"I farm because" a photography project
http://ifarmbecause.weebly.com/ This past summer I spent two weeks volunteering on a farm in Maine. While I was there, I created a project photographing farm apprentices in the Penobscot Bay area […]
worst cynicism this week
Why the Climate Corporation Sold Itself to Monsanto Posted by Michael Specter For this week’s issue of the magazine, I wrote about the Climate Corporation, a company that is trying […]
small farm videos
A worthy indiegogo campaign. Small Farm Videos: Learn How Successful Small Farms Produce Good Food [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1a9hzgjJ2U&w=640&h=360] For the past 7 years the Northeast Beginning Farmer Project has helped thousands of […]
building a sustainable business
Building a Sustainable Business For start-ups to five years in business. Where: Berlin, Springfield & St. Albans,VT Dates: Dec. 4, 11, 18, 2013 & Jan. 8, 15, 22 (plus Jan.29 […]
san franciscans - go see the futurefarmers exhibit!
Gallery 16 is excited to announce a major exhibition/archaeological look at the important Bay Area art collective Futurefarmers. This exhibition will present objects spanning nearly 20 years of art making. […]
shepard schools in spain
if you can read spanish! Here's the site: Projecte Gripia
sail transport network
The Sail Transport Network connects people – locally and across oceans – who are building community resilience by reviving heirloom technologies that will enable them to thrive in a fossil […]
nice new website for heritage radio!
Check it out. And then listen to a recent Greenhorn Radio episode about GEESE Raisers in Vermont! HERE Wesley Bascom grew up on a working dairy farm in the verdant […]
finger lakes landlink!
Finger Lakes LandLink Farmers in the Finger Lakes region who need access to land, and landowners who wish to have their unused acreage farmed, now can be matched through Finger […]
harvesting opportunities in new york
The conference is coming right up! November 20! And they are offering discounted registration to beginning farmers. Interested farmers can contact the office directly at (518) 581-0078, [email protected]. Register Now! […]
beginning farmer forum, charlton, mass
Hi all! Please come (and bring your farm friends!!!) to the BFN/Mass Fall Forum next Tuesday, November 12th. I am organizing and facilitating this event and it should be really […]
how to help the seaport and municipal market
ELECTED OFFICIALS URGE AN OPEN & TRANSPARENT COMMUNITY-LED PLANNING PROCESS FOR THE SOUTH STREET SEAPORT Last week, city and state elected officials representing Lower Manhattan sent a strongly worded letter to […]
I like this part of the organic movement
FYI this was the hot band from the fish warehouse last week
[vimeo=https://vimeo.com/70721823] http://www.morganokanemusic.com/
farm hack press
Farm Hack by Courtney White, originally published by The carbon pilgrim | NOV 1, 2013 Welcome to the virtual coffee shop for agrarians! Pull up a laptop and join the conversation. Do you […]
gear made in america, a list
The American List There are a lot of brands listed and we have not vetted this list, but it's a start! American-made workwear brands, that we know of, include Round […]
this i believe
success at the new amsterdam market
NEFU Convention Dec 6-7
If you participate in agriculture – as a producer, processor or eater – then attend NEFU’s 2013 convention. It’s democracy in action Every year, members of New England Farmers Union […]
Patrick and Severine on brooklyn live TV, grinding corn for a " regional, logical diet"
young farmers in the news
“Greenhorns”: California couple learns farm life running local CSA farm By Polly Keary, Editor Andrew Ide, 27, has a degree in philosophy and theology. His wife Micha, 29, has a […]
a rising coalition of retiring farmers
To Market, To Market, No More By Rachel Wharton, for the New York Times CHANGEWATER, N.J. — As he pushed a manual weeder through an inch-tall row of fall cilantro, […]
BFN fall forum
BFN/Mass Fall Forum- November 12th from 10:00 to 3:00 at the Charlton Public Library. Register at: www.tinyurl.com/bfnfallforum2013 About BFN/Mass: The Beginning Farmer Network of Massachusetts (BFN/Mass) is a collaborative group of farmers and […]
If you're Salatin fans like we are, this will be right up your alley: [vimeo http://vimeo.com/76483042] We are an Australian family, who for over 20 years have worked with farmers […]
the market gardener
with a forward by Severine! Pre-order HERE. http://www.themarketgardener.com/
farm hack south dakota!
Farm Hack South Dakota Friday, November 1 11 am to 4 pm Collaborative workshop with a tour of Cycle Farm, presentations by local farmers, break-out groups & a roundtable discussion, or […]
sail freight press!
Ceres arrives in NYC today! Food Matters | Fifteen Tons of Groceries, Sailing Down the Hudson Now that urban rooftops are buzzing with beehives and C.S.A. deliveries are the new […]
those canadians!
Notes from the field…Dearest Young Agrarian, We’ve got lots of exciting updates heading into the fall and winter season. From a newly updated website, release of our Land Linking Guide […]
small farmers journal, a great resource
[vimeo=https://vimeo.com/76105043] Sign up here.
the last crop indiegogo
[vimeo=https://vimeo.com/74515269] The Last Crop is a CALL TO ACTION that addresses timely issues that are confronting our nation's farmers – see The New York Times Op-Ed piece, “Keep Farmland for […]
vermont sail freight - in yonkers today!
http://www.goodeggs.com/vsfp http://vermontsailfreightproject.wordpress.com
maine farmland trust annual meeting
Severine is speaking: http://www.mainefarmlandtrust.org/annual-meeting-november-7th/ More information HERE
sweet farmstead for sale in unity, me
This 16-acre property is MOFGA certified organic and ready to be a home to your operation. The fertile pastures are fully-fenced, and there are existing NRCS Contracts, established Infrastructure for poultry […]
the boston tree party handbook
View The Boston Tree Party Handbook (pdf) During the course of the Boston Tree Party’s work we’ve gathered an extensive amount of information about heirloom apple trees and civic fruit. At its […]
online, international seed swap!
Seems like a work in progress, but a great idea. Graines de Troc It is a online platform where everyone can share and trade seeds. We all build the same […]
gleason ranch: risking everything
GLEASON RANCH: Risking Everything A Fundraising Campaign to Finish the Documentary Film! In the face of great loss, two sisters struggle to hold onto their 150-year-old, 5th-generation family ranch. And […]
sail freight update!
Stay in the loop NYACK Oct 22 Location and time 11-4 Market at Hook Mountain Marina in conjunction with Pie Lady and Son YONKERS oct 24 location and time: […]
civil eats on banksy
Banksy: Think Twice about What You Eat By Twilight Greenaway on October 17, 2013 Few contemporary artists have been the subject of quite so many rumors as Banksy. Depending on […]
vermont sail freight in action
Beautiful photos from our friend Grant Delin. http://www.vermontsailfreightproject.com/