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faith farmers

Posted: November 2 2017


credit: The Common Friars/ Samantha Goresh

The Common Friars are men and women, married and single, lay and ordained, of an emerging monastic order in the Episcopal Church, seeking to understand and live out what it means to be a Christian disciple today. They do this by placing the utmost importance on being connected to the land, to each other, and to those on the margins of society. Their land that they steward and are connected to is the Good Earth Farm located in Athens. Ohio. They live and work together here and and contribute their individual talents and gifts to one another and to the broader community. Their actions are guided by the "Rule of Life" which is defined by poverty, joy and hospitality, prayer, work, the eucharist and meals and you can visit them in Ohio if you're in the area!
Check out their blog and website HERE

