oregon small farmers conference
they have a strong beginning farmer focus and the keynote is our favorite farmer author, Kristin Kimball. View the conference website HERE and their beginning farmers resources HERE
mad geniuses in chicago
funny to make electricity from sun, then grow plants with artificial lights... but it is cool to have a retrofit warehouse. Here's their website: The Plant And an ABC piece […]
aggressive rhetoric, but feels quite true
Agriculture needs massive investment to avoid hunger, scientists warn Group of leading scientists urge investment in sustainable agriculture to solve hunger crisis and reduce global warming by Fiona Harvey for […]
biodynamic winter intensive 2012
Plants, Earth and Cosmos A workshop for farmers, gardeners and others seeking a renewed relation to the land February 12-17 and/or February 19-24 Conducted by The Nature Institute and the […]
farm hack NH
Check out the photos from the Farm Hack event last week! Remember, you can always view photos of our events on our flickr page also visit Farm Hack
irresistible bike tinkering
In oregon a hub of activity - CAT (Center for Appropriate Transport) is a non-profit organization committed to community involvement in manufacturing, using, and advocating sustainable modes of transportation. We […]
mp in the house
michael pollan does it again, this time with delightful imagery by Maira Kalman to accompany his simple rules to eating well: http://michaelpollan.com/books/food-rules-illustrated-edition/
here's what rural affairs says on farmbill
Center for Rural Affairs Objects to Farm Bill Proposal Lyons, NE - Today the Center for Rural Affairs announced their opposition to the farm bill agreement reached by the House and […]
'American Meat' documentary
'American Meat,' is the acclaimed new documentary that chronicles the grassroots revolution in sustainable meat production. The film, an official selection of the recent Food Day 2011, stars legendary farmer […]
food dollars are shorter than ever
Lots of news on the blog these days http://www.gallup.com/poll/150689/Americans-Ability-Afford-Food-Nears-Three-Year-Low.aspx most of it frustrating.
ranching research
Some suggested reading from Nancy Ranney of the wonderful Ranney Ranch in New Mexico. Beginning with her talk at the 2010 Quivera Coalition Conference. Thank you, Nancy! http://quiviracoalition.org/images/global/321-Working%2520with%2520carbon%2520on%2520the%2520Ranney%2520Ranch.pdf TIME article […]
sensible commentary from community food security coalition
With the Super Committee Failure, Advocates Look Toward the Farm Bill Yesterday, the chairs of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction announced that the panel was unable to reach an agreement […]
building a sustainable business
UVM Extension New Farmer Project Building a Sustainable Business for Start-Up and Re-strategizing Farmers Don't delay! Register now for the "Early Bird" registration price! A strong business plan is key […]
seeking farm manager in middletown NY
Farm Manager – Middletown, NY Area We are seeking a motivated individual with three to five years experience in vegetable/fruit production for a full time position re-establishing farmland outside of […]
check out the new digs at pete's greens
Blog readers will probably remember that their old barn, and a lot of food along with it, burned down last winter. There's an excellent article about the project HERE If […]
dear senator patty murray,
Patty Murray is the co-chair of the super committee and she is my senator. Dear Senator Patty Murray, As your constituent, I urge you to support a fair and balanced […]
film panel at cornell
Cornell University recently hosted a screening of our film, and have uploaded a video of the panel discussion that followed. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez0O4guDyp0] More on the event HERE
FFA, moving beyond just farming
Future Farmers Look Ahead By Motoko Rich for the New York Times November 11, 2011 INDIANAPOLIS — Gamaliel Rizzo grew up in a brownstone apartment in Brooklyn and is studying […]
connecticut farm tours for young farmers
Another smart idea from the New Connecticut Farmers Alliance. The first farm tour is today! More to come. The New Connecticut Farmers Alliance announces the beginning of its winter series […]
tell congress to finish the GIPSA rule
