landworkers' alliance protests in london
Yesterday (April 17th) 100 farmers and growers from the Landworkers’ Alliance travelled to London from around the country to protest outside the head offices of DEFRA and the National Farmers […]
activism we admire
This video demonstrates how a community is trying to save their water and wetlands and reduce the impact of an unnecessary freeway. Save Little Lake Valley members are requesting […]
future organic farmer grant fund is open for grant applications
Let your future organic farmers know. The CCOF Foundation, in collaboration with partner organizations UNFI Foundation, Driscoll’s, Organic Valley, Bradmer Foods, and National Cooperative Grocers Association will be making grants […]
hurry and nominate a "champion of change" to go to the white house
The White House will be hosting a Champions of Change event to celebrate local agriculture leaders who are taking innovative approaches to support American farming and ranching—both now and in […]
great archival film: finding your life's work
1940 vocational guidance film targeting teenagers. The film was made at a time when America was starting to rebuild its workforce after the depression years. Various careers and the skills required […]
superweed map of the usa
Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, has spawned a new generation of superweeds that are spreading rapidly across the United States. Since farmers planting Monsanto's genetically engineered Roundup […]
summer job working with farmworkers
Live and work in Immokalee! TheStudent/Farmworker Alliance (SFA), Interfaith Action of Southwest Florida (IA), and Just Harvest USA (JH) are currently seeking full-time interns for Summer and Fall 2014. Summer applications […]
summer leadership summit: native youth in agriculture
Fayetteville, Arkansas July 21 – July 25 Join us for the Native Youth in Agriculture Summit and become a part of the next generation of food and agriculture leaders throughout […]
arundhati roy interview
'Another Way of Looking at the World' Arundhati Roy in conversation on writing, politics and her latest: 'Capitalism: A Ghost Story.' By Derrick O'Keefe and Jahanzeb Hussain, 1 Apr 2014
summer offerings at sterling college
Sterling College’s continuing education courses are inspired by the artisans and the landscape of the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, and by our philosophy of a liberal arts edcuation through the […]
our land symposium
Less than two weeks away! April 26th & 27th: Gary Paul Nabhan is one of the speakers. [youtube]
negotiation training
Agrarian Trust has an upcoming negotiation training workshop in the Hudson Valley. The workshop will be held at the beautiful Carey Conference Center, located on an historic 100-acre estate overlooking […]
ranching jobs and apprenticeships
via Quivera Coalition: New Agrarian Program apprenticeships Other Great Opportunities Please note, the opportunities listed below are not through the Quivira Coalition; if you would like more information on any […]
ag promotion that we can stomach Usually the FB stuff is lame, but these ranchers have the right flavor saltlick. Check it out, communications majors.
summer semester at stone soup
Stone Soup Institute is a small non-profit organization teaching sustainable/rural living skills, located in Harpswell Maine. Our program is project based, and hands-on. We are offering the Spring/Summer semester with […]
washington: local food systems training for young adults
Registration is currently open for the 2014 year of Cascade Mountain School. Five programs for middle and high school students run from June to August. Need-based scholarships are available on […]
did drought kill your trees? here's some help...
2012 and 2013 were tough years for planting/growing anything in much of the US. If it wasn't flooding, it was a drought. Trees died. The FSA office of USDA […]
farm transitions in the midwest
During the summer of 2013, Land Stewardship Project Farm Beginnings journalism intern Alex Baumhardt interviewed families in Minnesota and Wisconsin that were in various stages of farm transitions. The following […]
this is how you propagate ribes (currant, jostaberry, gooseberry) from hardwood cuttings
Trevor Newman of Roots to Fruits Ecological Design leads the way in this practical instructional video on how to take one currant bush and turn it into many (for FREE)! Check […]
food movements, agroecology and the future of food and farming
From OUR LAND presenter Eric Holt-Gimenez, of Food First
upcoming webinar: enhancing native pollinator populations on farms
April 17, Noon - 1 pm EDT We need these farming partners to pollinate our fruit and vegetable crops, yet our native pollinators and honey bees are struggling from multiple […]
plowed under
Across the northern plains, native grassland is being turned into farmland at a rate not seen since the 1920s. The environmental consequences could be disastrous. Article by Jocelyn C. Zuckerman […]
new york: buzz with rev. billy's honeybeelujah campaign
Springtime Greetings to the Citizens of Earthalujahville! This spring we run our parallel performances - our nonviolent dramatic activism and our run at Joe's Pub at the Public Theater […]
we need your skills!
Hi there Greenhorns blog community. Things are moving fast and furious in the Greenhorns basement kitchen. Yes, we have many projects. We have about sixteen pots on the stove, some […]
is there atrazine in your drinking water?
An important article. Is there Atrazine in your drinking water? By Allison Vuchnich and Gil Shochat For more than 50 years farmers across North America have been spraying atrazine, a […]
land for food
For any young farmers with the ability to travel, this would be a great experience. As part of its biennial conferences, IUFN is happy to invite you to a new international workshop, LAND […]
seedy documentary
featuring our friends at the Hudson Valley Seed Library among others. First chance to see it will be on Earth Day in NYC- but ONLY if they pre-sell enough tickets […]
maps of gmo free zones in europe
Anyone thinking about visiting a GMO free zone in Europe? These MAPS will lead the way.
dow chemical seeks usda approval for 2,4-d ready corn
Excerpts taken from the Pesticide Action Network Dow and USDA are hoping to quietly approve a new genetically engineered corn seed that basically swaps RoundUp (glyphosate) for a worse weedkiller […]
spring conference: central arkansas new agrarian society
April 26th, 2014, Little Rock, AR The Central Arkansas New Agrarian Society (CANAS) is hosting a day-long series of workshops devoted to backyard gardening, food security, skill sharing, and community […]
growing cities screenings!
Calling all greenhorns, sustainable farmers, and local food groups... BRING THE INSPIRATION OF GROWING CITIES TO YOUR COMMUNITY! From rooftop farmers to backyard beekeepers, Americans are growing food like never before. A […]
young ranchers: making sure you know about this program
Management Intensive Grazing School
justified paranoia of scientists
A VALUABLE REPUTATION After Tyrone Hayes said that a chemical was harmful, its maker pursued him. By Rachel Aviv for The New Yorker; February 10, 2014 In 2001, seven years after joining […]
keep the soil in organic
Dear Community, Eliot Coleman suggests that we educate ourselves about this issue at the National Organic Program to allow for "soil-less" organics. He is one of dozens of elders in […]
shoveling water
Journey to the heart of coca country where United States tax dollars have financed the aerial fumigation of 2.6 million acres of land in Colombia – the world's second most […]
house of fairy tales cartography!
Cartography Portfolio We enlisted the imaginations of artists to realize the aesthetic, visualize the psycho-geography and describe the terrain, landscape, characters and stories of The House of Fairy […]
SARE library
SARE's Library of Publications is Now Available on USB Drives. Whether you are in the field, on a flight or simply without an internet connection, SARE's library of publications is […]
need your comments: new fda rules may cut ties between brewers and farmers.
Comment HERE. The public comment period ends Monday, March 31st! From the Bangor Daily News: America’s booming brewing industry and farmers alike are bothered and befuddled by a proposed U.S. […]
a great read/resource: small farm equipment
"Small Farm Equipment" covers many facets of equipment use and maintenance on the small- to mid-size farm. Topics include the following: Mechanical concepts and terminology Best practices and safety around […]