greenhorns in OR, ID, WA
Our pal chandler passed this along - press opportunity for young farmers! Know any up-and-coming farmers, ranchers, or agribusiness people that would make interesting profile subjects for a story in […]
Many thanks to Gina Baldwin for passing along this terrific roundup of good things happening in Idaho. Gina worked at Draggin' Wing Farm which specializes in native and regionally adapted […]
kellogg youth
who are awesome troopers--
serve your country food back up..
and better than ever. if your farm isn't on there.. join today. ( it'll take a little while for your dot to show up since we moderate the dots)
job opening! Goat herd manager in Marin County, CA
Toluma Farms, Inc. is looking for a goat herd manager-- how can you resist this face? Read on for full Job Description:
and we thought greenhorns events were multimodal
Highway to Health Festival & Youth Forum NYC Youth Forum! Live music, cooking competitions, nourishing food, biking, yoga, rock climbing, jousting, Zumba, capoeira, gardeners and filmmakers workshops, lively discussions, movie […]
brains of transition
The International Farm Transition Network will host their annual conference July 20-23, 2010 at the Sheraton Suites in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. This three day meeting will bring together agricultural professionals, […]
have your say!
here is the thinking of our loyal reform team: and here is where you can have your say on the farmbill directly. more soon. House Ag Committee Accepting 2012 Farm Bill […]
quaker permaculture
sounds pretty awesome. What also are hearing about is the revival of shaker seed saving, w/ ken greene our favorite green gremlin of local varieties. more on that soon. Woolman Summer […]
those italians
The 7th International Audiovisual Festival of Biodiversity is now online. It is possible to watch and vote participating videos on the digital platform till the 23rd of May. Your vote […]
it's happening!
Check it out (!) Providence has an Urban Agriculture Calendar that lists mostly free events around the area AND This weekend is Southside Community Land Trust's 18th Annual Plant Sale - […]
make sure you know about this blog/publication
Daily Yonder. Relevant news for rural America. Check out their latest offerings: Dear Readers, We bring stories of local food and beverage this week. David Mudd reviews Cornbread Nation 5, […]
aussie greenhorns
we've been hearing from more and more young farmers in australia-- they are getting organized over there too.. and hot on the email. Farmers' voice needs to be loud and […]
picnic in the park
Greenpoint Food Market is having a bash on May 22. The month of May is whizzing by right before our eyes and we MUST share our excitement for summer.
what a job! what a program!
at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Post-Doctoral Fellow-Lecturer in Anthropology Food Studies Centre, Department of Anthropology & Sociology £31,987 - £37,780 p.a. inclusive of London […]
food & farm film series
Maine Farmland Trust is excited to announce a creative collaboration with Portland's SPACE Gallery. From May 20-23, SPACE Gallery will be hosting a Food & Farm film series; and each evening, the feature film will […]
magic swiss muesli
the power breakfast that we served up at our It Takes A Village pig butchery weekend last fall. (not quaker) oatmeal marinated in lemon juice and grated apples add frozen […]
useful source material
courtesy of the soil association. “I battle so furiously on behalf of the small family farm because they are threatened with extinction from huge global corporate concerns, and governments that […]
even in Texas, the rose blooms.
and applications are due May 14! New Beginnings TDA grants jump start a budding generation of farmers... Friday, May 7, 2010; By Matt Felder Trent Thompson is a fire fighter. […]
in his town
go hang out with my brother and see this - Sev The Third Annual Rural Heritage Institute at Sterling College: Is Local Enough? Promises and Limits of Local Action Craftsbury […]
controversy over 'Farming the planet"...
what do we think about geo tinkery? As huge cloud-whitening experiment goes public, global coalition urges an immediate halt to geoengineering First UN talks on issue in thirty years begin […]
a poem to start off your week
greenhorn Katy Giombolini sent us this letter and a beautiful poem that she wrote! Thanks Katy, good luck in the fields this summer. I was taking a poetry class this […]
this is a very interesting hotbed
Taking place on May 20: Farmworkers’ Rights & Preserving Small Farms: A Conversation about the Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act The Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act is a New York […]
CSA manager - kalamazoo, MI
The deadline is coming right up! May 17. DeLano Farms CSA Manager at the The Kalamazoo Nature Center, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to inspire people to care for […]
CRAFT heads
and wannabe crafters.. these are some of the most forward thinking farmer educators:
dear eager agrarians,
lets convince our universities to engage more fully in the process of documenting rural and agricultural life. check this out! Iowa Youth and Families Project
kinderhook farm apprenticeship
They are still looking for the right person! We'll be at there this weekend for the hoggett event. Here is Severine with Lee Ranney at Kinderhook. Kinderhook Farm is a […]
rodale rodale rodale
Their May newsletter is chock full of good information, resources, tips, and research findings. Check it our HERE.. And their Spring Planting Festival is this weekend!
data, made more visual, more compelling
An amazing resource for learning more about farm subsidies in the U.S. . The Environmental Working Group's Farm Subsidy Database.
We just found out about The Xerxes Society for invertebrate conservation, which has a wonderful Pollinator Conservation Program. Their resource center in particular is quite remarkable. Pollinators are essential to […]
farm to cafeteria
online registration is closed, but you can still show up and register at the door for Taking Root the 5th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference. Detroit, Michigan, May 17-19. Farm […]
farm mom
Nominate Your WFAN "Sustainable Farming Mom of the Year" by May 7! Have you seen the hoopla lately from Monsanto about nominating candidates for their "Farmer Mom of the Year?" […]
move upstate, right now!
The Hudson Valley has a vibrant and growing farming community. Here are some real estate offerings in Hudson, NY. HOUSE #1 One is a small house two story with back […]
greenhorns reading list
Starting today, and weekly from now on, we'll be featuring books all of us greenhorns who " farm with their brains as well as their bodies". We'll categorize them under […]
holy smokes
imagine if the midwest grew 28 kinds of vegetables for local consumption! A very nice study just came out unfurling the economic impact of such a future-- no surprise, more […]
looking for an animator
we'd like to illustrate the situation of young farmers in American agriculture: ex. ave. age 57 more prisoners than farmers 42% of farmers looking to retire within 5 years growth […]
drip it up...
weird weather ahead. Dripworks Drip Irrigation & Supplies
sowing seeds
In collaboration with key partners across the Chesapeake area, Engaged Community Offshoots, Inc. is organizing and hosting Sowing Seeds Here and Now!: A Chesapeake Area Urban Farming Summit on Friday, […]
send me a connecticut intern
There are quite a few things going on here at greenhorns. Sev is working these days at "The Hickories" Farm in Ridgefield CT-- and is looking for someone who can […]