easy peasy
an update from Sweet Deliverance. Greetings! Spring is here and Sweet Deliverance is excited to announce Summer AND Fall service for 2010! We have some great new additions to the […]
from grass to cheese
A new documentary that is also a kickstarter project with just three days to go! They could use a little greenhorns push. From Grass to Cheese is a feature documentary […]
urban patchwork
Here's a little note on some press for our friends at Urban Patchwork. Dear Severine (and all the rest of you wonderful greenhorns) If you wanted to know, the lovely […]
garden wise
Pay attention at the 8th minute of the video, in which the sweet old farmer couple starts talking about the Young helper they found through the farm beginnings program in […]
asterix, elderberry juice fends off the romans
We wanted to confirm locations of elder bushes before sending folks outon bikes, so we've moved the elder event to berry season. ELDERBERRY JUICE! [youtube=]
another young farmer movie
The Farmer and the Horse is a feature-length documentary film that tells the story of young farmers in New Jersey with an anachronistic passion: farming with draft horses. Follow filmmaker […]
detroit ag
Community voices and togetherness matter. Ahee makes it clear in this essay on the meeting of food justice and urban ag in Detroit, in the form of the Hantz project. […]
sheep video
just for fun, when you need a pick me up. [youtube=] Lovely Paula sent this video off her hilltop, little baby lambies
an Rss feed of recipes
at Eden Foods. By the way, Quaker Oats is owned by Pepsico.
tight pink
Here is a bit of an essay from greenhorn Derrick Mead, of Mead Orchards, who has graciously hosted events on his farm, donated apples and veggies to our 2009 pigs, […]
great GMO policy article
this comes to us from greenhorn Eric Budzynski, who has this to say: Howdy Fellow Greenhorns! This is a great article on GMO regulation coming from a major news outlet. […]
today, at the bottom of an email
from my local extension agent: "Authentic help means that all who are involved help each other mutually, growing together in the common effort to understand the reality which they seek […]
a back to the lander reflects.
Alex Smith, who recently interviewed Severine on his show Radio Ecoshock, shared these thoughts with us. You can listen to that interview HERE The Radio Ecoshock interview went very well. […]
mongolian milk
We'll start posting more about new zealand milk politics as well. Much to be learned by example. Modern Milk by Jonathan Shaw published in Harvard Magazine The milk we drink […]
bent by the sun
A super visual essay! With a solid written component as well. Looking at lessons from Japan's ancient tradition of sustainability. By Azby Brown Sometimes a simple investigation can lead us […]
By Katherine Gustafson | Tuesday, February 23, TONIC When the recent “snowpocalypse” blizzard swept through central Virginia, Mark Lilly was ready to grab the opportunity. While others were huddled inside […]
young farmer jason mark has this to say
on which I 've just learned about from a nice lady named katie G. A Month Without Monsanto by Jason Mark April 02, 2010 April Dávila bit off a […]
yip skiddles
remember greenhorns, there are more and more jobs managing historic farms + orchards. we will keep posting them. Heirloom Apple Crops Increase By Florence Fabricant Spring does not bring to […]
a plug for little city gardens
Their kickstarter campaign could use another little boost! Little City Gardens is the new project of our tireless artist Brooke Budner and her business partner Caitlyn Galloway. Your pledge supports […]
new blog of a budding greenhorn
We just received this nice note from "budding greenhorn" Jana Smart: Hi there! I have been following the Greenhorns the last year after moving from Brooklyn and love the blog! […]
greenhorns circular, issue 2!
Our 2nd circular is out! If you're on our mailing list, you already know this. The Spring Circular features Farm to School Politics, Bread + Bicycles, Farmer Janes, Rustbelt Revivals, […]
a soon to be young farmer.
We love hearing from folks who are inspired get their fingers in the dirt. Here is a note from one such young woman, about to set out on the path. […]
my darina!
and her book! By Julia Moskin March 30, 2010, The New York Times IN 1968 — when Alice Waters had just graduated from Berkeley, when Paula Wolfert was studying couscous […]
david beats goliath
March 4, 2010 Lawfirm Seeger Weiss brought home another victory against giant agro-business Premium Standard Farms, when a Missouri jury awarded $11.05 million to the 15 neighboring owners of small […]
Curreri / Sproule on NPR -- TOMORROW!
don't forget to tune in for the lovely paul curreri & devon sproule on the NPR's Morning Edition this weekend with host Liane Hansen, approximately 9:40am. PLUS! California made temporarily available to coincide with the broadcast
champion foodsytem ninjas! ON mainstream tv
the spunky savy folks of hardwick, VT talk shop with Dan Rather-- check out the video!
nomads are in trouble
look at the solidarity and celebration of the gathering of the herders+ nomads Jonathan Watts, from the Thursday 25 February 2010. The United Nations has launched a $4m dollar carcass-clearing […]
your opinions matter
Open Forum: Invest in the next generation of farmers By Rebecca King As a fledgling 30-something female sheep farmer, I rack up more than my share of Little Bo Peep […]
wasting strawberry fields
in Florida, farmers are destroying their crops. Watch the video here.
treadle water pumps in India
an amazing idea [youtube=]
begin to farm.
asap! Here is an article from the Washington Post on the Drake Forum, which we attended with Benjamin Shute and Lindsey Lusher. For New Farmers, Challenges Remain by Jane Black […]
cold water is healthy
Lynn Miller, one of the champions. If you don't already take the Small Farm Journal, this would be the moment to change that. Saving Farmland for What? by Lynn Miller, […]
yes, we map! yes we matter!
A low-fat vegetarian diet is very efficient in terms of how much land is needed to support it. But adding some dairy products and a limited amount of meat may […]
motivated: shovel sharpened
By Jeff Caldwell. ( MARCH 19, 2010: It's no secret that the average farmer is getting up in years. As the farming population ages, the issue of farm succession is […]
tractor sing-a-long
watch this, and you'll never look at manure and gray water the same way again! [youtube=]
recommended reading
Thanks to Janike Ruginis of Skyhorse Publishing for letting us know about two wonderful new books for seasoned farmers and greenhorns alike. Author and small farm owner Laura Childs tells us how in The Joy […]
Q&A with Grist magazine
this week, Severine & the greenhorns graced the front page of Grist-- check out whole fabulous interview and learn more about the recent Drake Forum on Beginning Farmers, the newly formed Young Farmers' Coalition, and the hustle […]
chicken out!
hear from hugh fearningly whittingstall about Britain's "Chicken Out!" campaign-- an appeal for free range poultry. [youtube=]
hipsters on food stamps
they're young, they're broke, and they pay for organic salmon with government subsidies. got a problem with that? By Jennifer Bleyer Pinched is an ongoing series about life during a […]
let's hear it for hardwick, vt!
Epicenter for green economic development. I'm thinking of sending that town my strongest brother for the summer. You can find out more by reading the brand new book The Town […]