speaking up. John Peck, hero
Greetings,There has been some discussion expressing concerns about the concept of food sovereignty possibly being used to deny food to those who really need it. Actually, that would be a […]
greenhorns in DC - VIDEO hot off the press
a la videographer extraordinare, Andrew Plotksy. check it out HERE: In late April, The Greenhorns brought the farmstorm to the nation's capital for a screening of their film and […]
dan barber is driven by flavor
The latest On Being podcast is a long interview with Dan Barber, chef at Stone Barns. He's just the sort of chef that farmers like us need!
vote for #553
It's an image by our friend and greenhorn Trace Ramsey in the Rochester Contemporary Art Center's 6x6x2011. Vote for it HERE!! 6x6 began as a small fundraising exhibition, but has […]
news from fertile underground
They've got a podcast of a recent radio show for you to listen to HERE. If you're curious about the work of Fertile Underground, be sure to listen! Michael has […]
Speculators getting in deeper into farming
I may be a cloudy eyed springtime mud hopper, but these sharky speculators pushing buttons on wall street with our nation's food supply get me all riled up and FURIOUS. […]
ny times says cut
Here’s a Great Place to Cut from NY Times It seems hard to believe, but the federal farm subsidy program — wasteful, inefficient and virtually indestructible — may at last […]
day jobs.
You'd think that milking upwards of a hundred cows a day would be enough to keep a man in professional pay. Sadly, the milk situation in this nation is pitiful. […]
greenhorns to be sainted
By Reverend Billy on Sunday! 7:30 PM at Theatre 80 in NYC's East Village, and at our LIVE WEBSTREAM. Tickets are $10, but no one will be turned away. This week's […]
greenhorns radio up in the hudson valley
did you know we are on the air at WGXC every Sunday at 6am? WGXC: HANDS-ON RADIO is the new community radio station for Greene and Columbia counties, NY. WGXC […]
food democracy and dr. huber
On January 17, internationally recognized plant pathologist Dr. Don Huber, wrote a letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack warning of the discovery of a new pathogen and a possible link […]
nominate a young farmer near you!
Glynwood is calling for nominations for its annual Harvest Awards. In its ninth year, the Harvest Awards recognize farmers, entrepreneurs, organizations, and businesses across the United States that demonstrate innovation […]
reversing desertification with livestock
Here's a great article passed on to us by greenhorn Emma Young. The Savory Institute: Healing the World’s Grasslands, Rangelands and Savannas This is the first of a two-part interview […]
women & farming
Women and farming: A nurturing nature By Dan Pilar for the Des Moines Register, May 7 2011 Here's a Mother's Day question for Mom: Is there a maternal instinct that […]
tart and sweet
Our friends at Sweet Deliverance in NYC just released their book Tart & Sweet: One Hundred Canning and Pickling Recipes for the Modern Kitchen. It's never too early to think […]
film screening may 19th! willits, CA
The NOW & THEN FILM SERIES presents: YOUNG FARMER NIGHT - Thursday, May 19th Starts at - 6pm>>> Seeds & starts Exchange - Bring your extra garden starts & seeds to […]
greenhorns in boone, nc
Nice student-made video short about our recent event in BOONE NC
radical economics
newly in paperback! the dirty life - life and love at essex farm, by kristin kimball
barn renovation
There are thousands of old timber frame barns around the country in need of the kind of love this one is getting at Broadturn Farm in Scarborough, ME. Check out […]
celebrate the river
Some of these people came by our tent-making station at the new museum streetfest on Saturday. If you like costumes, rivers, chanting, paddle boards, and pageantry then check this one […]
ciclovida - tomorrow, may 10!
Ciclovida:Lifecycle Film, Music & Bike Tour 2011 You are invited to Ciclovida in Turners Falls, MA! • Bike-powered projection of the award-winning documentary film, Ciclovida: Lifecycle! • Engaging speakers from […]
festival of new ideas
The festival just wrapped up, but here's a nice piece about the event by current Hudson Valley Seed Library intern Alison Baitz. The Art of Food and Farming The New […]
moooooove along
On Small Farms, Hoof Power Returns from NY Times By TESS TAYLOR Published: May 3, 2011 ON a sunny Sunday just before the vernal equinox, Rich Ciotola set out to […]
The rising cost of food
read up:
Resistance Is Fertile podcast!
Check out a new podcast project from Debbie Lehmann and Kelly Nichols, two interns at Riverhill Farm in Nevada City, CA called Resistance Is Fertile. This podcast will be a forum to explore farming […]
from our friend tasha
An essay from her blog Brown. Girl. Farming. Her hands are cracked, reeling from the whipping wind. Split, torn and dotted with splinters, numb to the impact of the wooden […]
cnbc on young farmers
Life On The Farm Attracts Green-Spirited Entrepreneurs 26 Apr 2011 | 12:06 PM ET A growing interest in small-scale agriculture is beginning to reverse a decades-long flight from the farm. […]
Small Farm Rising
Essex Farm is featured! Check out the video on Kickstarter
4th generation orchard
Joe's Orchard [vimeo] you may hear Joe on the radio with us one day soon.
sawmill hollow family farm
these farmers aim to reintroduce Aronia berries to America! Intrigued? Here's some great coverage from The Atlantic. Aronia Berries: The Next Acai? by James McWilliams The aronia berry is a […]
A Big Thank You, and Building Support for Farms and Food
severine boardrooming it for young farmers in albany with baseball cap american farmland trust lobby day recorded by anna mumford
media as portal into agriculture
here, a few states are passing laws to prevent media from penetrating factory farms
superstar darby
nature art camp for farmy artists
From the folks at Mildred's Lane: We are happy to announce that many of our spots for fellows are full for this year, but we do have a select few […]
marcin on ted talks
[ted id=1122] Using wikis and digital fabrication tools, TED Fellow Marcin Jakubowski is open-sourcing the blueprints for 50 farm machines, allowing anyone to build their own tractor or harvester from […]
bicycle film festival
[youtube=] there is a festival coming right up in San Francisco! Check it out.
grain situations
lots of times people wonder how this local food movement is going to 'Feed the masses' Those of you here likely have your own favorite answer to this question, but […]
building wealth in rural america
There are ways for individuals to build their wealth. These strategies would pay particular benefits in rural America.
poem of the day
Success to the Farmer Come all jolly fellows who delight in being mellow Attend unto me, I beseech you For a pint when it's quiet, come lads let us try […]
changing roles
Greenhorn Olivia Sargent just wrote this piece for Civil Eats. How do you fit into our food economy? Changing Roles in the Local Food Economy The DIY craze has shacked […]