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the workshop we've all been waiting for: insects!

Posted: August 26 2013
Hosted by Clemson Universitybsf
August 30th 2013
Registration fee: $25.00 (includes lunch)
Register and pay online HERE
Implementing a black soldier fly waste recycling operation on your farm
August 30th, 9:00 – 3:00
Clemson University Organic Farm and Kresge Hall, Clemson University Outdoor Lab (directions will be provided)
Clemson, SC
Event abstract:
This workshop is aimed at farmers looking for innovative techniques to convert waste into value-added outputs. Black soldier fly composting can be an inexpensive way to recycle a wide range of organic wastes into larvae and compost. The larvae can be used directly as a high protein animal feed source or can be refined into feed pellets and biodiesel. The workshop will feature presentations from experts in the field as well as a tour of the Clemson Organic Farm’s black soldier fly operation. By the end of the workshop, you will have all the knowledge that you need to get started growing black soldier fly larvae!
For more information, contact Wallace Campbell at [email protected] or 334-313-0113.