Politics & Activism

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intergenerational succession?

'If there's no water, what's the point?' Female farmers in Arizona – a photo essay Debbie Weingarten and Audra Mulkern, December 19th 2017, The Guardian  Despite the fact that women have always farmed, they have been left out of our agricultural narrative. An incomplete story has real consequences: women have been left off land titles and […]

Posted: December 20 2017
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how does change happen on the land?

The Edmund Hillary Fellowship just published this great article about Severine!  There is a question we need to ask when talking about food production. The question is, “Who is telling what story, and on whose behalf?” Is it a story that goes with dinner? Or does it perhaps focus on the “We feed the world” […]

Posted: November 23 2017
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kiss the ground: book and documentary about the hidden power of soil.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhUd1X_Ni58?ecver=1&w=640&h=360] Discover the hidden power soil has to reverse climate change, and how a regenerative farming diet not only delivers us better health and wellness, but also rebuilds our most precious resource—the very ground that feeds us. Josh Tickell, one of America’s most celebrated documentary filmmakers and director of Fuel, has dedicated most of his […]

Posted: November 21 2017
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why rural farming matters to the city

The following article was submitted to the Greenhorns by Freya Yost. Freya is Director of Operations at Cloudburst Foundation, an Italian-based non-profit working closely with the Commonwealth to address climate change and meet the UN SDGs. Her background is in information science, specializing in areas of government information and policy, open source technologies, and digital rights […]

Posted: November 21 2017
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chasing coral - run to see this!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6fHA9R2cKI?ecver=1&w=640&h=360] A team of divers, photographers and scientists set out on a thrilling adventure to document the disappearance of the world's coral reefs, this documentary is the result of 3 years work and hundreds of hours of underwater footage. Corals are a fundamental part of the planetary and oceanic ecosystem (supporting 25% of marine […]

Posted: November 15 2017
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two rivers tells the tale of indigenous tribes defending america's most important rivers from industry

1,500 miles apart, two rivers flow. One alongside rolling hills and blue skies of the North Dakota high plains, the other tumbles past volcanoes, down narrow gorges, and through rugged mountain terrain. Beyond the distance and difference that separates these rivers is a similar story that begins over 500 hundred years ago, with their shared […]

Posted: November 12 2017
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have you heard about regroup farm?

ReGroup.Farm is the tale and reality of a group of Boomers, Gen X-er's and Millennials found themselves on a farm in the Midwest. They recognized that something very interesting was happening in society at large, that in spite of all the division and decay of rural towns, that these phenomena can be reversed. In fact this […]

Posted: November 11 2017
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can we really restore degraded landscapes?

[vimeo 231744267 w=640 h=360] New and exciting things are happening at the Permaculture Skills Center. The Eco-Landscape Mastery Course is already underway! It couldn't be a more opportune time to continue our work educating our communities and ourselves!  It's a degraded world out there. So many acres/hectares of landscapes have been destroyed and it's having negative consequences […]

Posted: November 9 2017
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sam clovis withdraws nomination for agriculture department chief scientist

We've written about his preposterous nomination before due to his sheer inadequacy for the job and thankfully Sam Clovis has finally withdrawn his nomination for chief scientist of the agriculture department. Clovis is a climate change sceptic and was just another cog in the anti-science Trump administration. However make no mistake, his lack of qualification for […]

Posted: November 5 2017
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great article about the social implications of pesticide use

"We live and die by chemical agriculture". In the age of rampant use of chemicals such as the dreaded dicamba, truer words have perhaps never been spoken. Zachary Michael Jack, Iowa View contributor recently writes in the Des Moines Register about stark contrast between pesticide and herbicide spraying in the 80's during his childhood versus the […]

Posted: November 4 2017
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save the date: april 2018 in aloha valley new zealand

Register your interest HERE 

Posted: November 3 2017
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community finance, resilience and agriculture

Growing Magazine recently published a good examination of community finance, community resilience and community agriculture - the CSA model. They profile 3 different farms: Brookford Farm in NH, Norwich Meadows Farm NY, and Prairierth Farm IL, all of whom are practicing a modified, diversified form of CSA and are thriving! 

