like synthetic meat hype-memers…
a failure to do life-cycle analysis of treating all carbon as a fuel! Trash Into Gas, Efficiently? An Army Test May Tell By PAUL TULLIS There is an indisputable elegance […]
4th annual WAYFC mixer! okanogan, washington
this is what stopping fracking looks like
On Thursday, MoveOn members joined Americans Against Fracking—and actress and activist Daryl Hannah—at the White House to deliver 650,000 public comments to the Bureau of Land Management demanding a ban […]
draft animal power field days, september 28-29, vermont
September 28 & 29, 2013, Barton, Vermont
women in sustainable ag!
The National Conference is coming right up. November 6-8, Des Moines, IA Gather with women farmers, advocates and landowners from across the US engaged in healthy food and farming for […]
much afoot, ahoof and aweft
at Fibershed. Always a good reminder. Fibershed is a non-profit organization that provides experiential education that both generates awareness, and teaches the necessary skills within our community to build and […]
what is the political economy of farmland access?
Lets discuss it with leading political economist Gar Alperovitz at the Schumacher Center (founder of the first community land trust in the USA) and across the street from the first CSA […]
news on glyphosates
Check out this article about the toxicity of Round-Up. And two responses: Rodale vs. Monsanto
the workshop we've all been waiting for: insects!
Implementing a Black Soldier Fly Waste Recycling Operation on Your Farm Hosted by Clemson University August 30th 2013 Registration fee: $25.00 (includes lunch) Register and pay online HERE Implementing a black soldier […]
maine grain alliance
The Maine Grain Alliance seeks applications to award mini-grants of $200 - $1,000 to fund need-based technical assistance (TA) that will help grain-based business owners secure economic opportunities in Maine. A total of […]
farmland grab at home
Despite Drop in Commodity Prices, Farmland Values Rise By PAUL SULLIVAN DAN LINDSTROM remembers looking at a piece of Nebraska farmland six or seven years ago that cost $3,300 an […]
tomorrow! whole hog workshop, williamstown, mass
BERKSHIRE FOOD GUILD PRESENTS A WHOLE HOG WORKSHOP, 10:30 am AUGUST 24 New Marlborough, Mass. (July 25th, 2013) – The Berkshire Food Guild will be hosting a Whole Hog Workshop […]
george's boots, oregon
[vimeo=] in search of succession
NMPAN Mobile Slaughter Webinar - Sept 10
Mobile Slaughter Units: Reports from the Field and Future Directions Tuesday, September 10, at 1pm Eastern (noon Central/11am Mountain/10am Pacific) for 90 minutes At: Inspected mobile slaughter units for red meat […]
so many tomatoes
Not All Industrial Food Is Evil By MARK BITTMAN I’ve long wondered how producing a decent ingredient, one that you can buy in any supermarket, really happens. Take canned tomatoes, […]
doc hammill horsemanship
Fall presentations & workshops in Vermont! Download the flyer HERE
burdock gathering
Burdock 2013 12th annual gathering for a free and sustainable future. New location! August 20-27, Pittston, Maine A participatory community gathering Workshops, discussions, & skillshares Kids workshops & activities Campfires, […]
some grange press
Always a good thing. Can-do: Grange shows how to preserve nature's bounty by Mike Lauterborn Monday, August 12, 2013 for the Fairfield Citizen With a can-do attitude and an interest […]
2013 north country homesteading fair
Sept. 6-7! Lowville, NY -- Ever wanted to cook with maple or grow mushrooms, harvest honey or stock a root cellar, make your house more energy efficient, or raise sheep, pigs, […]
crimes of the heart
Fable Farm Theatre presents "Crimes of the Heart" By Beth Henley Join us this August at the Clark Commons for a late Summer evening of food and theatre amongst our gardens and […]
baking and breaking bread
Baking Bread for a Sustainable Future by Chris Riedy, 2 August 2013. It’s raining lightly in Oslo as our procession makes its way past the gleaming white of the Opera […]
rural perspectives on the farm bill
Farm Bill out of touch with Rural Americans by The Center for Rural Affairs, 26 July 2013 The US House of Representatives’ farm bill is out of touch with rural […]
rally to stop the trans pacific partnership
[vimeo w=500&h=375] Check out this video of the rally held in Madison, WI on Sat. Aug. 10th against Fast Track and the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP is […]
upcoming workhorse workshops, oregon
Learn the craft of draft power at Ruby & Amber's Farm in Dorena, Oregon Farming and Driving Draft Horse Workshop September 7-8, 2013 Single Horse Driving and Farming Workshop […]
ryan foxley on the small farmer's journal
[vimeo=] video by farmrun
young dreams, huge obstacles
published Jul. 10, 2013, for Harvest Public Media. While the farming community continues to age fewer young people are filling the ranks, prompting the question: Do young people even want […]
online courses from NE beginning farmers
Terrific offerings and a guide to choosing which courses are best for you. With the growing season at its peak, it's hard to believe that the "down" season is just […]
ikerd on pamphlets
THE ECONOMIC PAMPHLETEER Rethinking Science: The Highest Research Priority for the Next 5 Years by John Ikerd, Posted online 8 July 2013 First paragraphs: At the risk being labeled an […]
sugarhouse creamery
Serious props to this new farm in the Adirondacks for their great tumblr site. (and their farming skills)
small scale grain event
Coming up on Friday at Stonewall Farm in Keene, NH. Small Scale Grain Fodder & Demonstration Day, Friday August 16th, 9 am-12 pm Want to witness the next chapter of […]
farm hack's road to maker faire
Farm Hack is in an online voting competition for $2,500 so that they'll have a truck to take them to Maker Faire in NYC this fall. Let's help them do […]
rooftop urban ag course
INTRODUCTION TO ROOFTOP URBAN AGRICULTURE Click here to register. Thursday, August 29, 2013 9:00 am - 12:30 pm BLDG 92, Brooklyn Navy Yard 63 Flushing Ave. (at intersection of Carlton […]
CROWFEST 2013: Fledging Crow Vegetable Farm's annual CSA member/ community appreciation day! August 24, 2013, Noon til' Dawn. Keesevile, NY. Ticket price is $30, and this includes: Headliners: Spiritual Rez, Lucid, […]
changing lands, changing hands
The Aging of the American Farmer from Harvest Public Media [ width="550" height="443"]
talk in person
The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say) by James Bamford The spring air in the small, sand-dusted town has a soft haze to it, […]
groovy activist artist conference
Gabfestry for Creative Dissenters August 19-24, 2013 What is this? Gabfestry will be an opportunity for politically minded artists (of all media) to geek-out, talk shop, learn from each other, […]
taking on the farm