better world has less hunger and more farmers
Calling all socially-conscious designers! The Better World by Design Conference, hosted by Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, RI, is proud to announce the Better World Challenge! The […]
biodynamic land survey
Yggdrasil Land Foundation and the Biodynamic Association have teamed up to create a Biodynamic Farmland Access and Preservation Survey so that we can better understand the current status and future […]
any young farmers from milwaukee?
greenhorns team is looking for a place to stay during farmaid october3 - any farmer mommy's over there who would be a willing host ? we compensate in the form […]
us. gov is hiring ninjas to help farmers!
Do you or someone you know want to put your education and experience to work helping agricultural producers? The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) is seeking a full-time Sustainable […]
mushroom growing!
TODAY! A Mushroom Growing Workshop Thursday, August 19 2010 at 7pm; The Furnace - 84 Grand St., Albany, NY This Thursday Skott Kellogg, co-author with Stacy Pettigrew of "The Toolbox […]
limited reprint blog
Emily Post. After the publication of Etiquette in 1922, Emily Post quickly became known as a director and authority on the finer points of human interaction. But Emily Post’s role […]
work at slide ranch - CA
Side Ranch is now hiring for teachers-in-residence internship for 2011. Organization: Slide Ranch teaches visitors the impact our choices have on food, health, and the environment, through hands-on activities and […]
historic farm caretaker
Overview: The City of Auburn is seeking applications for Caretaker, Mary Olson Farm. The Mary Olson Farm dates from 1879 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Sites. […]
Our weekend in Maine was a great success, filled with good people, good food, good farmers, good music. We'll have some wrap-up thoughts in the coming days, and many of […]
chautauqua muscians out there?
Are you coming to Chatauqua tonight at MOFGA in Unity, ME? Can you play a contra dance? We've got some great musicians on board, but could use few more! Call […]
Knot-Tying Workshop at Chautauqua!
Rope Fibers & Knot Tying with Christin Ripley This workshop will be held on Sunday morning at the Beehive collective and will cover the resources historically used for rope making from […]
Maine Seaweed Seminar at Chautauqua!
One of our sunday workshops will be with Robert Cushman, from 8;30-10:30 on Sunday morning, quite nearby to our sunday home base of Machias. Rob Cushman has spent the last […]
Chautauqua carpool coordination
Hello Chautauquans! As the event this weekend draws closer, we have received a few requests from folks looking for rides to/from Maine. We would like to help coordinate carpools as […]
soil health new farmer webinar thursday!
"Intro to Soil Health and Management" webinar this Thursday, August 12 with Dr. Heather Darby, UVM Extension Agronomist and Soil Specialist August 12, 7 pm Basic Soil Health and Soil […]
wonderful... farm beginnings training!
set one up in your town! A terrific video is here. and check out the Land Stewardship Project.
micro dairy bus
Washington State Greenhorns - check out this event... WSDA Micro Dairy Bus Tour for Farmers August 31, 2010, Port Townsend, WA WSDA Small Farm and Direct Marketing Program welcomes farmers […]
food for maine's future + chatauqua!
We're thrilled to have such wonderful partners and co-sponsors for our upcoming Chatauaqua, taking place this weekend in Maine. On Saturday afternoon, we'll be heading to the new Saving Seeds […]
chautauqua schedule + what to bring!
ta-da! behold: the official Chautauqua schedule and what-to-bring list, + swanky flyer and map (click on them to enlarge) for thisweekend (aug 13 - 15). so round up a carpool […]
young farmer blogs
there are so many great ones out there, it's hard to keep up. Here's the blog of Ryan Foxley and Littlefield Farm. Littlefield Farm Weblog
shabazz jackson
a great article in a local hudson valley magazine, The Valley Table. The Green Ways of Shabazz Jackson read it HERE
carrotmob: village mart
Let’s reward bodegas who are committed to providing Bed-Stuy with healthy and locally grown food. Join us on Saturday, August 21st from 12 to 4pm in support of Village Mart, […]
here is another film project about farmworkers
Silenced Voices — an important new film, showing on the farm, August 13, 6 pm Vermont Migrant Farmworker Solidarity Project shows their new important documentary film Silenced Voices on Friday, […]
all glory to the gardens
The rules that have protected New York's amazing community gardens are about to expire, make sure the new rules protect existent gardens and create pathways for new gardens. Come to the […]
a young farmer training school?
seems like it has real potential -
Announcing 2011 Good Husbandry Grants
Animal Welfare Approved is pleased to announce that it will offer a third year of Good Husbandry Grants. AWA is seeking proposals for projects to improve farm animal welfare with […]
if you can't make it to the Chautauqua in Maine
.. there's a train accessible farm based art festival! The Wassaic Project Summer Festival @ the Maxon Mills + Luther Auction Barn 37 Furnace Bank Road, Wassaic, NY August 13th […]
Farm Aid 25: How to Get Tickets
Did you hear the big news? Farm Aid 25: Growing Hope for America, will be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Saturday, October 2 at Miller Park! Support family farmers and catch […]
cool kit
"Arm Savers" offered by Bountiful Gardens. As you probably know, we are an educational non-profit, and we don't carry mere gadgets. We do carry tools we've used ourselves that make […]
agrarian art
these posters, notecards, calendars are exquisitely simple and moving. the artist makes all of her work using only poster paper and the power of an exacto knife! Nikki McClure
Here's a great resource we just discovered! For your Nevada County greenhorns in CA. Living Lands Agrarian Network is a non-profit organization that offers training and mentorship to the next […]
the interns of four frog farm
these three greenhorns are blogging about their experience at Four Frog Farm in CA. Thanks for reaching out, Leda! Thoughtful Food is a blog written by three young farm interns […]
an irresistible fleet of patriots
with iconic hats. what more can we ask for , really. oh yes, their cause: noble ‘The Bulldozers Are Coming’: Garden Crusaders Hop on Their Bikes By COLIN MOYNIHAN Published: […]
super duper use of digital space [vodpod id=Video.4153826&w=425&h=350&fv=] —, posted with vodpod gives the internet's advantages to Farmers' Markets. Whether you manage or sell at a traditional farmers' market with many other […]
this is rubbish
a new campaign that aims to educate people about the scale of food waste in the UK, and to emphasise the fact that reducing this waste is the joint responsibility […]
the end of an era
The oldest continuously operating family farm in the country, Tuttle's, is up for sale. Here's what one blog reader, Anne Farrell, had to say about it: A farm that was […]
into the woods
Any other wildcrafters & foragers out there? There's a group from Seattle area - Foraged and Found Edibles Their website has a great listing of what's available & when. Foraging […]
swipe my permaculture card
Santa Fe, NM - In a financial economy where most consumers are worried simply about their money's security, member-owners of Santa Fe, New Mexico-based Permaculture Credit Union know that […]
bikes, africa, high power job! Seeking Executive Director Dear friends and colleagues, As many of you know, I am on the board of Worldbike, a small non-profit that is committed to improving livelihoods of […]
cool beans and check out the bodacious daylesford farm school too. gold plated shovels, oh my!