how does change happen on the land?
The Edmund Hillary Fellowship just published this great article about Severine! There is a question we need to ask when talking about food production. The question is, “Who is telling […]
sight and insight in the californian desert
Journalist Kate Bolick recently wrote about her experience in visiting artist Andrea Zittel in the Californian desert. Zittel has spent the past 20 years of her career exploring solitude and this path […]
agriculture, labor and the law
New Entry Sustainable Farming Project & the Conservation Law Foundation are teaming up to hold a workshop that will provide an overview of key employment issues that farmers need to know. The […]
kiss the ground: book and documentary about the hidden power of soil.
[youtube] Discover the hidden power soil has to reverse climate change, and how a regenerative farming diet not only delivers us better health and wellness, but also rebuilds our […]
why rural farming matters to the city
The following article was submitted to the Greenhorns by Freya Yost. Freya is Director of Operations at Cloudburst Foundation, an Italian-based non-profit working closely with the Commonwealth to address climate […]
best milking practices online course
[youtube] Penn State Extension are running a best milking practice course for professionals in the dairy industry who want to learn about problems on dairy farms that result from mastitis. […]
just a quick reminder that work songs are awesome!
[youtube] We found this worksong among a wonderful collection of other songs on, which is run by Maine farmer-musician Bennett Konesni. It's kind of a digital soundbook and Bennett has […]
lovely videos from perennial plate
[vimeo 222514975 w=640 h=360] How do you choose the land or the sea? Longtime deep sea fisherman turned goat farmer, Gabriel Flaherty of Aran Islands Goats Cheese, doesn't have to, […]
new research identifies cold weather strategies to avoid respiratory illness in calves
As winter approaches, research funded by the farmer-driven Northern New York Agricultural Development Program has identified cold weather strategies for attention by regional dairy calf managers. “Winter weather poses […]
young farmers on church land
You have have read about our upcoming Faith Lands conference in our newsletter during the week. The purpose of the gathering is to connect landowning faith groups with landless young […]
interactive geoengineering map
ETC Group and the Heinrich Böll Foundation have produced an interactive map of geoengineering projects around the world in an attempt to shed light on the worldwide state of geoengineering. […]
this farm and home could be yours for $1000!!!
The owners of this property, John and June Strothenke are selling in the most unusual way - an essay contest! It costs $1000 to enter but they are only accepting 420 applicants […]
opening at earthworks urban farm
EarthWorks Urban Farm are looking for a Community Outreach Specialist who will be responsible for supporting the work of the CSK EarthWorks Urban Farm team by interacting with and supporting […]
chasing coral - run to see this!
[youtube] A team of divers, photographers and scientists set out on a thrilling adventure to document the disappearance of the world's coral reefs, this documentary is the result of […]
two rivers tells the tale of indigenous tribes defending america's most important rivers from industry
1,500 miles apart, two rivers flow. One alongside rolling hills and blue skies of the North Dakota high plains, the other tumbles past volcanoes, down narrow gorges, and through rugged […]
boston food forest coalition are looking for a new project coordinator!
The Boston Food Forest Coalition (BFFC), a grassroots non-profit land trust, is a growing "community of practice" linking gardeners across greater Boston to permaculture projects. Neighbors come together, creating food […]
have you heard about regroup farm?
ReGroup.Farm is the tale and reality of a group of Boomers, Gen X-er's and Millennials found themselves on a farm in the Midwest. They recognized that something very interesting was happening […]
can we really restore degraded landscapes?
[vimeo 231744267 w=640 h=360] New and exciting things are happening at the Permaculture Skills Center. The Eco-Landscape Mastery Course is already underway! It couldn't be a more opportune time to continue our […]
growing rice in maine!
Check out this awesome rice growing project in Maine by Wild Folk Farm. Their goal is to get as many farmers and folks eating and growing rice throughout Maine, the Maritimes, […]
allegheny mountain institute is now accepting applications for their farm and food education fellowship.
