handmade soba
Sharing the art of noodle making: Sonoko Sakai's Kneading Conference West workshop will lead participants through the step by step hands-on process that turns buckwheat into delicious Zaru Soba (cold buckwheat noodles served with […]
new format for cooperation
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sVNSOkiH29o] http://www.laruchequiditoui.fr/
kiva zip
https://zip.kiva.org/trustees/61 Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee? To support young farmers as they begin to capitalize small businesses, establishing good business practices, facilitating access to credit, and exploring […]
acorn's beginning farmer symposium
SAVE THE DATE! The Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN) is excited to announce that registration is now open for our 2nd Beginner Farmer Symposium & Mixer, happening Monday, August 19th, 2013, at […]
weigh in with the NFFC
The National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC) is hosting its summer board meeting at Stony Point Retreat Center, about an hour north of New York City, July 19-21. This is an […]
new screening time for symphony of the soil
The 6:30 showing is sold out, but there is now a second screening at 9:10. If you're in the NYC area, check it out! [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/64662202 w=400&h=300]Symphony of the Soil […]
conversations of the lindisfarne fellows
via the Schumacher Center for a New Economics. In 1972 William Irwin Thompson founded the Lindisfarne Association as an alternative way for the humanities to develop in a scientific and technical civilization. […]
a new farm incubator project
At Pushing the Envelope Farm in Geneva, IL. We love seeing these projects pop up across the country! Download their advertisement HERE
sev interviewed by howard kuntsler
on his podcast. Listen HERE. (he also paints)
skill share workshops in oregon
A group of farmers and food advocacy groups have come together to plan a free summer workshop series for farm interns in the Southern Willamette Valley. Come learn from experienced, […]
1700 hectares of public land
Land Trusts Across the Pond from The Agrarian Trust July 1, 2013 [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/65132998 w=500&h=281] A trust for public land in France: Terre de Liens is a civil society organization created […]
what are we fighting for
http://www.youngfarmers.org/policy/platform/ A great set of talking points for this moment of pause between farm bills!
rural route fundraising campaign
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=WQM8W4DW5FQ] Rural Route launches a new Indiegogo fundraiser campaign for our new 2013 festival! PLEASE DONATE TO KEEP US GOING!!! & pass this on to friends and colleagues! Rural Route has […]
museum of food and drink
The Museum of Food and Drink (MOFAD) is a 501©(3) non-profit chartered by the New York State Education Department that is in the early stages of launching a first-of-its-kind food […]
report from manchester
I'm here from the USA with a focus on charting the organizational work of young farmers across Europe. Throughout this month I'll be meeting social entrepreneurs, farmers, organizers and activists […]
from our favorite oyster growing caveman
The Complete Illustrated One Page Bulletproof® Diet Common dietary mistakes will sap your energy, lower your immunity, and make you cranky. Basic unsuspected foods can make you weak, soft, and […]
symphony of the soil
Deborah Koons Garcia (Director,The Future of Food) will premiere her new documentary, Symphony of the Soil at the IFC Center in New York City, Thursday July 11th, 2013 at 6:30pm […]
cayuga needs our help
LOCAL FAMILY FARM NEEDS HELP RISING FROM THE ASHES Indiegogo campaign HERE Family-owned Cayuga Pure Organics, an organic farm near Ithaca NY, has been producing beans and grains for area […]
nofa-ny farm hack event
Scaling Up the Beginning Farm with Innovation and Appropriate Technology July 9, 2013, 3:30 -6:00pm followed by potluck dinner Juniper Hill Farm, 82 Loukes Lane, Wadhams(Westport) NY 12993 On-farm equipment […]
niche meat processor assistance network!
They've got an awesome Listserv. NMPAN is a national network of people and organizations creating and supporting appropriate-scale meat processing infrastructure for niche meat markets. Small and mid-sized plants — […]
farm robots
Rosie the Robot Won't Serve Your Food, But She'll Pick It -Rachel Estabrook, NPR, 26 June 2013. From manufacturing to cupcake sales, companies are finding that machines can often do […]
no lot left unfarmed
Main Street Farms is an urban aquaponics farm, organic plant nursery, and education center in Homer NY, devoted to sustainable agriculture and local food security. Our current farm is booming […]
nyfc's new website
Lookin' great! Check it out during the next thunderstorm. http://www.youngfarmers.org/
les blank: a quiet revelation
http://vimeo.com/68737673 Clips from Gina Leibrecht's film-in-progress "Les Blank: A Quiet Revelation". If you like what you see and would like to make a tax-deductible donation toward the completion of this […]
ecological pest control
This week's Farm Training Project event from MOFGA. Always a good model for other organizations/educational initiatives. Ecological Pest Control Wednesday, June 26, 5pm at Hatchet Cove Farm, Warren Thursday, June […]
spinning for the commons
news from Shumacher Center for a New Economics On a shelf in the Library of the Schumacher Center for a New Economics sits a small wooden box with worn leather […]
incredible rural project
Curtains Without Borders. Curtains Without Borders is a conservation project dedicated to documenting and preserving historic painted scenery. The painted curtains are found in town halls, grange halls, theaters and […]
walmart workers on food stamps
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xb8OTiEYJvM] Despite working full-time, Walmart employee and Florida resident Lisa Lopez had to apply for food stamps in order to support her family -- yet the 6 Walmart heirs are […]
to make a farm
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/62464638] To Make A Farm Facebook Page
model website and project
Coastal Farms and Foods is an incubator business providing a food processing infrastructure for berry growers, farmers, food processors and food entrepreneurs! Located at 248 Northport Avenue (directions) in Belfast, […]
strong starts: urban farming 101
urban farm education in Texas! Download the full agenda HERE Are you interested in starting a small-acreage, sustainable farm? Already started farming, but interested in strengthening your cultivation methods, business […]
a new seed company in the finger lakes!
we love seeing new companies pop up. Fruition Seeds! Check out their Kickstarter, Blog and Facebook page. Fruition Seeds grows three acres of certified organic seed in the Finger Lakes […]
save the honeybees
A note from the folks at Greenpeace: Scientists have linked a powerful class of pesticides called “neonics” to increases in bee die-offs. Due in part to these deadly toxic chemicals, 31% […]
mesoamerica resiste
The Beehive Collective has a new poster! In their words: These graphics depict many stories of resistance to Project Mesoamerica, formerly known as the PPP (Plan Puebla Panama), a massive infrastructure […]
justice begins with seeds conference
2013 International Conference dates: August 2-3, 2013. Seattle, WA. Join food justice and NON-GMO food advocates for two days of plenaries, discussion groups and networking opportunities around SEEDS, SOIL, SOVEREIGNTY […]
granges reviving
New Blood Sparks Identity Crisis for Fraternal Group of Farmers --Jeff Brady, NPR, June 14, 2013. Lots of passionate people are taking up farming these days, motivated by frustration with […]
Our Solstice Mixer is this weekend!
Dear Readers: The Greenhorns Grange Solstice Mixer is this weekend, June 22 and 23 in Keeseville, New York! Here are all the logistics you will need for the weekend including […]
a note on jobs
Dear Blog Readers, For many years now, we have posted job opportunities for young farmers around the country. While it has been a blast to see firsthand the incredible opportunities […]
warning: controversy brewing
Brook Farm backers criticize Glynwood's bid for parcel of land By Jeremiah HorriganTimes Herald-Record Published: 2:00 AM - 06/05/13 NEW PALTZ — At first glance, Glynwood would appear to be […]