tomorrow on greenhorns radio! jeff conan on the devasting effects of palm oil production
Tomorrow January 25th on the Heritage Radio Network, Greenhorns radio talks to Jeff Conan, Senior Forest Campains Manager at Friends of the Earth, a global activist network that campaigns for international […]
is the world bank in with monsanto?
Influenced by agribusiness giants, the rating mechanisms of a World Bank index threaten the seed sovereignty of small farmers globally. Please help!
farming internship opportunity in montreal
Looking to hone your French while farming? The Montreal community food hub, Santropol Roulant, is hiring two interns for their 2017 season. Santropol Roulant uses food as a vehicle to […]
via campesina calls for immediate cessation of murder of civilians in syria
La Via Campesino is a tenacious international "peasants" movement long admired by the Greenhorns. (We covered them in a 2011 blog post about their food sovereignty youth training program and a […]
bbc's business daily: what is up with global agriculture subsidies?
Man! We're always asking the same question! Seriously though, this is a great episode, both for those looking for a good primer on the subject and a fascinating case study for […]
milk: the new crude oil?
NPR's The Salt, on why the USDA is purchasing $20,000 worth of cheese to help US dairy farmers-- and why it doesn't really make a difference to the big dairy industry. […]
ultra-extra-awesomely-superb podcast series: earth matters
Have you been listening to Earth Matters?? This fabulous podcast series gives voice to indigenous activists, environmentalists, and people around the globe working for social justice. We cannot recommend it highly […]
declaration against the criminalisation, persecution and judicialization of the struggle for the defence of life, rights, land, water, seeds and mother earth
International Conference on Agrarian Reform La Via Campesino, The Peasant's Movement Marabá, 15 April 2016 From 13 to 17 April 2016, in Marabá, Pará, Brazil, more than 130 delegates from […]
raj patel's food movie list
Looking for a good way to rewind after work this week? Raj Patel, economist and author of the groundbreaking Stuffed and Starved, has a list of fun (yes, actually fun) movies […]
free webinar on collaborative trade and fair markets
Yellow Seed, a nonprofit organization that facilitates connections between farmers and fair markets, recently partnered with Impact Hub Berkley, a social impact working hub out of the Bay Area, to host […]
smart phones come from mountains
[vimeo 107812653 w=500 h=281] This video is put out by Fairphone, an Netherlands-based company that produces smart phones with opaque, open, and more socially-responsible supply chains. If this sounds like […]
farm hack in france!
I don't know about you, but the list of words that I can actually read is French is pretty short, spans the length of soufflé to the lyrics of "Lady […]
somaliland: a parched earth
Somaliland's harshest drought is decimating the herder way of life and displacing thousands. By Ashley Hamer Hargeisa, Somaliland - Swaths of Somaliland, a fragile, internationally unrecognised nation-state in the Horn […]
farm hack UK
[vimeo 142048712 w=500 h=281] Farm Hack 2015 from Sylvie Planel on Vimeo.
In their call for signatories, the organizers of the World Forum on Access to land write: "The current situation – persistence of hunger, population growth, exclusion, massive unemployment, environmental crisis and […]
hacker wars: the full documentary
[youtube] Staying on theme, The Hacker Wars (embedded above) is a full-length documentary about the war over who controls information on the internet. You catch it all on youtube […]
corroding our democracy (big oil, the canadian government, and the silencing of environmental science)
Democracy Now on the (nearly) unbelievable story of they extent to which Canada's oil industry has stifled the country's democracy, silenced its scientists, and crippled its environmentalist movements. It is […]
good primer on reclaiming our soils and regenerative farming
Excerpted from Ronnie Collins's essay Regeneration: Global Transformation in Catastrophic Times: We must begin to connect the dots between fossil fuels, global warming and related issues, including world hunger, poverty, unemployment, […]
soil not oil conference, richmond, ca, sept. 4-5
Soil Not Oil International Conference Friday-Saturday, Sept. 4-5, 2015, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Memorial Civic Center Complex, 403 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804 Note: Dr. Vandana Shiva keynote speech […]
future farmers going strong!
Here at the Greenhorns love art and we love farmıng and we love creative subversive people, and so you might imagine that we really love creative subversive art about farming. We've blogged […]
the premio daniel carasso international prize is calling for applications
The international prize called the Premio Daniel Carasso aims to reward an international renowned research scientist who, through cross-disciplinary researches, has innovative and realistic approaches in order to develop “sustainable food and […]
land for food
For any young farmers with the ability to travel, this would be a great experience. As part of its biennial conferences, IUFN is happy to invite you to a new international workshop, LAND […]
a dairy on the move
This farmer in Suffolk has moved her innovative dairy, using crowdfunder to make it happen. She runs a small, commercial dairy with suckling calves. Take note, follow her work, and pitch […]
mission to brazil
The Movimento dos Trabalhdores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) will be holding its Sixth Congress in February, 2014 amidst its celebration of 30 years of struggle for agrarian reform, social justice and […]
shepard schools in spain
if you can read spanish! Here's the site: Projecte Gripia
online, international seed swap!
Seems like a work in progress, but a great idea. Graines de Troc It is a online platform where everyone can share and trade seeds. We all build the same […]
the big potato swap
via the Field Liberation Movement. Way to go, Belgians! On May 29th 2011, hundreds of activists decontaminated a GM potato field trial in Wetteren (BE). They pulled up genetically modified potatoes […]
report from manchester
I'm here from the USA with a focus on charting the organizational work of young farmers across Europe. Throughout this month I'll be meeting social entrepreneurs, farmers, organizers and activists […]
two options
The story of an environmental activist (Dr. Vandana Shiva) and a farmer (Bija Devi) and their fight to preserve heirloom seeds in India amidst great opposition.
oakland institute kickstarter
Help 'em out! In the first 20 days of our Kickstarter project to raise funds for a film exposing land grabs in Papua New Guinea, we have raised over $11,000 from 66 individual contributors. The […]
land grabbing in china
say for intance you wanted to do agroforestry work in africa
you'd want to be involved with these folks: Trees for the Future Since 1989, Trees for the Future has been helping communities around the world plant trees. Through seed distribution, […]
we ought to have a prince of organic here in america
Prince Charles: 'If I didn't do this, who would?' Britain's best known organic farmer on soil, sustainability and the unity of all things by Tim Adams for The Observer, Sunday […]
reversing desertification with livestock
Here's a great article passed on to us by greenhorn Emma Young. The Savory Institute: Healing the World’s Grasslands, Rangelands and Savannas This is the first of a two-part interview […]
coffee csa
Nora of Strongtree Organic Coffee Roasters in Hudson says that the specialty coffee market is screaming about global climate change, crop failures, drought, supply chain dysfunction, and in general the […]
european young farmer stats
a good model. from the The European Council of Young Farmers
post carbon fellows
from the Post Carbon Institute. Post Carbon Institute has assembled 28 of the world's leading minds in the areas of economic, social, and environmental sustainability. While their areas of expertise […]
the wanas foundation
The Wanås Foundation is a non-profit art foundation located in the south of Sweden on an estate consisting of a medieval castle, an organic farm, and a sculpture park. Since […]
composting toilets in Haiti
Cote de Fer is a commune in the Southeast department of Haiti. There are 6 communal sections and approximately 64,000 people. It is estimated that at least 70% of the […]
european farmers protesting!
from the ny times, with quite an amazing photo! European Farmers’ Anger Spills Into the Streets of Brussels BRUSSELS — After months of complaints by European dairy farmers angry over […]