want to stay in the loop? join our mailing list!
We send out monthly eblasts with event listings, policy updates, young farmer resources, essays and more. Sign up HERE! Here's a teaser of a few upcoming event, find more on our website […]
urban farmer training
The High School for Public Service Youth Farm (a partnership between the school, Green Guerillas and BK Farmyards) is offering an Urban Farmer Training Program for the 2012 season. Based […]
who wants a truck? paso robles, CA
California greenhorns, this is a great opportunity if you're in need of a good farm rig and particularly if you're mechanically inclined! Here's a note from some generous farmers who […]
consider joining this listserv to learn about ag policy
It's called Farm Policy. To subscribe, send an email to: [email protected]. Here's their latest: Ag Economy (USDA Outlook Forum); Farm Bill; Regulations; and Political Notes Posted By Keith Good On February 24, […]
marketing webinar
Now is the time to brush up on your marketing skills! Marketing 101 Webinar: March 15, 9:30-11:00 a.m. Register now! Are you new to organic production and want to get […]
EQUIP deadling approaches: apply!
Funding Available for Conservation Organic Farming Practices The $50 million EQIP program, (a huge victory of OFRF’s policy efforts), is providing financial and technical assistance to growers who implement innovative […]
urban ag talk at the new school
Tonight! Urban Agriculture's Origins and Opportunities in Oakland: An Interdisciplinary and Participatory Approach Nathan McClintock, Assistant Professor of Urban Studies and Planning at Portland State University Dr. McClintock discusses his […]
trainings at the accokeek foundation
Permaculture Intensive, How to Run a CSA, Accepting Federal Nutritional Benefits, and Tractor and Machinery Trainings! Scholarships and translation services are available upon request. Go to Accokeek's calendar to register. […]
farmers market manager, MI
Ann Arbor Farmers Market Manager City of Ann Arbor $38,082 - $48,793 (DOE) Role Summary: The Market Manager shall be responsible for management, coordination and supervision of the day-today activities […]
urban farmers in the northlands
Our friends at Stone's Throw Urban Farm need your support on Kickstarter! Stone's Throw Urban farm is a new vegetable operation formed through the collaboration of three urban farms in […]
radix center open house today! albany, ny
And the last Sunday of every month. Also check out their Regenerative Urban Sustainability Training. The Radix Ecological Sustainability Center is a new not-for-profit educational organization based in inner city […]
sowing revolution
Sowing Revolution: Seed Libraries Offer Hope for Freedom of Food http://www.realitysandwich.com/sowing_revolution and check it: Occupy Our Food Supply is bringing together the Occupy, sustainable farming, food justice, buy local, slow […]
indigenous corn project
recommended reading: http://tmagazine.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/09/21/children-of-the-corn/
Food, Farm, and Sustainability Institute at Hampshire College
Now announcing the inaugural Food, Farm, and Sustainability Institute at Hampshire College, a six week summer academic program designed for undergraduate students interested in sustainable agriculture and food studies. From June 4 […]
every day, in every way, the dynamojo of local food production optimization
Do you own a fruit tree or arbor in Cambridge and Somerville and don't want to harvest all the fruit yourself? The League of Urban Canners (LUrC) will remove your unwanted fruit, can […]
use the PUBLIC LABS mapping kit
to map your farm. or your neighbors farm. Or herbicide drift or how well your grazing regime is working or the increasing organization of your toolyard/ junk pile http://publiclaboratory.org/notes/warren/2-10-2012/thatchmore-farms-hypr3d-model
Screenings in Minnesota!
