need a new farmer podcast?
Farmerama is a new podcast brought together by sourcing various clips from farmers across Europe. In one episode you'll hear from dairy farmers protesting in the UK and then get […]
rootstock radio interview with severine von tscharner fleming
Listen to radio interview here: Rootstock CROPP Cooperative: "We recently had the great pleasure of speaking with farmer, activist and professional organizer Severine von Tscharner Fleming. This woman is a force […]
these are the sea shanties
In our continued enthusiasm for Maine Sail Freight, we are very excited today to bring you a little piece of traditional nautical ear candy. For hair-raising harmonies, visions of rocky […]
a radical notion: the earth doesn't owe anyone a job
NPR's The Salt: Scientists propose banning ALL fishing for a 7 year period to allow restocking of ocean. Very controversial of course... and great fodder for discussion! This post brought to you by […]
more than just of grain (of salt on the north atlantic)
NPR's The Salt on a it's title topic, on the totally rad revival of Sea Salt harvesting and sale on Massachusetts sea coast. This post brought to you by our continued […]
what happens in california doesn't stay in california
Game Changing Climate Leadership. Listen to this amazing new bioneers web series!
great listen: farming without labels
To listen to the radio piece, click HERE! Who is a good farmer? This question of goodness has been important to the popularization of the sustainable food movement. However, consumer […]
two hour special on young farmers
from KWMR in partnership with the Post Carbon Institute. KWMR 2-Hour Special: Leaders of the Young Agrarian Movement Facing the Future Monday, Nov. 10th - 12pm to 2pm (Pacific Time) […]
greenhorns featured on michael olson's radio show, mentioned on wisconsin public radio!
Lauren Markham, author of The New Farmers, an article in Orion Magazine, recently spoke on Wisconsin Public Radio about the young farmer movement. Have a listen, she gives the Greenhorns […]
audio from the techno utopia conference is now available online
45 LEADING SCHOLARS, AUTHORS AND ACTIVISTS (including our own Severine von Tscharner-Fleming) convened at The Great Hall of Cooper Union, New York City, for a public “TEACH-IN” on the profound impacts—environmental, […]
catchy tunes! b3nson family funsgiving's "the awakening"
Music from farm-based people! Give it a listen!
watch the farm aid concert live from home!
Watch the Concert Live! If you're not joining us in Raleigh this year, you can still help celebrate from home. Watch live in HD on AXS TV starting at 7pm […]
songs for the grange, patrons of husbandry
There's a song for nearly everything tied to the grange and you can FIND IT HERE!
200 episodes on greenhorns radio!
Greenhorns Radio is radio for young farmers, by young farmers. Hosted by acclaimed activist, farmer and film-maker Severine v T Fleming, Greenhorn Radio is a weekly phone interview with next […]
rural romance
food chain radio explores this common issue. Food Chain Radio Show #977: RURAL ROMANCE! Guest: Kristina Johnson, Author, The Love Lives of Farmers She moved out into the country to […]
podcast: marada cook of northern girl, maine food entrepreneur
Click HERE to stream the podcast or download HERE from itunes. Marada Cook is one of Maine’s most remarkable entrepreneurs. She’s part owner and manager of three Maine food companies, […]
the new farmers audio almanac
Check it out! The New Farmer's Audio Almanac is now available for free. Download these audio tracks from for listening in the car or truck, and in the greenhouse!
vt law school's food radio
Food Radio is a monthly program with content around all aspects of the food system. Created collectively by the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems and student group the Food and Agricultural […]
audio: wendell berry and wes jackson discuss agriculture and the future of farming with mark bittman
By Carrington Morris of Edible Manhattan April 17, 2014 Earlier this month, luminaries of the food movement — who also happen to be longtime friends — took the stage at […]
nice podcast for farmers!
Announcing The Kitchen Sisters spanking new podcast ~Fugitive Waves~ Fugitive Waves: Lost recordings, shards of sounds. Tales of remarkable people from around the world. Stories from the flip side of […]
worth a listen!
Corner Tour is a band of charmers. We like to defy your ears with our melancholy mountain carnival. But don't ask us what kind of music this is. Listen for […]
german farmers: all dressed up and nowhere to grow
The demand for regional and organic products is higher than ever in Germany. If young farmers can get started, the thinking goes, they'll have no trouble selling what they […]
new podcast from txyfc
Episode #8 – Judith McGeary and The Texas Legislative Process Join TXYFC, as we dive into the Texas legislative process with Judith McGeary, director of the Farm and Ranch Freedom […]
excellent ted talk: ron finley
[youtube] Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA -- in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer […]
a discussion of food hubs!
via Orion. Listen HERE The local food movement has grown by leaps and bounds, but needs new infrastructure to reach its true potential. In the November/December 2013 edition of Orion, […]
nice new website for heritage radio!
Check it out. And then listen to a recent Greenhorn Radio episode about GEESE Raisers in Vermont! HERE Wesley Bascom grew up on a working dairy farm in the verdant […]
henry george: poverty and progress, an audio experience
Listen HERE LibriVox recording of Progress and Poverty, by Henry George. Read by Tim Makarios. What I have done in this book, if I have correctly solved the great problem I […]
forever farms radio
if you're in need of a little weekend inspiration, we highly encourage you to check out Forever Farms Radio -- the show is a weekly 5 minute feature that airs […]
this is the farm podcast
another episode is up! We'll continue to periodically remind you of this helpful and inspirational podcast. 'This Is The Farm' - a podcast by the Texas Young Farmer Coalition. This week […]
conversations of the lindisfarne fellows
via the Schumacher Center for a New Economics. In 1972 William Irwin Thompson founded the Lindisfarne Association as an alternative way for the humanities to develop in a scientific and technical civilization. […]
summer of food
A new series from (HRN) debuts Summer of Food, a special program giving voice to our Nation’s emerging network of student leaders. From New York to California students are […]
rashid nuri on the radio
On March 25, 2013, we on Just Peace (WRFG-Atlanta 89.3FM) interviewed urban farmer Rashid Nuri on the recent Congressional passage of what is referred to as the Monsanto Protection Act […]
greenhorns on growing farms podcast
"The Future of Farming in America" featuring greenhorns director, severine vT fleming In this farm podcast you will learn: The power of proving how serious you are. How to use stunts […]
no farms no food rally
AMERICAN FARMLAND TRUST: NO FARMS NO FOOD RALLY MARCH 13, 2013 "We are thrilled to support the No Farms No Food rally and help our listeners make the connection between […]
party at heritage radio network in bushwick...
There is a special code for greenhorn fans. Go! Support the radio! Our promo code for the Sept 9th event is: "Greenhorn" Purchase tickets and get more info here: […]
interesting author interview
Here is Peter B. Collins interview with Janisse Ray, a farmer and author of The Seed Underground: A Growing Revolution to Save Food. (an excellent read) tune in HERE
npr's planet money on crop insurance
Episode 394: Why Taxpayers Pay For Farmers' Insurance In spite of the drought, many U.S. farmers will do just fine this year. They are, after all, covered by crop insurance […]
baltimore county young farmers
on the radio! Thanks for Charlotte Heyrman for sending us the link. Listen HERE to the segment on the Marc Steiner show. This week on the show, we’ll speak with […]
radical patriotism
Listen to Severine and other young farmers on Bioneers Radio! What happens when green turns to grey? Fewer than 5 percent of 2 million American farmers are under 45 years […]
Farm Radio International ( is a Canadian NGO that since 1979 has provided scripts, support, and training for agricultural radio stations across the African continent. In just a couple […]