[youtube] Allegheny Mountain Institute (AMI) is seeking applicants for its fully-funded Fellowship program. Now in its seventh year, the 18-month Fellowship prepares and empowers individuals to become teachers and […]
arizona science institute launches first ever glyphosate testing biobank
[vimeo 236206538 w=640 h=360] The Detox Project reported on Tuesday that they along with MetricBio have launched the first ever Glyphosate Biobank. which is being funded by the public. The […]
northland sheep dairy seeking apprentice for 2018 season.
[youtube] Northland Sheep Dairy in Marathon NY are seeking a teamster apprentice for the 2018 season. Northland is the oldest continuously operating sheep dairy in the United States. Their […]
organic gardening tips from MOFGA
The seedcorn maggot is the larvae of a fly, says Eric Sideman, MOFGA's organic crop specialist, in the fall issue of The Maine Organic Farmer & Gardener. He continues: This […]
sam clovis withdraws nomination for agriculture department chief scientist
We've written about his preposterous nomination before due to his sheer inadequacy for the job and thankfully Sam Clovis has finally withdrawn his nomination for chief scientist of the agriculture department. […]
a great song to get you through cluster fly season!
great article about the social implications of pesticide use
"We live and die by chemical agriculture". In the age of rampant use of chemicals such as the dreaded dicamba, truer words have perhaps never been spoken. Zachary Michael Jack, Iowa […]
emancipatory educational experiences in scotland
[youtube] Drumduan school, in the Scottish highlands, offers it's students a unique and emancipatory education experience free of any form from exams or standardised testing. It's educational focus is […]
save the date: april 2018 in aloha valley new zealand
Register your interest HERE
community finance, resilience and agriculture
Growing Magazine recently published a good examination of community finance, community resilience and community agriculture - the CSA model. They profile 3 different farms: Brookford Farm in NH, Norwich Meadows […]
canada bans soylent as it is not real food
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency have banned food replacer Soylent as it does not meet the criteria of real food as it does "not meet a select few of the […]
faith farmers
The Common Friars are men and women, married and single, lay and ordained, of an emerging monastic order in the Episcopal Church, seeking to understand and live out what it means […]
bad news - usda vote in favour of inclusion of hydro- and aquaponics as organic
The Packer reports that yesterday the USDA National Organic Standards Board voted 8 to 7 not to ban hydroponic and aquaponic production from being included under the organic umbrella. Lee Frankel, executive director […]
the honey locust contest revisited
In 1926 J Russell Smith launched a contest to gather honey locust pods from across the country, the Savanna Institute are continuing what he started. Contest Details & Instructions Step […]
gipsa decision favors big ag, harms family farmers
The USDA recently made their final decision on GIPSA - to pull the pending Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) rules designed to level the playing field for poultry […]
watch: rodents of unusual size
A new documentary tells the tale of the hunters waging war against an invasive swamp rodent species, the nutria, in Louisiana. There is a government bounty on the heads (or tails) […]
apprenticeships in regenerative ranching and farming
The Quivira Coalition’s New Agrarian Program (NAP) is partnering with skilled ranchers and farmers to offer apprenticeships in regenerative agriculture. Together, they create opportunities for full-immersion learning from expert practitioners. […]
5th annual perennial farm gathering
The 5th annual perennial farm gathering is coming up! Farmers, scientists, and people with a general interest in perennial crops and pastured livestock will all find it valuable to learn […]
rich people farming
The NY Times published an interesting article recently about Kimbal Musk's (brother of Elon) foray into farming. Mr. Musk is promoting a philosophy he calls “real food,” which nourishes the […]
check out this wonderful new podcast series
Down to Earth is a podcast about hope. As climate change collides with our industrial food system, we focus not on doom but instead on people who are developing practical, […]
citizen science vs. dicamba
This citizen science group at PublicLab is starting to corral expertise, team-craft and discover potential scientific inquiry methodologies to look at this terrifying trend of toxic and ever more toxic […]