Posted: November 3 2017
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canada bans soylent as it is not real food

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency have banned food replacer Soylent as it does not meet the criteria of real food as it does "not meet a select few of the CFIA requirements for a ‘meal replacement". The CFIA strongly recommends that it not be consumed and the meal replacement product manufactures do not understand the […]

Posted: November 3 2017
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gipsa decision favors big ag, harms family farmers

The USDA recently made their final decision on GIPSA - to pull the pending Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) rules designed to level the playing field for poultry and livestock producers. These rules have been languishing since the 2008 farm bill, and today’s action firmly places this administration on the side of large […]

Posted: October 31 2017
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rich people farming

The NY Times published an interesting article recently about Kimbal Musk's (brother of Elon) foray into farming. Mr. Musk is promoting a philosophy he calls “real food,” which nourishes the body, the farmer and the planet. It doesn’t sound much different than what writers like Michael Pollan and everyone who has ever helped start a […]

Posted: October 30 2017
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check out this wonderful new podcast series

Down to Earth is a podcast about hope. As climate change collides with our industrial food system, we focus not on doom but instead on people who are developing practical, innovative solutions. We invite you to meet farmers, ranchers, scientists, land managers, writers, and many others on a mission to create a world in which […]

Posted: October 30 2017
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citizen science vs. dicamba

This citizen science group at PublicLab is starting to corral expertise, team-craft and discover potential scientific inquiry methodologies to look at this terrifying trend of toxic and ever more toxic agrichemicals. Conventional farmers, as well as organic farmers, are profoundly concerned by this militarization of agronomy, it becoming a situation of “Spray or be Sprayed”. […]

Posted: October 29 2017
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watch: keep the soil in organic

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op3J5GFmfzo&w=640&h=360] Since last July there have been 15 Rallies to Protect Organic. Some of these Rallies were big, and some were small. They happened from California to Maine. The central theme of the Rallies has been to honor healthy soil as the essential foundation of organic farming. There is one more Rally still to come; […]

Posted: October 28 2017
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monsanto sues arkansas over dicamba ban

In the most recent development in the dicamba scandal Monsanto have filed a lawsuit in Arkansas’ Pulaski County Circuit Court, suing state regulators for blocking dicamba for the 2018 growing season. The herbicide is controversial to say the least, increasing yields in resistant crops but simultaneously killing all other life in the region through drift […]

Posted: October 28 2017
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the family farm bulks up

Lon Frahm may represent the future of farming. Inside a two-story office building overshadowed by 80-foot steel grain bins, he points to a map showing the patchwork of square and circular fields that make up his operation. It covers nearly 10% of the county's cropland, and when he climbs into his Cessna Skylane to check […]

Posted: October 28 2017
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lessons from a culinary workforce development program

Berkeley Food Institute Community Engagement and Leadership Fellow and Sociology PhD student Carmen Brick, writes about her experience with workforce development programs for the BFI blog. From the outset, Carmen was aware of the perceived issues with workforce development programmes which are often criticized on the basis that they teach soft rather than hard skills […]

Posted: October 27 2017
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yikes! 'human pet food' scandal in brazil

The Guardian wrote an article recently about the 'human pet food' scandal that is currently unfolding in Brazil. "Prosecutors in Brazil’s biggest city have opened an inquiry into a controversial plan to feed poorer citizens and schoolchildren with a flour made out of food close to its sell-by date that critics have described as “human […]

Posted: October 25 2017
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read: with only 60 years of harvests left, how do we transform our food systems?

Elise Wach from the Indie Farmer wrote an article published last week that explores the necessary trajectory of the future of farming. At a time when industrial agricultural systems are depleting our soil and placing quantity of produce and profit before quality and ecological health, this discussion is crucial. She also addresses the myths and […]

Posted: October 24 2017
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celebrate with farmworkers in vermont

As part of Food Week of Action, today we are celebrating with farmworkers in vermont and as we recognise the huge milestone that was reached in the food and farming world earlier this month. On Tuesday October 3, farmworker leaders from Migrant Justice and the CEO of Ben & Jerry’s jointly signed the Milk with […]

Posted: October 21 2017
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bad news for those of you following the dicamba issue...

The EPA has finally announced its decision on dicamba last week. The department, headed by Scott Pruitt has decided to allow farmers to continue to spray the weed killer on Monsanto soybean and cotton crops. With increasingly widespread use of roundup and other weed killers, many invasive weeds have become resistant over time. Dicamba is […]

Posted: October 21 2017
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join the climate justice movement.

