from our friends over in "reduce monopoly" world.
"Drop Dead Economics": The Financial Crisis in Greece and the European Union The Wealthy Won’t Pay Their Taxes, So Labor Must Do So By Michael Hudson Riddle: How are the […]
greenhorns in OR, ID, WA
Our pal chandler passed this along - press opportunity for young farmers! Know any up-and-coming farmers, ranchers, or agribusiness people that would make interesting profile subjects for a story in […]
kellogg youth
who are awesome troopers--
those italians
The 7th International Audiovisual Festival of Biodiversity is now online. It is possible to watch and vote participating videos on the digital platform till the 23rd of May. Your vote […]
make sure you know about this blog/publication
Daily Yonder. Relevant news for rural America. Check out their latest offerings: Dear Readers, We bring stories of local food and beverage this week. David Mudd reviews Cornbread Nation 5, […]
aussie greenhorns
we've been hearing from more and more young farmers in australia-- they are getting organized over there too.. and hot on the email. Farmers' voice needs to be loud and […]
food & farm film series
Maine Farmland Trust is excited to announce a creative collaboration with Portland's SPACE Gallery. From May 20-23, SPACE Gallery will be hosting a Food & Farm film series; and each evening, the feature film will […]
useful source material
courtesy of the soil association. “I battle so furiously on behalf of the small family farm because they are threatened with extinction from huge global corporate concerns, and governments that […]
even in Texas, the rose blooms.
and applications are due May 14! New Beginnings TDA grants jump start a budding generation of farmers... Friday, May 7, 2010; By Matt Felder Trent Thompson is a fire fighter. […]
controversy over 'Farming the planet"...
what do we think about geo tinkery? As huge cloud-whitening experiment goes public, global coalition urges an immediate halt to geoengineering First UN talks on issue in thirty years begin […]
a poem to start off your week
greenhorn Katy Giombolini sent us this letter and a beautiful poem that she wrote! Thanks Katy, good luck in the fields this summer. I was taking a poetry class this […]
rodale rodale rodale
Their May newsletter is chock full of good information, resources, tips, and research findings. Check it our HERE.. And their Spring Planting Festival is this weekend!
farm mom
Nominate Your WFAN "Sustainable Farming Mom of the Year" by May 7! Have you seen the hoopla lately from Monsanto about nominating candidates for their "Farmer Mom of the Year?" […]
greenhorns reading list
Starting today, and weekly from now on, we'll be featuring books all of us greenhorns who " farm with their brains as well as their bodies". We'll categorize them under […]
holy smokes
imagine if the midwest grew 28 kinds of vegetables for local consumption! A very nice study just came out unfurling the economic impact of such a future-- no surprise, more […]
kelp! i need somebody
[youtube=] Kindest Regards, Rob
king corn boys, swing + hit
just out in the nytimes: For Corn Syrup, the Sweet Talk Gets Harder By MELANIE WARNER Published: April 30, 2010 FOR much of 2009, Michael Locascio, an executive at ConAgra […]
fearless agency!
for your sunday morning enjoyment. [youtube=]
quote of the day
from Les Blank. In April of 1858, Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy wrote to Alexandra Tolstoy, his aunt twice-removed and his closest confidante. He called her babushka,or grandmother, as a sort […]
wild & scenic
this wonderful film festival is on tour! With many films, including our 20 minute cut. For a list of tour dates click HERE
energy efficiencies!
This just in from our scientist friend Lucas Patzek. I have just moved to Washington State University's research station in Mount Vernon, which is about 30 minutes south of Bellingham. […]
oh boy oh boy
we cannot wait for this. culture tracker and magic maker: megan prelinger (greenhorn librarian wunderlady ), has produced a book! A marvelous, highly anticipated treatment of marginalia-- as interpreted thru […]
farmer jane hits the shelves may 1!
What do women have to do with what America eats? Everything. With a hands-on guide for the sustainable food movement Proving that we all can have an impact Farmer Jane: […]
amazing solar install video
solaro! via Pacific Renewables Group
green gone wrong
A new book by Heather Rogers. Read the NYTimes review HERE. , or check out one of the discussions and signings around the country. Green Gone Wrong takes the reader […]
urban food deserts
Re-post of an article recently published in The Root. An Earth Day Solution For Urban Food Deserts With their ''guerrilla'' tactics, black organic farmers are taking Malcolm X's mandate of […]
may day flash mob
Celebrate May Day at SOMArts on Saturday, May 1, 2010 from 12 to 5 p.m. Let's prepare the gardens for summer arts programming. We'll to some weeding, leveling/laying pavers, beating back the […]
seems like chanel is going back to the land
as paula notes, "Farm life, chic agrarianism, and rural color are inspiring fashion!" what do we think of this strange trending?
our homie, angelo
Another (Sub)Urban Homestead In the City of Petaluma, we are converting a 1950's tract home into a productive and sustainable food source. Packing the yards with gardens, fruit trees and […]
good soil
by Fred Bahnson; April 20, 2010 published in Faith & Leadership John Jeavons expects that 20 years from now most of the world’s people will be struggling to eat. Jeavons, […]
the coolest thing... is to be a farmer
By Sarah Murray, April 24, 2010. Until a few weeks ago Callum Saunders’ tiny east London balcony was packed with planters – but not only ones containing flowers or […]
to our great delight
the tao seeger band is on tour. catch them, quick!
bill gates funds farmers
by Ewen MacAskill., Thursday 22 April 2010 Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, donated $30m (£19.5m) to a new fund to help poor farmers today in an effort to […]
food system infrastructure
an essay by Tom Philpott, actually the full-length version of what he wrote in the NYTimes piece we just referenced. To enter a farmers' market in a U.S. city in […]
small grants can help us
A nice little piece in the NYtimes by Benjamin Shute - greenhorn + one of the co-founders of our new National Young Farmers Coalition! His piece is part of a […]
Rooftop Farms, at it again.
Check our our friends Annie & Ben at Rooftop Farms in this sweet video! [vodpod id=Video.3466567&w=425&h=350&fv=] more about "Food Curated » A Farm Grows in Brookl...", posted with vodpod
people's pops shop!
opened up in Chelsea Market. Here are the details: Three seasons in, we've finally grown up. It's still me, my prom date and his old Craigslist roommate, but now we […]
from the small farmers journal event
Which happened last week in Madras Oregon. Listen in on the auction!
the art of eating's bread collection!
The Art of Eating has gathered all bread issues into a new collection - The 12 issues cover pizza, croissants, baguettes, pain au levain, and more. 12 issues, $87 no. […]