March 8th, 7PM at Macalester College. James B. Davis Hall in the basement of the Campus Center. Sponsored by MPIRG March 12th, 7PM at Bryant Lake Bowl. Panel of farmers […]
google map area calculator tool
Pretty sweet! http://www.daftlogic.com/projects-google-maps-area-calculator-tool.htm
university of tennessee ext ag building plans
Free for download! http://bioengr.ag.utk.edu/extension/extpubs/PlanList97.htm
assistant farm manager, stout oak farm
Stout Oak Farm grows 4 acres of vegetables, herbs, and cut flowers for CSA shares, farmers' markets, local restaurants, and our Farm Store. The farm recently moved to a new […]
monsanto guilty in france!
do we dare to hope for a guilty verdict here? Monsanto found guilty of chemical poisoning in France French farmer Paul Francois says he suffered neurological problems after inhaling Monsanto's […]
mobilizing & organizing conference
Mobilizing and Organizing From Below June 1st - 3rd, 2012 Baltimore, Maryland * 2640 Mobilizing and Organizing from Below will be a gathering of activists and organizers, workers and parents, […]
have land, seeking farmers. NY
The Abode of the Message in New Lebanon, NY is looking for enthusiastic farmers for this summer. The Abode is a spiritual retreat center with a lot of land and […]
assistant field manager, sunshine farm
The Sunshine Farm is a diverse 100-acre farm that includes tree fruit, vegetables, vineyards, cattle, chickens, a winery, and a vibrant farm market. We grow about 3 acres of organic […]
your money or your life
We just had a wonderful conversation with Vicki Robin, author of that best-selling book, and she kindly passed along a few links and videos. The book is geared toward baby boomers, but […]
another movie about agriculture
can you believe it? In Organic We Trust [vimeo http://vimeo.com/13788063]
label gmos
We can't say enough about the importance of this California ballot initiative to label GMOs. Educate yourself! The Committee for the Right to Know has developed an excellent website: labelgmos.org complete with […]
homemade tractors on NPR
some fresh press for the Open Source Ecology Project, always inspirational. Building A Village Starts With Building The Tractor by Jon Kalish for NPR Do-it-yourselfers have made everything from bamboo […]
farms next internship program
New Partnership Provides Beginning Farmer Education and Training for Oregon’s Future Rogue Farm Corps (RFC) and Rogue Community College (RCC) have teamed up to offer Oregon’s first and only […]
farmland for rent, western colorado
This special land needs to be used and nurtured. If there is someone who wants to grow organically and needs land on which to do it, this is a golden […]
occupy our food supply
Occupy our Food Supply - February 27th. An unprecedented alliance of sustainable agriculture advocates and food justice networks, including over 60 Occupy Wall Street groups as well as environmental and corporate accountability organizations […]
jim richardson talks heirloom crops
"Heirlooms: Saving Humanity's 10,000-year Legacy of Food," Jim Richardson Cowell Theater, Fort Mason Center, San Francisco, 7pm, Wednesday, February 22. To be sure of a seat: * Long Now Members can use the […]
new work by matthew moore
Phoenix Art Museum - Marshall and Hendler Galleries / February 11 - June 12, 2012 / Opening Reception with Artist Talk: Wednesday, February 15th, 5-8pm You may think that you know Matt […]
cabin porn
inspiration for your quiet place somewhere. http://freecabinporn.com/ edited by the folks at Beaver Brook.
events not to miss in PHILLY
all brought to you by the good folks at Fresh from Zone 7: February 22: Dinner w/ Zone 7 at South Wark Restaurant in Philadelphia 4 course meal will focus on […]
NFU's beginning farmer institute
WASHINGTON (Feb. 8, 2012) – National Farmers Union (NFU) encourages individuals who are contemplating starting a career in farming or ranching to apply for the Beginning Farmer Institute. The program is also […]
young agrarians in canada
What are Young Agrarians? Young Agrarians (YA) are promoters of the new agrarian movement. Young agriculturalists, farmers, urban farmers, market gardeners and their supporters using the power of media and the […]
93 episodes and counting!
check out this week's edition of greenhorn radio, brought to you by the heritage radio network - it's our 93rd episode! you'll meet Genio Bertin who owns and operates Mandala Farm with Sara Faull. Located […]
quivira apprenticeship position
James Ranch Artisan Cheese has partnered with the Quivira Coalition, a conservation non-profit in Santa Fe, NM, to offer agricultural apprenticeships through Quivira’s New Agrarian Program. They are now seeking […]