we love attra, we love eqip
ATTRA Can Help Farmers Apply for NRCS EQIP Program Organic farmers and farmers who are transitioning to an organic operation have until June 1 to apply for a USDA Natural Resources Conservation […]
garden gather dinner
If you happen to be in NY this Friday, there's a special benefit dinner in a private, subterranean space in Brooklyn's soon-to-open Wythe Hotel to celebrate local gardened and gathered ingredients. Details […]
Another great new resource for growers and eaters alike. FarmPlate is a revolutionary online community that connects farmers, fishermen, foragers, food artisans, restaurants, markets, distributors and foodies everywhere. Our searchable […]
intern at fox hill farm
Fox Hill Farm, in Ancramdale New York, needs an intern for the 2012 season. The internship involves general farm labor: - All phases of animal husbandry of the farm's British […]
a value added product: high chairs
Windsor High Chairs from Jericho Settlers Farm. These remind us of The Ox Cart Man.
last minute support for a great project!
This is the last day to vote, so lets throw our greenhorns weight behind Rising Pheasant Farms! Vote HERE Rising Pheasant Farms has been bring you naturally-grown produce by bicycle […]
the latest from sandor katz!
It is my great pleasure to announce to you that my new book, The Art of Fermentation, is now available. Books are available for purchase on my website for $30 […]
positions at Belcampo Farms
in Gazelle, CA. Belcampo is seeking a Swine Program Assistant Manager and a Pasture Division Assistant Manager. Download the full job descriptions: Pasture Division Assistant Swine Program Assistant Manager
growing civic fruit
the new documentary film about the Boston Tree Party, “Growing Civic Fruit,” is available to watch on youtube: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOBJy9VnNng]
dissent magazine
Their Spring issue includes a special section devoted to food and food politics: Introduction: Food and the Body Politic Sarah Leonard Utopian Dream: A New Farm Bill Marion […]
8-10 june 2012 ANNANDALE-ON-HUDSON, NEW YORK @ bard college, main campus strategies for a new economy conference: what would an economy built on principles of fairness and sustainability look like? […]
citizen cider
This delicious cider was donated for our Farmhack ESSEX event over the weekend. Wonderful stuff! Check out their facebook page.
wendell berry delivers Jefferson lecture
Wendell E. Berry, noted poet, essayist, novelist, farmer, and conservationist, delivered the 41st Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities, entitled “It All Turns on Affection" -- this lecture is most prestigious honor the […]
foodieodicals !
The NYC Food Book Fair is the world’s first event aimed at bringing together food publications from around the globe. In addition to cookbooks, the Food Book Fair will feature memoirs and […]
new resource for you
Land For Good is pleased to announce our new online course, "Acquiring Your Farm." AYF takes farm seekers through a comprehensive, step-by-step investigation of options and strategies focused on access to land […]
organic labeling webinar
Organic Labeling Webinar: May 9, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. OR May 16, 2012 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Avoid costly mistakes and delays in your product rollout! This webinar will give you […]
agent orange corn
By ANDREW POLLACK Published: April 25, 2012, NYtimes.com To Jody Herr, it was a telltale sign that one of his tomato fields had been poisoned by 2,4-D, the powerful herbicide that […]
urban ag documentary
GROWING CITIES is a feature-length documentary that examines the role of urban farming in America and asks how much power it has to revitalize our cities and change the way we eat. The film […]
jobs near greenhorns headquarters for summer
APPRENTICESHIPS FOR 2012 SEASON – Blue Star Farm is a “Certified Naturally Grown” farm. We are located about a half hour south of Albany in Stuyvesant, NY. We farm 3 […]
sustainable ag feature in new Orion
Orion's May/June issue is now on newsstands re: the new farming movement ! + read the full issue online HERE + this video on the "lexicon of sustainability"
beginning farmer learning group in NY
are you a beginning farmer looking to connect with other beginning farmers in the northeast? CCE Capital Area Agricultural and Horticultural Program is hosting a meeting to bring beginning farmers […]
paper pot transplanter
Have you tried it yet? Here is a description from the folks who sell it at www.smallfarmworks.com The paper chain pot transplanting system is a unique, ingenious, and highly efficient […]
a call to...farms?