As part of Food Week of Action, the Presbyterian mission, sponsors of the week, bring us a message of climate justice today. God created the earth, and it is sacred. As Psalm 24:1 proclaims, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it.” Therefore we are called to stewardship of the earth. When […]

Posted: October 20 2017
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insect numbers fall by 76% in 27 years signaling an impending 'ecological armageddon'

The Guardian are warning of an ecological armageddon due to the data published in a study released yesterday which shows that insect populations have declined by over 75% in the last quarter century. “Insects make up about two-thirds of all life on Earth [but] there has been some kind of horrific decline,” said Prof Dave Goulson […]

Posted: October 19 2017
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support farmworkers - boycott wendy's

As part of today's Food Week action, support farmworkers by delivering a manager's letter to a Wendy's near you. Dear Wendy’s Manager, As a Wendy’s consumer and supporter of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers' (CIW) groundbreaking Fair Food Program, I urge Wendy’s to join with the CIW and the Florida tomato industry as they work […]

Posted: October 18 2017
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maine harvest credit project

http://maineharvestcp.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Harvest-Final-Master.mp4 Hey young farmers! There is a  new Credit Union for farmers in Maine! It was founded in recognition that access to credit is one of the most difficult hurdles for young and new farmers to overcome. The Maine Harvest Credit Project is working to create a specialised credit union that is focused on providing […]

Posted: October 18 2017
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book: land justice: re-imagining land, food, and the commons

“Hunger and poverty are perpetuated by undemocratic systems of power. Now, this great new resource lifts the veil hiding the history of dispossession and unequal land access in the US.” - Frances Moore Lappé Land access is the primary barrier for young farmers today. Ensuring access for young farmers who are passionate about the production […]

Posted: October 17 2017
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international day for the eradication of poverty

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ_ehELVScY&w=560&h=315] Today is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the theme this year is: A path towards peaceful and inclusive societies.  Todays call to action recognizes the importance of reaching out the the poorest throughout the world. As a global society, we are only as rich as our poorest member and we all […]

Posted: October 17 2017
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its world food day!

Today is world food day and the second day of Food Week of Action. World food day was established in 1945 on the anniversary of the launch of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Celebrated on the 16th of October each year, the purpose is to raise awareness of hunger and poverty and to […]

Posted: October 16 2017
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happy international day of rural women!

The UN designated October 15th as international day of rural women in recognition of the crucial role that women and girls play in ensuring the sustainability of rural households and communities, improving rural livelihoods and overall wellbeing. Rural women play an invaluable and significant role in food security, resource stewardship and and environmental sustainability. Although women account […]

Posted: October 15 2017
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traces of glyphosate found in ben & jerry's icecream leads company to launch an organic range.

The Health Research Institute (HRI) laboratories  recently reported that there were traces of glyphosate found in  13 out of 14 tubs of Ben & Jerry ice cream tested in the EU. The samples came from a range of countries including  the UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands. Glyphosate is one of the most controversial of weedkillers […]

Posted: October 14 2017
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help puerto rico get back on it's feet in the aftermath of the hurricane maria - send seeds!

Dear young farmers, If you are feeling in this circus of crises that our response to the common plight of a planet in an un-natural spin defines us as a society, and that the scar tissues formed over the wounded parts of ourselves and our lands— then perhaps you will resonate with the campaign undertaken […]

Posted: October 14 2017
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biodynamic wildfire relief fund

Following the devastation caused by the spread of massive wildfires in California over the past week it has become apparent that many of those within the biodynamic community have been directly affected. Among these is Frey Vineyards, a pioneer in Biodynamic® wine and dedicated supporter of the BDA. The vineyard has experienced significant losses due to the fires, […]

Posted: October 13 2017
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new resource: national sustainable agriculture oral history archive

The National Sustainable Agriculture Oral History Archive is a collection of interviews with people who have been instrumental in the development and implementation of public policies to advance sustainable agriculture in the United States. It was started in 2015 and has been growing ever since. Several of the interviews are with key members of the National […]

Posted: October 12 2017
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restorative agroforestry proposed as a solution to climate change related forest fires.

Forest fires have become an increasingly significant issue in the last decade and it seems as though nowhere is safe from the death and destruction that they bring. Few places have to contend with fires on a large a scale as Portugal. The fires this year killed 64 people and destroyed tens of thousands of […]

Posted: October 9 2017
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event: are rural communities doomed? changemakers say no!

As you may be aware, Japanese society is contending with the combined societal challenges of an ageing population, low birthrate, and the decline of primary and local industries in a highly globalised world. This trend has also led to a significant and rising level of inequality between urban and rural areas in Japan. While Japan […]

Posted: October 7 2017
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listen: episode 3 of the just food podcast

[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/345493674" params="color=ff5500" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] Listen to the latest episode of The Just Food Podcast. The 6-part podcast series covers a range of topics aimed at cultivating justice and health. They are produced by the Berkeley Food Institute in partnership with the UC Berkeley Advanced Media Institute at the Graduate School of Journalism. Episode 3 tells the story of the […]

Posted: October 6 2017