san diego greenhorns screening
On april 19th, Sheepless will co-sponsor a screening of The Greenhorns with The Loft @ UCSD and UCSD Earth Week. Join us Tuesday April 19th, 6:30pm, at The Loft @ UCSD for this […]
Job opening: Public Programs Manager at Stone Barns
Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture is a non-profit farm and education center located just 25 miles north of Manhattan in Pocantico Hills, New York. Stone Barns has an opening for […]
the disaster in japan
As the daughter of WAND ( women's action for nuclear disarmament) c0- founder, I walked up the stairs of the basement every day to see this image: My mother and […]
homeland food insecurity
Gigi Stafne sent us this article that she recently wrote. Have a read, greenhorns. Food Insecurity. Maybe I should call it Homeland Food Insecurity. This is the precarious state of […]
UVM Farmer Apprentice Program
In response to the overwhelming interest in a later summer start to our new Farmer Apprentice Program, we have changed the dates for 2011! To make this opportunity available to […]
greenhorns spring update!
Much afoot in March for us young farmers, much underfoot too. Snowdrops from where I sit, and frisking squirrels shuffling acorn dregs. And geese flying south over the Hudson. And […]
our print publications
Don't forget! We still have lots of goodies for sale, including our mini compendium of young farmer resources for land tenure aka "Land. Liberty. Sunshine. Stamina." and the Greenhorns Guidebook […]
keep it great people!! we got a call out! from mark bittman: Farming is becoming hip | The number of farms is at last increasing, although it’s no secret that farmers are an […]
"there once was..."
The text reads "There once was a farm..." and "...that became an airport" You don't really get an impression they have any regrets about that decision, do you? Photo sent […]
coming to a california near you
Severine & the Greenhorns will be at Bioneers 2011, October 14-16, at the Marin Center in San Rafael, California. She will be participating in a panel about "100,000 new farmers," […]
be smart with your leases
look to ATTRA! Here's their publication, Finding Land to Farm -- Land for good is another great resource for the Northeast. If there are others you know of, tell us! […]
garden crew member for alaskan csa
greenhorn Erin Jakubek is looking for one member to round out her garden crew at a small CSA in southeast Alaska. The CSA is part of Jewell Gardens. Download the […]
farm safety
some resources from NYCAMH. Thanks to Aspiring farmer Sarah for sending us this link! In her words, "The NY Center for Agricultural Medicine has a lot of resources about preventing […]
cover crops!
here are some resources for this important component of your farm. from a Washington State agronomist. Cover Crop Chart - Remember it's 48 pages - before you press the print […]
mohawk re-skilling festival
A day of skillsharing and planning as we build a local network of shared values and knowledge around urban gardens, food networking, food preservation, passive and alternative energies, water catchment, […]
dairy intern at the larson farm
The Larson Farm We milk 20 jerseys in a tie-stall barn. We practice rotational, intensive grazing during the pasture season and strive to decrease grain consumption with grass-based genetics and […]
farming the library
looking for some good reading? greenhorn Janna Berger is compiling a stellar list of "pages to turn with calloused fingers" and has written a nice essay to accompany the list. […]
seed circus at the oakland museum
The Seed Circus is a series of four events, spanning late spring to fall 2010, that each explore an aspect of urban farming. The events have four themes—Sheep and Felt; […]
hog processing class in OR
Farmstead Meatsmith Presents: Pork slaughter & Butchery Classes (Grants Pass, OR) Slaughter Day: Tuesday, April 12th. 8:00am till finished On slaughter day, you’ll learn our killing, sticking, hanging, scalding and eviscerating methods […]
intern or apprentice?
there's a difference! for all you looking for farmwork this season, be sure to check out this article from civil eats
National Good Food Network Webinars
Explore the Archive! On the third Thursday of every Month since June 2009the National Good Food Network has hosted a top-quality webinar featuring the best of the best models of how to […]
If you haven't already, check out A Growing Culture - a new site designed to cultivate a web based community where farmers and sustainable agriculture advocates can come together for […]
spirit of the diggers
BY: Ian Fitzpatrick March 12 2011 "When Gerrard Winstanley and 14 fellow Diggers declared, in April 1649, that "England is not a Free People, till the Poor that have no […]
GH mixer in New Hampshire
We have limited space for about 50 young farmers at this event! There's been more interest than we expected, so please oh please RSVP to Kate ([email protected]) so we can […]
amazing mappers.
for all your mapping needs!
smokers, smithies and pluck pluck pluck
interested in historical farming? check out their trade association:
internships at sandhill farm & community
Sandhill Farm is a 35 year old intentional community located in rural, northeast Missouri. Our current population is 6 adults, a 15-year old, and a 2 year old child. We […]
farming & food justice job
Corbin Hill Farm in New York serves low income “food deserts” in Harlem and the South Bronx through the Farm Share model. Dennis has built a connection with reputable farmers […]
online crop planning and more
for landowners
Stewardship Resources from Scenic Hudson are useful for everyone. Visit their website to see all of their resources.
canadian young farmers
Making it: Organic farming a natural choice for young entrepreneurs by Mary Albino Visitors to the Young-Carey home tend to express envy. You commute only into the backyard! You lunch […]
we love road trips
Daniel Klein and the folks at the Perennial Plate want to know, What's the best food story in America? This spring Daniel will be traveling across the country for 6 […]
nice blog
GASTROPOLITAN - yet another splendid example of the convergence of social media + budding agrarianism
job posting in the hudson valley!
Herondale Farm a mixed-livestock, grass-based, holistically managed farm in the Hudson River Valley is looking for interns/apprentices/willing workers for the 2011 Season. Ideally April through October but the start and […]
young agrarian photographers
check them out at the 18 Reasons community space in downtown San Fran: Greenhorns "A Sense of Place" - Contemporary Agrarian Photography Featuring New Works by Small Farmers from Across the […]
Just Food was awesome
March 5, 2011 - The Just Food CSA in NYC Conference was an opportunity for CSA members and farmers from around the city to come together for a day of […]
awesome panel in nyc
The NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship ( is pleased to continue its 2010-11 Social Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century Speaker Series on March 23, 6:00pm -7:30pm at the NYU Kimmel Center, Rosenthal Pavilion, 10th Floor. Join […]
watch the outcomes of DIY
video from the MIT Global Challenge - Farm Hack! + a play-by-play blog from the weekend