Should Young Farmers Be Exempt From a National Draft? by Jenna Woginrich for Huffington Post I remember hearing a friend complaining about the Amish once at a dinner party, saying […]
if you haven't been calling on the farm bill yet,
What's stopping you? The current draft is up for debate today. Here are some resources: http://farmbillprimer.org/maps/ http://www.farmbillfacts.org/ http://sustainableagriculture.net/category/2012-farm-bill/ http://agriculture.house.gov/farmbill_feedback.html Call the senators at the Capitol at (202)224-3121 Senate Ag Committee […]
more on the gill tract occupation
San Francisco Chronicle: Activists raise stakes with renegade farm BerkeleySide: UC Berkeley calls for peaceful end to Occupy the Farm ElCerrito Patch: UC Threatens Gill Tract Occupiers With Arrest, Fines […]
tales from the sustainable underground
Tales from the Sustainable Underground: A Wild Journey with People Who Care More about the Planet thanthe Law (New Society Publishers) Tuesday, April 24th, 8PM. Occupy Albany indoor space, 472 […]
greenhorns book signing - friday!
27 april 2012 ESSEX JUNCTION, VERMONT @ phoenix books, 21 essex way book signing: join author and editor severine vt fleming for a discussion and book signing of "greenhorns: 50 […]
she sells seaweed
News from greenhorn Kacie Lopato, now harvesting west coast seaweed! I am writing to you today offering a variety of locally gathered wild edible seaweeds. I have both Pacific (for […]
a sugar beet discussion
Sugar Beet Industry's Opinion on Roundup Ready Sugar Beets and Frank Morton’s Response The pro-biotech web site “Truth About Trade & Technology” published an article written by a farmer named […]
occupying the gill tract
Occupy the Farm Activists Reclaim Prime Urban Agricultural Land in SF Bay Area Albany, Calif., April 22, 2012 – Occupy the Farm, a coalition of local residents, farmers, students, researchers, […]
canadian loans backed by gov. for young farmers!
New Young Farmer Loan to help next generation of producers April 12, 2012 SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN--(Marketwire - April 12, 2012) - Young and beginning farmers will find it easier to start […]
good news from the carrot project
We are excited to announce the Greater Berkshire Agricultural Fund partnership with Salisbury Bank to assist farms and farm-related businesses. Eligible businesses may apply for loans in amounts up to […]
next farmhack April 28-29
28-29 april 2012 BURLINGTON, VERMONT / ESSEX, NEW YORK @ both sides of lake champlain: intervale + whallonsburg grange/essex farm farmhack: a community for farm innovation, farmhack invites farmers, engineers, […]
improve the farm bill
"The farm bill, being debated in the Senate this month, is felt far beyond the cornfields of Iowa. It’s about what we grow, but it’s also about what we eat and […]
farm bill fast track
U.S. Senate Ag Committee on Fast Track with Farm Bill: Support for New Farmer Training & Assistance In Peril The U.S. Senate version of the 2012 Farm Bill will be introduced […]
another amazing camp for kids
Luethi-Peterson summer camps run between four and six weeks in length. Camps are run for either Younger Kids between 9 and 14 years of age, or Older Kids between 14 […]
screening + book signing april 26
26 april 2012 HARDWICK, VERMONT @ hardwick town house, 127 church street screening + book signing: join us for a greenhorns film screening followed by "greenhorns" book reading and q&a with severine vt […]
check out the retrofit vernacular of fritz haeg
+ some hip videos -- http://www.fritzhaeg.com/garden/initiatives/edibleestates/main.html
you've got some snazzy, savvy, super-puddle-wonderful businesses, organizations, farms & folks in your neck of the woods. learn about them! niftyhoops.com selmacafe.org tiliancenter.org