another movie
Food Chains explores the exploitation of farm workers in the agriculture industry in the United States, the complicity of government and corporations in perpetuating human rights abuses, and the role […]
the united watershed states of america
what if western states were defined by watersheds? The story begins with John Wesley Powell, the great one-armed adventurer and geologist. He was made famous for his successful runs […]
guilds are going! in california
check out the great organizing going on by young farmers in california! A century ago our country had well over six million farms. Today that number has fallen to just […]
send your hudson valley peeps to the nyfc benefit!
Our cocktail party to benefit NYFC's work in 2014 is fast approaching! Please join us on Sunday, Dec. 8th (one week from today) at the Red Devon Restaurant in Bangall at5pm for delicious food and […]
another great fiber project
Mendocino Wool & Fiber (MW&F) is a new wool mill in Northern California to create 100% locally sourced, processed and dyed yarn. It is family founded and owned by Matt (that's […]
rev billy at joe's pub
Reverend Billy is kicking off the campaign to stand up to Chase bank's threat to have him thrown in jail for a year, all because he and his choir spoke […]
mission to brazil
The Movimento dos Trabalhdores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) will be holding its Sixth Congress in February, 2014 amidst its celebration of 30 years of struggle for agrarian reform, social justice and […]
we are still seeking funding for our Our Land series
Here is a teaser: [vimeo] want to help? email [email protected]
a model for conversation and creativity
We love this idea. And if you're feeling the spirit of giving, chip in! Quill's End Farm is a 100 acre farm in Penobscot, Maine. It is a grass-based cow […]
featured resources: enterprise budgets and a farmhack shop!
First, Ethan shares over 1,000 enterprise budgets! Read his piece, "The Power of Enterprise Budgets: Permaculture, Holistic Management, and Financial Planning". At the end, he's got this treasure trove: "In […]
last of the unicorns
Sad news about the loss of Bill Coperthwaite. Here is a beautiful write-up from the Beehive Collective. “I want to live in a society where people are intoxicated with the […]
applications open for Quivira's New Agrarian Program
Quivira's New Agrarian Program grew out of the understanding that agriculture drives economies, creates green job opportunities and directly affects the health of our nation. Enthusiastic young agrarians are ready to […]
the best film on seeds -- ever!
If you saw the films Queen of the Sun, or Farmer John, you know the power of great visual story telling and that sweet ironic funny loving touch that Jon […]
allegheny mountain school fellowships
Deadline, December 15th Allegheny Mountain School Fellowships for 2014 Allegheny Mountain School is seeking nine inspiring individuals to participate in the fourth cohort of our 18 month fully-funded fellowship program. Applications […]
healing our bodies, restoring the land
Interesting conference coming up in California. Here's an Allan Savory Ted Talk for inspiration: [youtube=] Join us for this two-day conference in beautiful Chico, CA. We have an amazing line-up […]
fare grange
Resource Highlight: Fare Grange We know farming is a special type of business. Farmers require attorneys with expertise that fits their particular operation, especially when they are producing sustainable, organic, local, […]
scaling up
Starting this January, Scaling Up will bring together a group of 6-18 farmers with about 4 -7 years of experience who are seeking to grow their operations and plan for […]
remembering the context of servitude in agriculture
12 Years a Slave [youtube=]
resource highlight: agrarian trust
By Lindsey Rebhan The agricultural landscape in the U.S. is at another turning point in history. The number of people who lived on farms peaked in 1935, 54% of the […]
unique and intriguing methodology making decisions from a landscape perspective.
if you crave specifics on why Food Safety rules are terrible
In order to then join your voice to the choir of opposition. I suggest reading here.
interested to know about fallout from japan?
Here is a wonderful source of information to keep you up at night.
rural punks
Rural Punk Magazine Call Out For Submissions Hey You! Rural Punk! We are creating a magazine just for us, the rural punks, back to the land skids, backwoods anarchists, etc! The […]
mesoamerica resiste!
The latest from the Beehive Collective! Support the project HERE [kickstarter url= width=480] It's done, it's done!!! We can't wait for you to see our newest illustration! Help us print […]
cow comfort course
NNY Dairy Institute December Class Focused on Cow Comfort and Equipment Maintenance Cow comfort and equipment maintenance and how they impact milk quality will be in focus for the second […]
from cotton country
How You Pay Farmers to Watch Their Crop Shrivel Up and Die by Laird Townsend for Mother Jones The federal crop insurance program puts farmers in a real bind. And […]
creative currency
tools for a new economy. [vimeo] Creative Currency is an initiative bringing together leading developers and designers with national experts in social finance, local currencies, crowdfunding, sharing platforms, […]
wendell berry to speak at yale
a must-see if you're in the area! Poet, novelist, philosopher, environmental activist, cultural critic, and farmer Wendell Berry will present the next Chubb Fellowship Lecture as a guest of Timothy Dwight College […]
all watched over by machines of loving grace
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace is a 2011 BBC documentary series by filmmaker Adam Curtis. The series argues that computers have failed to liberate humanity and instead have "distorted and simplified our view […]
repair cafe!
What a super idea. Repair Cafe.orgRepair Cafés are free meeting places and they’re all about repairing things (together). In the place where a Repair Café is located, you’ll find tools […]
kitchen vignettes on PBS!
Hey look! Our friend Aube and her great blog, Kitchen Vignettes, are on the PBS site! Kitchen Vignettes on PBS. [youtube=] scroll down on the site for pumpkin apple baked beans.... […]
rad ranchers
[vimeo] Audio Portrait: Heidi Redd, Dugout Ranch; Stakeholder Group: Working Landscapes perspective
real food media contest
The Real Food Media Contest is seeking short and powerful films--from 30 seconds to four minutes--on food, farming, and sustainability. Contest judges include Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Robert Kenner (Food Inc.), […]
help tamarack hollow move to higher ground
[kickstarter url= width=480] Extreme rains, caused by climate change, have flooded our Vermont farm (Tamarack Hollow Farm) 3 times in 4 years. To keep farming, we need to move to […]
guerrilla grafters!
The Guerrilla Grafters graft fruit bearing branches onto non-fruit bearing, ornamental fruit trees. Over time, delicious, nutritious fruit is made available to urban residents through these grafts. Our web application […]
featured resource
Fern MissionTo secure local food sources in the desert Southwest through educational exchanges between current producers engaged in diverse ecologically conscious agriculture, and a new generation of food producers. […]
food sovereignty prize-- good winter evening listening!
women powered farms
Women Taking Over Farms, Learning the Lay of the Land By CORRIE MACLAGGAN Published: November 14, 2013 AMARILLO — DeDe Cummins’s family has farmed in the Texas Panhandle for a […]
10 senators in favor of GMO labeling
THE TREMENDOUS TEN: WOMEN IN THE SENATE SUPPORT LABELING OF GMO FOOD Fairfield, IA – November 10, 2013-- The Truth in Labeling Coalition today released their TREMENDOUS TEN list of […]
here's a model worth repeating
free internet support for farmers at the public library! Free Computer Services -- Public Announcement Are you aware that there is free computer and IT support for farmers and market growers at The Potsdam […]