glove weather
behold these beauties --
greenhorns book launch! april 12
WILLIAMSTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS 7:30pm@ williams college, the paresky performance space and luetkemeyer lounge, paresky center screening + book signing: join us for our official "greenhorns" book launch with storey publishing! screening followed by reading and q & […]
miller job opening - upstate NY
About Wild Hive Farm: The Wild Hive Farm Store and Café combines an artisanal bakery, a local food store and a wonderful neighborhood space where folks come together. Wild Hive […]
just label it update / new infographic
The next three weeks are critical to the national Just Label It campaign for genetically engineered (GE) food labeling and here is an update: With only three weeks left until March 27, when […]
you're invited!
MIXER AT GREENHORNS HQ< hudson NY. 624 Warren street at the park TUesday march 13th. noon to six silk screening. networking. refreshments. come see our resource library. gossip and bring a […]
audio retreat in the catskills
Sounds, Stories and Springtime – An Audio Retreat Spend a weekend in the Catskills honing your recording and storytelling skills while reinvigorating your creative spirit. Join Jim Metzner and Eileen […]
another place to pitch business ideas - if you are into that kind of thing
indigenous conference on rights of mother earth
Alliances are being formed, globally of Indigenous and non-indigenous groups and individuals committed to creating a system of jurisprudence that sees and treats nature and Mother Earth as a fundamental, rights […]
a loss. a bad sign.
Judge Sides With Monsanto: Ridicules Farmers’ Right to Grow Food Without Fear, Contamination and Economic Harm By Jane Ayers On February 24, Judge Naomi Buchwald handed down her ruling on […]
pricing clinics for direct marketing farmers, vermont
UVM Extension New Farmer Project: Pricing Clinics for Direct Marketing Farmers Are you uncertain how much to charge for your farm products? Are you unclear how to determine your costs […]
texas screening of our land!
Farmer Party & Screening of the new Our Land web series Presented by The Greenhorns and the Texas Young Farmers Coalition March 16th 6-9pm Green Gate Farms, 8310 Canoga Ave. […]
jobs for badass georgian organizers
Two positions available at Georgia Organics. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, GEORGIA ORGANICS Georgia Organics is currently seeking a full-time administrative assistant to work at its office in Atlanta. This position provides important […]
label it yourself The Label It Yourself (#LIY) campaign empowers people to make educated decisions about what is in their food, without waiting for government or corporations to do it for them.
assistant vegetable manager at grassland organic farm
Grassland Organic Farm is a 300 acre diversified certified organic operation looking for an assistant vegetable manager for three+ acres sold through three farmers' markets and direct wholesale to local […]
bike rides for farmers!
9th Annual Ride to Farm Saturday, June 2, 2012 Ride to Farm is a bicycle ride to raise awareness and funds for the Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock […]
new entry is hiring!
New Entry in Lowell, MA, is currently hiring 3 full-time, year round fully benefited positions and would love to add some diversity to their staff. Looking for folks who have […]
another juicy teaser
On The Anatomy of Thrift from mister plotsky of farmrun
boont berry community farm positions
Two Positions Available at Boont Berry Community Farm, located in downtown Boonville, CA. Farm Partner (Co-Manager) and Farm Apprentice Full Season (Mar. 1- Nov.1) commitment required, with possibility for longer […]
citizens, organized.
A wonderful project in Appalachia, a region whose youth clearly see agriculture and forestry as the only basis for their sustainable economic future. Their August/September issue was devoted to "Living […]
ireland's starter farms
A great concept, apparently under attack. Startup Capital: an obstacle that challenges the continuity of farm sectors other than ours here in the United States. Young farmers face dilemma as […]
nyc urban farm incubator project
You can be a part of it! WHAT: Planning Meeting for Floyd Bennett Farm and Education Center WHEN: March 13, 2012 from 6-8:30 PM WHERE: Upstairs at 61 Local, 61 […]
a place to learn puppetry
Dream Music Puppetry Program One of few programs in the country to grow and commission contemporary, adult puppet works, Dream Music provides performance opportunities to puppet artists, and encourages multidisciplinary […]
orchard job opening - hudson valley
Orchard Manager -- Hudson Valley fruit & vegetable farm seeks hardworking individual with farm experience. Job involves technical aspects of fruit production (nutrient, weed, irrigation, and pest control) in addition […]
have you heard?
the city of Seattle is creating the nation's largest public edible forest. "Earlier this month, planners broke ground in Seattle's Beacon Hill neighborhood for what will be the nation's largest […]
job opening - new entry sustainable farming project
National Beginning Farmer Technical Assistance Coordinator with CTI - New Entry Sustainble Farming Project, Lowell, MA (Nationwide) Responsibilities : • Conduct national planning, outreach, and technical assistance to emerging or developing beginning […]
policy! SHOW UP if you are ABLE
Here is an incredible opportunity to speak your mind about the 2012 Farm Bill. The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture has scheduled only 4 field hearings to sit […]
farmhack ally Rebecca Burgess
bringing textiles into the conversation for truly living locally and gently - all beginning with a personal one-year challenge to live in clothes whose fibers and dyes were sourced within 150 […]
food systems education conference - college of the atlantic
Reconnecting Hands, Mouth & Mind through Food Systems Education - Conference April 20-22, College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine Many colleges and universities now have their own farms, where students can […]
Farmhack RISD.. join in the fun!
Saturday & Sunday, March 10-11th, 2012 - Hosted on the RISD campus (Providence, RI) Join us as we work side-by-side with local farmers to develop new tools and ideas to help […]
pattern language pattern language
inspiration from AGRICULTURAL TEXTILES - Brought to you by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
another young farmer film. sovereignty
Food for Maine's Future is pleased to announce the release of You Wanted to Be a Farmer: A Discussion of Scale, a new documentary by No Umbrella Media and the Sap Pail profiling Dan and […]
in case you've never heard of jeff poppen, barefoot farmer
farmer, author, and barefooted inspirational speaker. Jeff runs Long Hungry Creek Farm -- one of the oldest (30 years) and largest (300 acres) organic farms in Tennessee, which offers a wildly […]
job at mass farm incubator
The New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, a beginning farmer training program, is seeking a full-time, year-round Technical Assistance and Incubator Farm Coordinator, to begin in early to mid-March. The position […]
sisa conference, wisconson
SISA Conference 2012 The second annual Student Initiatives in Sustainable Agriculture Conference will take place on March 31st and April 1st of 2012 at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. The […]
colony collapse film project Support and fund this film project on Indie GoGo
ATTRA is back!
Not that it ever really left, but you might remember a post about ATTRA's funding being cut last year. Well, we're happy to report that funding is back! ATTRA is the go-to resource for farm apprenticeships and […]
land library needs new home
Couple needs new home for 30,000-volume Rocky Mountain Land Library By Electa Draper for The Denver Post Give me a home where the stacks of books loom, and the reader […]
field day at paicines ranch
The Paicines Ranch is hosting a field day on Fri., March 30, with Kirk Gadzia. We will discuss managing cattle on rangelands during times of drought, along with strategies for […]
positions at tide mill farm
Greenhorns, here some great opportunities at Tide Mill, one of the most highly respected organic farms in Maine. They produce beef, chicken, pork, milk and vegetables. The view is okay […]