nice letterpress man gave us some tips
we'll share them with you all. THANK YOU CARRIE, our letter press is working and lovely. BOOKS: INTAGLIO: Practical Guide to Etching and Other Intaglio Printmaking Techniques / (ISBN 10: 0486251659 / ISBN […]
great job! in montana
The National Center forAppropriate Technology (NCAT) is seeking a Coordinator for Grow Montana, a statewide food and agriculture policy council. This is a great opportunity for an individual to work with an […]
10 years and 5,000 fruit trees later..
Common Vision is bringing back fruit trees to california schools check out their new video!
news from farmstead meatsmith
Upcoming classes: Primitive Goat Harvest This week-long workshop is the uncompromising embodiment of responsibility. As we take life from two goats, we confidently assume the task before us: to use […]
want to run a goat dairy? washington
Organic Farm Business for Lease Sunny Pine Farm in Twisp, WA is an organic goat dairy milking 50-55 goats. There is an established market for cheese and yogurt. This is […]
forageSF is hiring
A sweet gig for an entrepreneurial type. Operations/Kitchen Manager We are hiring an operations manager to work with us through the creation/operation of Forage Kitchen. This job is an overall […]
the land connection
More great resources for you Midwest greenhorns. The Land Connection is an educational nonprofit dedicated to preserving and protecting our agricultural heritage through farmer training programs, sharing resources on how to […]
action alert - canola in washington state
via Adaptive Seeds: We here at Adaptive Seeds are not big on sending out mass e-mails, but have made an exception today: There is an immediate threat to our food […]
another incubator recruiting talent
The New Farmer Training Program and Agricultural Incubator at the Seed Farm in Emmaus Pennsylvania is now accepting applications for the 2013 season. This intensive organic vegetable training program includes […]
a movie about relish in taiwan
[vimeo] Preserves is a feature length experimental narrative/documentary that takes place in Southern Taiwan exploring agriculture, food processing, and its effects on individuals. It’s one part observational documentary following […]
work with global growers network this fall
2 open positions with this wonderful organization! [youtube=] The Global Growers Network, in partnership with Refugee Family Services, creates new agricultural opportunities in Georgia for international farmers who were forced […]
NOFA summer conference
This weekend! August 10-12, 2012 at UMass Amherst in Massachusetts. View a list of the 200+ workshops offered for 2012 on organic farming, gardening, land care, draft animals, homesteading, sustainability, […]
the nicest biodynamic crayons
And a nice family that distributes them right here in Columbia County, NY. Meadowsweet Naturals - Stick Crayons
DIY skills for kids
DIY.orgjust released the first of their Skills pages. Included in these is a Gardener Skill page. DIY has many enthusiastic gardeners already in the fold, now there's a curated curriculum […]
farmlink 101:everett WSU
FarmLink 101: A Starting Point for Aspiring & Beginning Farmers Tuesday, August 21, 2012; 7:00 - 9:00 pm @ WSU Snohomish County Extension, Cougar Auditorium (Everett, WA) Free workshop. Registration required […]
young farmers protest low milk prices..
..with nudie press stunt what a good idea!
don't miss this dying event
Sept. 22, from 10am to 3pm: Seaside Day of Dyes Ocean water, California chaparral dye color, and regional fiber come together on one of our most pristine Northern California beaches. Come […]
baltimore county young farmers
on the radio! Thanks for Charlotte Heyrman for sending us the link. Listen HERE to the segment on the Marc Steiner show. This week on the show, we’ll speak with […]
since our screening at the sydney botanic garden
there are lots more Australians in our ranks. Check out this post from some Australian greenhorns:
new breed of cowboy
New breed of ranchers shapes a sustainable West by Todd Wilkinson for the Christian Science Monitor harlowton, mont. Zachary Jones is a saddle-hardened fifth-generation rancher even though, on the surface, […]
harvesting opportunities conference
Harvesting Opportunities: Growing Local Food Economies and Protecting Farmland A Conference to Inspire and Educate New Yorkers to Support Agriculture, Strengthen Local Farm and Food Economies and Get Involved in […]
help wood prairie farm build a new repair shop!
The good folks of Wood Prairie Farm have raised $15,000 but they've got a ways to go and only 3 days left in their fundraising campaign. More information here: […]
thirty-year plan
On the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary, Orion asked thirty writers and thinkers to name one thing we will increasingly need over the next thirty years if humans are going […]
rock the barn
Rock the Barn, put together by three friends, is a (non-funded) promotional bicycle tour for prop 37, the labeling of GMO ingredients in California, and for small organic farms in […]
amazing communications job
New England Farmers Union Education Foundation is seeking to add a Communications Coordinator to our team. NEFUEF is the charitable arm (501c3 organization) of the New England Farmers Union, a […]
bitterseeds doc
BITTER SEEDS is a beautiful film that examines the impact of GMO seeds on farmers in India. Join with other anti-GMO activists nationwide who are organizing screenings of this film […]
maine seed camp!
2012 Seed Camp @ Saving Seeds Farm, Sedgwick, Maine August 17 - 20, 2012 A weekend-long intensive course on small-scale farming and seed production. Includes full-day workshop with master seedsman Will […]
curse the weed! or dye with it.
Turns out that poke berry was used in the ink for the Declaration of Independance. So perhaps this year. Make a salty mash , and write something bold! dye: ink:
my town needs a community grocer, does yours?
Here is a whole nice toolkit of useful thinking featured resource, from Nebraska.
a movie with Wendell Berry? no way
yes way. check out the trailer: + description: Presented by Robert Redford and Terrence Malick and featuring interviews with Redford, Willie Nelson, Texas Governor Ann Richards, environmentalist Wendell Berry and many […]
mini-documentary about harvesting hay, and the equipment monsters!
featured resource: how to organize a coalition
Building a Local Young Farmers Coalition from NYFC
farm hand carts from farmer/farmhacker josh volk
I've been spending a lot of time this year further developing an improved garden cart idea that I originally built at Sauvie Island Organics about 5 years ago. There are […]
a report from colombia
Monday, July 16, 2012 Colombia: Putumayo farmers build a better future by planting cocoa The ICRC supports a cocoa-farming project being spearheaded by farmers in the San Miguel region of […]
a local history, almost forgotten
In the Gilded Age and beyond, high fashion decreed that violets were the flower of choice for Valentine's Day, Easter, and a fragrant corsage. [vimeo] At its height, in […]
sheep and goat symposium
The Annual Cornell Sheep and Goat Symposium will be held Saturday, October 27 in Morrison Hall on the Cornell University campus in Ithaca. On Friday 26 October from 11 am […]
young candidate on agricultural platform
Kevin Labenz. Here's his pitch: On June 12th, I officially launched my campaign for Minnesota State House of Representatives in the newly outlined District 23A. Many of you know me […]
young farmers, land tenure, crazy weather
For young farmers: No land but plenty of climate change to go around by Jared Flesher, cross-posted from Grist & Edible Jersey We desperately need more young farmers in this […]
2012 rural route line-up!
[youtube=] The line-up has been announced for the 2012 Rural Route Film Festival! We're serving up choice-cuts of premieres & sneak previews of some of the year's best indie fare, […]