a nice radio program on young farmers in canada
Here's a note from the young farmers of the Macdonald Student-run Ecological Gardens at McGill who shared this with us: Heya Greenhorns, Just wanted to share a radio show that […]
nice npr in iowa
npr radio+article coverage of farm hack iowa read up, tune in !
food chain radio
Another radio show that's well worth a listen. Especially on those rainy days in the greenhouse. There are some great topics in the archives - we've pasted a few below. […]
young farmer policy podcast series
hosted by severine!
a very special session
this week on Greenhorn Radio -- featuring CJ Sentell, a farmer at Ecotone Farm, just outside Nashville, Tennessee. "There are more slaves alive today than there ever have been in human […]
wendell berry, wes jackson conversation
Have you heard? Edible Radio's conversation with Wes Jackson and Wendell Berry:
homemade tractors on NPR
some fresh press for the Open Source Ecology Project, always inspirational. Building A Village Starts With Building The Tractor by Jon Kalish for NPR Do-it-yourselfers have made everything from bamboo […]
93 episodes and counting!
check out this week's edition of greenhorn radio, brought to you by the heritage radio network - it's our 93rd episode! you'll meet Genio Bertin who owns and operates Mandala Farm with Sara Faull. Located […]
pledge for local radio COLUMBIA COUNTY
ROOTS DOWN [root]: the part of a plant that attaches it to the ground or to a support, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant. In the wake […]
yo. npr is on the ball just noticed a lot of smart kids heading the other way
dan barber is driven by flavor
The latest On Being podcast is a long interview with Dan Barber, chef at Stone Barns. He's just the sort of chef that farmers like us need!
news from fertile underground
They've got a podcast of a recent radio show for you to listen to HERE. If you're curious about the work of Fertile Underground, be sure to listen! Michael has […]
greenhorns radio up in the hudson valley
did you know we are on the air at WGXC every Sunday at 6am? WGXC: HANDS-ON RADIO is the new community radio station for Greene and Columbia counties, NY. WGXC […]
Resistance Is Fertile podcast!
Check out a new podcast project from Debbie Lehmann and Kelly Nichols, two interns at Riverhill Farm in Nevada City, CA called Resistance Is Fertile. This podcast will be a forum to explore farming […]
hudson valley RADIO
WGXC - its on the air, and in the cyberspace. Greenhorns radio is on there, along with a WHOLE LOT of agricultural programming. Can you imagine!
conventional farmer converting to organic
nice book, nice radio podcast. brought to you by the Leonard Lopate show: "Fourth-generation farmer Eric Herm discusses commercial agriculture's strain on natural resources, ecosystems, and the farmer. Son of a Farmer, […]
npr connects the dots
listen HERE Food prices are through the roof around the world. We look at all the why’s and all the consequences. 2008 was a bad year for global food supplies. […]
did you catch our radio show yesterday?
Severine spoke with Blair Randall, executive director of Garden for the Environment. If you missed it live, listen online! Blair is a passionate educator and perennial advocate for gardening in […]
listen to greenhorn radio tomorrow!
This week, Severine speaks with Amber Reed. Amber is a stroppy backwoods Mainer moved to Colorado to pursue her love of dairy. She worked the last two years with the […]
home grown: ireland
Ella just reached out to us to share her wonderful radio show and project. Check out her facebook page and blog! Home Grown with Ella McSweeney is a radio series […]
radio free honduras event
farmers, solder your own radio transmitter and broadcast! this weekend at Wassaic Community Farm. Saturday November 28th 10 am to 6pm and Sunday November 29th 10 am 8 pm. This […]
country folks feeling the pinch in england
a BBC radio broadcast Farming Today Farming Today finds out why it costs more to live in the countryside than the city. With rising fuel prices and restricted access to […]
farmerettes on chicago public radio
Our friend Elaine Weiss recounts the role that the Women’s Land Army played in sustaining local farms during World War I. Listen HERE. And check out these ladies from WWII […]
young farmers on the radio this morning!
Well, this morning on the West coast, anyway. Tune into KUOW 94.9 in Seattle on Monday, November 1st from 10-11am PST for an hour discussion on issues concerning young […]