via the Center for Rural Affairs: Despite lots of action from folks like you who want farmers to have a fair shot to make a living from raising livestock, Congress […]
Homesteaders looking for a home to share work on
HARDWORKING COUPLE (28F + 32M) SEEKS HOMESTEADING APPRENTICESHIP IN OR AROUND AMHERST MA SUMMER 2012 We want to know about the feasibility of living off the land. We grew up […]
its here! video number one from farmstead meatsmith
watch it here. from FSMS and Farmrun: Here marks our official release of the first episode in On the Anatomy of Thrift: Pork provender in the home kitchen., a multiple part series […]
Cheesemaking Workshops in VT
2012 is Peter Dixon's 14th year of Cheesemaking Workshops near his home in Westminster, Vermont. In our second year as Westminster Artisan Cheesemaking the lineup is better than ever! This year's series […]
most lovely rhetoric I ever read
This Is What Revolution Looks Like Tuesday 15 November 2011 by: Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed Welcome to the revolution. Our elites have exposed their hand. They have nothing to offer. They […]
Pastured Pork webinar on November 29
The Principles of Pastured Pork: Raising Hogs on Pasture: with Bruce Hennessey of Maple Wind Farm, coordinated by the UVM Extension New Farmer Project November 29, 2011, 7:00 pm Bruce Hennessey, […]
Tennessee Local Food Summit
December 2-4th at Libscomb University. Learn how Tennessee can grow its own food! A conference for anyone interested in local foods – students, gardeners, consumers and farmers.Tracks include: The […]
blue ox mill
a place to learn about millworks, caol, foundry, victorian paint technologies - www.blueoxmill.com
feels like home
http://intothewoods.tv/feels-like-home/episode-41 Into the Woods is here with Michael “Griff” Griffith– a musician best known as Archers’ synth player– to help reflect what feels like a defining moment in the political identity of the […]
get FARM BILL literate
The Budget Visualizer is a web-based application that allows visual analysis of Farm Bill spending since 2009. Developed by the Center for a Livable Future in partnership with the Hive Group, […]
doc about singing in the streets
a little documentary: http://honkfest.org/about/#video
just label it
Just Label It.org, a campaign for food labeling. But also a good place to get the latest data on contamination and gmo situations. Just down in New Mexico, I met […]
the secret farm bill, according to mark bittman
The Secret Farm Bill by Mark Bittman for the New York Times The Republican-manufactured budget crisis of this past summer — remember? — resulted in a “solution” that’s hijacking what […]
farm jobs at ESSEX, the most radical farm west of champlain
POSITION POSTING: ESSEX FARM 2503 Rte 22, Essex, NY 19236 [email protected] Essex Farm in Essex, NY is seeking experienced and highly motivated farmers who want to joint a fast-paced and […]
two blue boots blog
Here's a note from Brooke Welles, a greenhorn searching for land and keeping a great blog about it. I've been keeping this blog (http://twoblueboots.blogspot.com/) almost every day since I left […]
farm dinners workshop
Step by Step, Row by Row: How to Start Your Own Farm Dinner Business January 14 & 15, 2012 Cure Organic Farm, Boulder, Colorado This 2-day workshop is intended for […]
important article in the nytimes
Some of this is based on the National Young Farmers Coalition survey that many of you filled out. Thank you! Young Farmers Find Huge Obstacles to Getting Started By Isolde […]
california farm academy
The Center for Land-Based Learning is thrilled to announce that the California Farm Academy is now accepting applications through December 9, 2011 for its inaugural session. Classes are set to begin in […]
THE NATIONAL YOUNG FARMERS' COALITION: New Survey of 1,000 Young and Beginning Farmers Reveals What the Next Generation Needs Contact: Lindsey Lusher Shute, 917-318-1488, [email protected] TIVOLI, NY -- The National Young Farmer’s Coalition released a study today […]
farming needs all the bright minds it can get
(Photo credit: Jahi Chikwendiu) Michael Pollan: On the Steve Jobs of agriculture Washington Post. November 4, 2011. By Tim CarmanMichael Pollan may have one of the hardest jobs in the country: trying to […]
western greenhorns cool beans
http://www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/regions/northamerica/unitedstates/colorado/explore/young-ranching-family-finds-home-on-the-prairie.xml http://www.idahosbounty.org/