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Young Farmers in the Capital Press

Posted: September 1 2010
Now in their second year of operation, couple makes plans to expand acreage
Shooting Star CSA
FAIRFIELD, Calif. -- Lily Schneider and Matthew McCue believe in farming.
They believe it brings people together, and they believe that although it's tough, it's a viable business for any young upstart.
"There's the myth, lots of people say you can't make a living farming," Schneider said. "Everyone has just (bought) into this idea. But thankfully we've had mentors who have helped us along the way and we've been able to have a business model that allows us to support ourselves."
Schneider and McCue, both in their mid-20s, run Shooting Star CSA, a community-supported agriculture operation in the Suisun Valley near the San Francisco Bay Area. Their 10-acre, leased farm is certified organic.
Read the rest of the article here.


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