Essays & Articles
Often we landless farmers are comforted by the notion that we'll be able, someday, to afford some degraded land somewhere-- a clear cut or an abandoned brownfield, a farm thats fallen […]
practice, humor, creativity, stamina and guts
Finding a Future in Agriculture: An Apprentice's Journey By Amber Reed Before the Quivira Conference in Albuquerque last fall, I had read only a little by Aldo Leopold. At the […]
pollan and schlosser on S.510
A Stale Food Fight By Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser November 28, 2010 THE best opportunity in a generation to improve the safety of the American food supply will come […]
fireside cozy lit
Far From the Madding Crowd, By Thomas Hardy About young farmer Gabriel Oak, and young farmerette Bathsheba Everdene-- and their neighbor, middle aged farmer named Boldwood. Unfortunately, Gabriel was leasing […]
More women driving college ag program expansion
By MICHELE F. MIHALJEVICH Indiana Correspondent: KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — The growth in college agriculture programs across the country has come from women, according to Bill Richardson, project manager of […]
call for papers
from the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. Let's get some young farmer voices in there! The Essential Principles of Small- and Mid-Scale Food Value Chain Development Manuscripts […]
graying on the prairie
some commentary the aging farmer population in AgWeek. Graying on the prairie By Jonathan Knutson NIAGARA, N.D. — By Nelson County, N.D., standards, Niagara farmer Mike Kelly is still a […]
Notes Toward a History of Agrarian Urbanism
a wonderful essay by charles waldheim which can be read in its entirety here. An excerpt is below. The categories of agrarian and urban are usually understood as distinct. Across […]
greenhorns can stop climate change
Regenerative Agriculture can Mitigate Climate Change By Eliav Bitan. We greenhorns are the first generation to farm in a climate that has been radically changed by hundreds of years of […]
major news. major bucks. all started by willow
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 10, 2010 Prop 84 Funding for City Slicker Farms Brings Land Security to West Oakland’s Urban Agriculture Movement. City Slicker Farms is awarded $4,000,000 to purchase […]
skagit valley young farmers
GROWING THE NEXT SEASON OF FARMERS Young people looking for satisfying environmental work By Whitney Pipkins for the Skagit Valley Herald Customers of Hedlin Farms’ community supported agriculture program get […]
nauseatingly predictable
Here's a piece about the brilliant folks at Farmstead Meatsmith, and posted on the website of an equally brilliant project called Farmrun. Nauseatingly Predictable The conditions are nauseatingly predictable. It’s […]
local food + walmart = ?
Most of you have heard walmart's annoucement to sell over $1 billion of goods purchased from small and mid-sized farms and to train 1 million farmers in sustainable farming practices around […]
we like the sound of hundreds
Hundreds of young farmers expected at 'Greenhorns' screening tonight By Jennifer Pittman PESCADERO - Hundreds of young farmers are expected to leave their wet fields early today to gather for […]
keep it in your peripheral vision
that they have set up the rhetoric for ' shock doctrine agronomy' with these patents. frustrated by Monsanto? become a farmer, take back that territory! Surge in Corporate Patents on […]
she explains the issues well...
only thing she forgot was that WE DO WANT TO FARM and there are a lot of us. Where Are All the Young, Hot Farmers? by Sarah Parsons It seems […]
severine talks with rodale institute
From the Rodale Institute: The Greenhorns: Next generation agriculturalists Severine von Tscharner Fleming and The Greenhorns are promoting, recruiting and supporting young farmers--and having a whole lot of fun along the way. […]
farm laborer faces the big issues
from our friends at Little City Gardens. report back from the border This summer I took a month off of this urban farming pursuit and went down to the Arizona/Mexico […]
young farmers sprouting!
Here's a nice little piece from a greenhorn in Georgia, posted on Civil Eats. Young Farmers Sprouting Up Across the Nation In an attempt to explain what seems to be […]
washington young farmers organize!
Great news as a result of our Washington Young Farmer's a note from an attendee. Nine of us carpooled to the WA Greenhorns mixer last week, and were amazed […]
Portraits of Three Young Farmers
a story by Roseanne Pereira in Heavy Table. When I first see Laura Frerichs at her 40-acre farm in Hutchinson, MN, there’s a blue cloudless sky and the sun is […]
Greenhorns in Canada
We just heard from the National Farmers Union in Canada, who are helping coordinate young farmers up north. They are also members of La Via Campesina. Pamphlet: and blog: […]
golly piggy
Enviropig: the next transgenic food? "Snort! Snort!" The plump, pink beast comes rumbling towards me as I approach, then attaches its snout to my leg, sniffing intensely, apparently trying to […]
researchers battling it out.
These researchers battle it out over the question of what is sustainable agriculture.Every once in a while I zoom back out and realize that greenhorn efforts in the U.S. are […]
will work for food By CHRISTINE MUHLKE - September 8, 2010 Some of the most sought-after internships this summer weren’t on Capitol Hill or in the Vogue fashion closet. They were on farms. If […]
no aid for black farmers
blog reader Sarah Parker sent us this note about a recent story on NPR: I remember when you guys posted this past Spring on the USDA 1.25M settlement with 13,000 […]
swimming pool ag
Thanks to Eric Hoffner for this one: In the categories of both fun and bomber ideas for your blog: Clever Arizona family grows veggies, chickens, fish in former swimming pool. […]
wonderful stories from farmers In case the " young farmers are popping up all over the country" story has whetted your appetite. Here are a bunch more testimonials from all corners of the […]
are you going to the "ball"?
An Unconventional Food Festival: You'll Have a 'Ball' When you grow up in a Polish household in Chicago, food--God, sometimes a lot of it--just naturally becomes a vital part of […]
slow money
Here's a note and some analysis from Kevin Skvorak of Regeneration CSA. Thanks, Kevin! hey greenhorns folks, if you are thinking about slow money in the HV, here are some […]
more on fracking
The latest from the US EPA on public health dangers from hydrofracking for methane. From this article “The federal government is warning residents in a small Wyoming town with […]
attack of the aminopyralid
Have you been experiencing the prescense of this nasty chemical herbicide in your compost? In Washington, it is popping up in composted manure in Whatcom County, and other parts of […]
Young Farmers in the Capital Press
Young couple finds vigorous venture in vegetable farming Now in their second year of operation, couple makes plans to expand acreage Shooting Star CSA By WES SANDER FAIRFIELD, Calif. -- […]
“From a Sustainable Seafood Interest to Joining the Seaweed Harvest in Maine”
A few weeks ago, Rob Cushman led a seaweed workshop on the coast of Maine during our 3-day Chautauqua. It was a magical morning, and many people in attendance wanted […]
label biotech
It is not my operating system! Opponents threaten to push for biotech labels Three farmers say biotech wheat will destroy Japanese market By DAN WHEAT WATERVILLE, Wash. -- Feeling their […]
broadband, not butter cow
any young farmers want to weigh in on this? Broadband Trumps Farmer Payments in Rural Aid. By Alan Bjerga - Aug 26, 2010 "Former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack knows that Farm […]
write for meatpaper
meatpaper is calling for submissions for their upcoming issue - do you have a meat story to share? or a story about a sandwich? the deadline is September 3! For […]
an irresistible fleet of patriots
with iconic hats. what more can we ask for , really. oh yes, their cause: noble ‘The Bulldozers Are Coming’: Garden Crusaders Hop on Their Bikes By COLIN MOYNIHAN Published: […]
into the woods
Any other wildcrafters & foragers out there? There's a group from Seattle area - Foraged and Found Edibles Their website has a great listing of what's available & when. Foraging […]