evolution of organic hits theaters this month!
The world premier of the Evolution of Organic (see our previous post on this film here and here) is finally upon us! You can catch the event at the opening Night of […]
the future of farming in new england
Can New England farmers survive in changing climate? A new podcast says, yes-- and they absolutely need to.
What is it about the ruthless sea? An acculturation in agricultural landscapes, full of flower buds, dewdrops, fresh hay, kittens and baby lambs cannot prepare you for the hard, chilling […]
severine and the last american food commons, part I
This past Fall, Severine travelled to beautiful Alaska and wrote three comprehensive articles based on her experience for In These Times. From Halibut festivals to fish processing boats to the rugged […]
trade, commons, seedstock and revolutionary politics
WEDNESDAY September 2nd. 6pm- 8.30 pm Boylston Hall 105 in Harvard Yard. FREE and OPEN to the public We hope you can join for this event presented by Greenhorns' Maine […]
beyond the farm bill
Here is a new venue for discussing policies and programs that do not exist within the current farm bill -- or even the farm bill debate. As an organizer I […]
maine farmland trust annual meeting
Severine is speaking: More information HERE
farmer sayings: almanac needs your help!
Dear Loyal blog readers. We've got a request today. Brooke is illustrating farmer sayings for the next almanac. And is looking for suggestions from the crowd. " Knee high by […]
in conversation with severine
In Conversation with Severine von Tscharner Fleming, a Young Farmer and Activist I first met Severine von Tscharner Fleming when she was a student at UC Berkeley. Her bubbling, nay […]
1700 hectares of public land
Land Trusts Across the Pond from The Agrarian Trust July 1, 2013 [vimeo w=500&h=281] A trust for public land in France: Terre de Liens is a civil society organization created […]
report from manchester
I'm here from the USA with a focus on charting the organizational work of young farmers across Europe. Throughout this month I'll be meeting social entrepreneurs, farmers, organizers and activists […]
granges reviving
New Blood Sparks Identity Crisis for Fraternal Group of Farmers --Jeff Brady, NPR, June 14, 2013. Lots of passionate people are taking up farming these days, motivated by frustration with […]
your cooperation in distribution
Hi there folks we love. ITs distribution time! WE need your guidance in getting the 2013 New Farmers Almanac out and about, AK press will be distributing to bookstores-- but […]
yet another farm manager job
Ok people. I just want to say, if you are going to manage someone else's farm make darn sure you get: - Healthcare - Housing - Salary of at least […]
the governor of vermont, so on point
[youtube=] We need more farm-born statesmen. " The economic future of our state depends on a local and regional agriculture" Hell yes! s
upcoming classes in this cool social technology called precencing
farm manager wanted, nova scotia
Watershed Farm Farmer Manager Wanted Watershed Farm has been a mixed vegetable and herb farm for over 10 years and is located 12 km. from Bridgewater on the beautiful South […]
a great blog to follow doing an awesome job over there
Save The Date: Farm Bill Hackathon NYC 12/3
Mark your calendar! On December 3, Food+Tech Connect & Gojee are bringing together journalists, technologists, designers, policy makers, and food data specialists to develop tools and visualizations that help the public better […]
nominate a young farmer that kicks ass
NRDC Announces Fourth Annual Growing Green Awards to Honor Extraordinary Contributions in Sustainable Food Nominations are due by December 9, 2011 $10,000 cash prize in the Food Producer category $2,500 cash prize in […]
peter nadin @ gavin brown's enterprise
Tomorrow (Tuesday) - Greenhorns will be representing! Art + Agriculture Old Field Farm and Gavin Brown’s Enterprise will be holding talks at the gallery in July 2011 on subjects related […]
eliot coleman paper delivered at yale
I'm not the hugest fan of this paper, but he references a lot of historical texts that I've begun digging into. Currently on the bed: Agricultural Discontent in the Middle […]
Speculators getting in deeper into farming
I may be a cloudy eyed springtime mud hopper, but these sharky speculators pushing buttons on wall street with our nation's food supply get me all riled up and FURIOUS. […]
grain situations
lots of times people wonder how this local food movement is going to 'Feed the masses' Those of you here likely have your own favorite answer to this question, but […]
project partner in North Carolina
if you know any carolinian crafty farmer types. send them our way. we are working on the flyer
GMOs don't help young farmers
In the last three weeks. New crops. ALfalfa, sugar beets, ethanol corn. What is going on ? obama? You need us to show you the movement? You need us to […]
sometimes the business perspective is useful
As I said to the berkeley class I spoke to last night: we have to Choose to choose!
young farmers: pay attention
Here is the house committee ag chairman Lucas ranting about the EPA's unachievable and radical environmental proposal - As neighbors in the ag- landscape many of us are keen for […]
helping farmers
Sometimes it feels like there aren't enough of us focused on meeting the needs of farmers.. especially now as the snow drifts up up up and I look at our […]
book reviews
Growing roots. A new book by chelsea greene publishing. Its a collection of profiles of young activists, farmers and food advocates with photographs, recipes and interviews from around the country. […]
what a wonderful place The Center for Land Use Interpretation: Dedicated to the increase and diffusion of knowledge about how the nation's lands are apportioned, utilized, and perceived Was just there to visit […]
stop it obama!
We need agricultural research to support the transition of our foodsystem to regional production-- not making candy bars into little candy coated bite size pieces. Convenience is killing us. Lets […]
hi farmers. for a photo collage project we are asking you to bust out your digital camera.. and would like please a collection of your dirty fingers. particularly.. the weeding […]
inspired by Elaine Weiss's book fruits of victory
about how the women's land army at first had issues with harvesting tobacco, in connecticut so close to the women's colleges... but ultimately they did it. [youtube=]
redefining green
Severine was recently chosen by Grist as one of 40 people who are "redefining green". Check it out!
radio show in which is sev
Severine hits the airwaves on this week's grow-op on Radio Ecoshock, gettin down to business and talking about getting back to the land! getting out, growing where you are, feeding the city, from […]
my darina!
and her book! By Julia Moskin March 30, 2010, The New York Times IN 1968 — when Alice Waters had just graduated from Berkeley, when Paula Wolfert was studying couscous […]
let's hear it for hardwick, vt!
Epicenter for green economic development. I'm thinking of sending that town my strongest brother for the summer. You can find out more by reading the brand new book The Town […]