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the big potato swap

Posted: July 15 2013

via the Field Liberation MovementVIB wil een GGO populierenbos aanplanten te Wetteren.  Way to go, Belgians!
On May 29th 2011, hundreds of activists decontaminated a GM potato field trial in Wetteren (BE). They pulled up genetically modified potatoes and replaced them with organic varieties, which are naturally blight resistant.
The voluntary introduction of 108 genetically modified potatoes in the environment was carried out by the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology, University of Ghent, Higher Education Ghent, and the Flemish Agency for Agriculture and Fishery in cooperation with world’s largest chemical company BASF and the University of Wageningen.
The ‘Big Potato Swap’ was a public and nonviolent action of civil disobedience. The Catholic University of Leuven sacked researcher Barbara Van Dyck because of her participation in the ‘Big Potato Swap’ (read more about the dismissal here). The Belgian State is now prosecuting 11 of the activists for criminal gang!
more info HERE