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Speculators getting in deeper into farming

Posted: May 23 2011

I may be a cloudy eyed springtime mud hopper, but these sharky speculators pushing buttons on wall street with our nation's food supply get me all riled up and FURIOUS.

Hedge Farm! The Doomsday Food Price Scenario Turning Hedgies into Survivalists
By Foster Kamer, May 17, 2011 for the New York Observer
On the rare occasion that New Yorkers talk about farming, it's usually something along the lines of what sort of organic kale to plant in the vanity garden at the second house in the Adirondacks. But on a recent afternoon, The Observer had a conversation of a different sort about agricultural pursuits with a hedge fund manager he'd met at one of the many dark-paneled private clubs in midtown a few weeks prior. "A friend of mine is actually the largest owner of agricultural land in Uruguay," said the hedge fund manager. "He's a year older than I am. We're somewhere [around] the 15th-largest farmers in America right now."
"We," as in, his hedge fund.
read the full article HERE