - NC
Arden NC (20 minutes SW of Asheville). We are searching for a farmer who is interested in putting our small plot of land into production. This is land only, no […]