Essays & Articles
thoughts on the drake forum
which we recently attended in Washington, D.C. with several other young farmers. Blowin’ in the wind: The true meaning of ‘ag unity’ by Debra Eschmeyer; 8 Mar 2010 Of the […]
more about little city gardens
The latest project of Brooke Budner, our tireless artist and an accomplished young farmer. Brooke just wrote an article about the project for Civil Eats. Little City Gardens: Growing an […]
corporate control
this comes via Farm Aid. Hey Farm Aid, I read your column on concentration in agriculture last month, but I'm confused. You talk about monopolies and fewer consumer choices, but […]
another farmer joins the ranks
we wanted to share this nice little note from Shawn, a new young farmer out in in southern california. I have been waiting for the day that I could send you a […]
yummy bunny
BY: Kim Severson - NY Times RABBITS are supposed to be easy to kill. The French dispatch them with a sharp knife to the throat. A farmer in upstate New […]
speak up for slaughterhouse safety
We are watching. We are expecting. We want to help you get it right. By Peter Eisler, USA TODAY WASHINGTON Department of Agriculture officials failed to act on reports of […]
FFA Article
commentary? Off the Farm, Into the City By Judy Keen, USA TODAY ST. LOUIS — Andre Hall lives in the city and has never plowed a field or fed a […]
join miss annie at her fundraiser, raise (veggies on) the roof!
Hello! Yesterday I took a walk through the Greenmarket picking up the last ingredients for this Saturday night's fundraising dinner for Growing Chefs in Brooklyn. The lineup is wonderful--an evening of […]
field report
a great NY times piece about some spunky NC crop mobbers. By: Christine Muhlke “Who brought their own wheelbarrow?” Rob Jones asked the group of 20-somethings gathered on a muddy […]
archival rhetoric
sophomoric, but still relevant. Open Letter to a Cloned Sheep, Pig, Broiler or Dairy Creature by Severine von Tscharner Fleming "Dear Dolly, It seems that the US Food and Drug […]
farm bureau's young farmers & ranchers competition.
the winners got a new pick-up. Young Farmers and Ranchers Take Top Honors SEATTLE, January 12, 2010 – Winners of the Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Achievement Award, Discussion Meet […]
unemployed? america needs farmers.
this article just came out in The Atlantic. How a New Jobless Era Will Transform America The Great Recession may be over, but this era of high joblessness is probably […]
here's a note we received from some aspiring agrarians who are also making some pretty rad tshirts. Dear Greenhorns Community- I recently wrote to Anne to say how much my […]
life tastes good for young farmers.
so says The Star, a newspaper out of Toronto, in this article. By Jennifer Bain Food Editor The wooden butcher block of food that Mark Trealout and Laura Boyd put […]
collected seed farm
we received this nice email last week... Dear fellow food grower, I am a young farmer in Upstate NY. You gave me your card at a food conference last summer. […]
famous for Soil Buildling, and for Apple Butter. get a load of this! Rodale Institute Newsletter Update – Jan. 21, 2010 Three weeks into 2010, writers at the Rodale Institute […]
our friend jacob and courtney, greenhorns out at Prairie Heritage Farm, just wrote about this little happening. A very sweet story.
loan forgiveness
many thanks to Kimberly Hart for this piece. take action, greenhorns! Grassroots push for Student Loan forgiveness could remove barrier to new entry farmers I recently contacted my U.S. elected […]
jobs of the future
by Ian Wylie The Guardian, Saturday 9 January 2010 It's January 2020. You've commuted to the office in your titanium flying car, to be greeted by a robotic receptionist. You […]
we just heard from a new friend, Evangeline, who has a great blog called FarmApartment. She wrote a post about Hungry Filmmakers + the greenhorns. I write a blog called […]
canada's outstanding young farmers
Stratford couple voted Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2009 By DAVE STEWART The Guardian Canada’s top farmer prefers to think of himself as a technologist, an entrepreneur. “The term farmer […]
green acres is the place to be
so says the Wall Street Journal: Green Acres Is the Place to Be The Recession Is Inspiring More Young Families and Singles to Head Back to the Country In June, […]
the gill tract
former greenhorns intern and much beloved friend Anya Kamenskaya wrote this nice piece about her current work out in California. The Gill Tract – Urban farm sanctuary, or just another […]
growth opportunities in farming?
Limited Growth Opportunities in Farming By Sarah Shemkus November 29, 2009 BREWSTER — In April, Eldredge Farm consisted of two greenhouses, a dozen chickens and one very ambitious plan. "I […]
man in overalls
Here are some thoughts from our new friend Nathan Ballantine, aka "Man in Overalls". He's a budding greenhorn, himself. with a terrific blog. Back in July while visiting my good […]
and the pursuit of happiness
this is a beautiful piece, in both words and images. And the Pursuit of Happiness by Maira Kalman
futurist banquet
Here is our friend + fellow greenhorn Oliver's account of the Futurist Banquet held at the MOMA in San Francisco a few weeks ago... it seems epic butchery events are […]
the necessity of agriculture
an essay by wendell berry. Read it, along with Louis Bromfield's Malabar Farm. THE NECESSITY OF AGRICULTURE By Wendell Berry, from a May 16 speech given in acceptance of the […]
Our illustrator and friend Brooke Budner has a question for the crowd: "I'm looking, looking for grants to fund our little city gardens work. We frame it as a social […]
call for papers!
Hi there beginning farmer thinkers. here's an opportunity to share your perspectives on this emergent movement, and get academic credit for it! The Journal of Agriculture and Food Systems Development […]
an update from Ibti!
If you're a faithful blog reader, you may remember Ibti, the plucky young woman who'd decided to bike across the country visiting local, sustainable farms. Having heard she'd made it […]
mud creek farm
from the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Young farmer expanding her business and growing interest October 8, 2009; Troy L. Smith Growing up, Erin Bullock couldn't even tell you what farming […]
musings from a garlic-growing greenhorn
Dear Greenhorns, Sarajane here, writing from Keith's Farm in Port Jervis NY. There is much to say and do, tell and ask. For now, though I want to let you […]
We need a tribe of juicy gypsies
with fruit leather machetes quivers of jam rubbers and a strong set of canning tongs. the fruit is going to waste that is needed by a large + growing population […]
urine & wood ash?
thanks to our friend Dorian for this piece. Sustainable Fertilizer: Urine And Wood Ash Produce Large Harvest Human urine and wood ash appear to make a potent, inexpensive fertilizer combination […]
draft horses getting notice!
lots of greenhorns we know work with draft horses, and our friends at Sterling College are busy teaching the next generation. Yes! Magazine takes note: Sterling’s Draft Horse Program Receives […]
need an excuse to get polished up on GMO issues?
This should provide one: GM crops: Battlefield (Download a PDF of this story - not free) from Nature Publishing Group Papers suggesting that biotech crops might harm the environment attract […]
the new american farmer
An old article, but solid. Read a more recent article on Travis & Amy Forgues here The New American Farmer By Noel C. Paul ALBURG SPRINGS, VT. - If the […]
food + sex previews nationwide
greenhorns ally Mark Andrew Gravel of Agrarian Art Lab is behind this new mag. Not Your Average Food Porn: Food + Sex Previews Nationwide New collage art food magazine Food […]
art & ag in brooklyn
a re-post from The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Avant-Garde Agriculture, Architecture Meet in B’klyn Futurists’ Workshop Attracts Students From All Over World By Stephen Rex Brown BROOKLYN — When Dr. Mitchell […]