the endicott pear
The Endicott Pear Tree, also known as the Endecott Pear, is a European Pear (Pyrus communis) tree located in Danvers, Essex County, Massachusetts. It is believed to be the oldest […]
words from our hero and mentor, elizabeth henderson
Who received the award at Eco Farm for her tremendous work for food justice and the agricultural justice project. January 25, 2014 Eco-Farm Awards Banquet From Elizabeth Henderson Thank you. […]
solidarity with farm workers and food workers
Check out this just-released video produced by the Family Farm Defenders, chronicling the recent Farm Labor Reality Tour, which saw the unique coming together of small farmers, food workers, and farmworkers in […]
real value
Now available to purchase or rent online and there will be live showings in the coming months. [vimeo 84395596 w=500 h=281] Real Value is an independent documentary by award-winning filmmaker […]
growing indignation in the scientific community about seralini
The Goodman Affair: Monsanto Targets the Heart of Science by Claire Robinson and Jonathan Latham, PhD Richard Smith, former editor of the British Medical Journal, has jested that instead of scientific peer review, […]
save the date: maine grain conference!
We will post registration information as soon as we have it! 2014 Maine Grain Conference, March 15th – Bangor, ME We are extremely fortunate this year to have as our main speakers […]
common sense
Commons Sense [pdf]: Co-operative place making and the capturing of land value for 21st century Garden Cities. This report, published by Co-operatives UK describes the huge potential of community land trusts and other forms of […]
the country grind
Help keep this rad magazine free for its country readers! You can support their indiegogo campaign here. [youtube=] The Country Quarterly is a smokin’ new quarterly magazine specifically for those folks who have […]
rhode island women in ag
Conference coming right up! he RI Women in Agriculture Conference will be on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 from 8:30am to 4:00pm at the University of RI (120 Flagg Rd. Kingston, Rhode Island […]
more on seed solidarity
You may be a loyal enough blog reader to have caught the thread on TTIP TTP and TPP. These are free trade agreements being written and negotiated on practically intergalactic […]
last call for image submissions to almanac!
Deadline on these is February 20th! Here's a great submission from Adam at Juniper Hill Farm: images must be 300dpi resolution and mailed to [email protected]
greenhorns in maine tomorrow!
Thursday night( JAN 23) for the Halcyon Grange at Blue Hill Public LIbrary, 7pm ( with potluck cookie jar) about the history and future of the Grange movement. Severine Fleming will report her work (with […]
seed solidarity
joining to protest the proposal on TTIP. One perspective here.
the frenchmen are coming!
a quick note from Severine: Julien and Joseph from " Ada bio Autoconstruction" are coming across from France to visit farms in Canada, Vermont, NY state-- Severine is driving […]
poultry panel for NNY farmers
Northern New York -- To help Northern New York farmers who are increasing their poultry, primarily chicken, production, Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of St. Lawrence County is offering a Poultry […]
holy cow!
New Gokul is Bhaktivedanta Manor’s dairy farm and visitor centre, located in Hertfordshire. We have a mixed herd of 57 animals, some of whom give milk, some who are […]
news from food democracy now This is one of the most important emails that we will ever send. We’ve been hearing rumors about this for months, but Monsanto and the GMA have made their move. […]
who will be the future farmers?
19.12.2013 | World food system Author: Prof. Jaboury Ghazoul, ETH Zürich The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations estimates that food production needs to increase by […]
nice press for farmhack
Farmers & geeks: hacking agriculture A community of ‘start-up farmers’ are applying skills and ethos from the software and tech worlds to agriculture. It’s an exciting approach that could help […]
rise of the grains
A documentary capturing the re-emergence of local collaboration, ancient grains & wholesome craft processes from seed to farm to baker & chef. Rise of the Grains dispels the modern grain […]
seeking greenhorn to table at small farms conference
Hello upper midwest/Michigander Greenhorns, We are attending the Northern Michigan Small Farms Conference on February 1st, which should be a blast! We need a steadfast Greenhorn to man the table for […]
a structural and economic critique of the maker movement
by a current favorite author. Making It by Evgeny Morozov Anderson defines “making” so expansively that all of us seem to qualify, at least once a day. “If you […]
updates from agrarian trust
Agrarian Trust is now online, and established as a program of the Schumacher Center for New Economics. In April of 2013, Kendra Johnson, Severine Fleming, and Kristen Loria completed the […]
SSAWG mixer!
To accompany this week's Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group's Annual Conference:
farmer training program - oregon
FarmsNOW is an advanced program for aspiring farmers with a minimum of two years prior experience. FarmsNOW is designed for those seeking mastery in the art and business of farming. This two-year program […]
tractor square dances
A tradition! [youtube=]
rice ways of the gullah/geechee
A wealth of information here about the Gullah/Geechee & their Foodways, including a wonderful post on the "Rural Woman"
a discussion of food hubs!
via Orion. Listen HERE The local food movement has grown by leaps and bounds, but needs new infrastructure to reach its true potential. In the November/December 2013 edition of Orion, […]
the earth works project
[vimeo] The Earth Works Project is a documentary theater piece about the members of the community-supported garden at Genesis Farm in Blairstown, New Jersey. A blurb from their indiegogo […]
another place for wonderful winter reading
which is also keyword searchable. The MANAS Journal Each eight-page weekly issue of the MANAS Journal contained several short essays, crafted from a wide variety of sources, that reflected on […]
beautiful bay area egg business for sale
A great opportunity for the right greenhorn(s)? Check it out HERE Yes, it’s true. We are wanting to sell our egg business to someone who will run it, expand it, […]
the oldest stone barn in america -- shaker-made!
A lift for nation's oldest stone barn Great Stone Barn in Columbia County tells story of Shaker farms By Bob Gardinier The Shakers believed work, especially that done by human […]
tool lending
[vimeo] The Sustainable Agriculture Tool Lending Library came to be through George O'Neal of Lil' Farm and his girlfriend Kelly Owensby: realizing how difficult it was for George, as […]
another nice thing from australia
just a quick side by side to help you stay motivated.
WHOLE FOODS Revenue US$9.006 billion (FY 2010)[2] Operating income US$438 million (FY 2010)[2] Net income US$246 million (FY 2010)[2] Total assets US$3.987 billion (FY 2010)[2] Total equity US$2.373 billion (FY 2010)[2] Employees 58,300 (2010)[2] MONSANTO Revenue […]
no whey? yes whey!
Pouring Cheese on Icy Roads in (Where Else?) Wisconsin By STEVEN YACCINO Published: December 23, 2013 MILWAUKEE — In a state whose license plates advertise it as America’s Dairyland, where […]
oxford real farming conference
sev's going to be representing Us young farmers movement there next week Any european or english readers? Go, check it out!
join the greenhorns team!
We're looking for two people for key roles within the greenhorns universe! An Episode Editor/Line Producer for OUR LAND and an office manager/project manager for Greenhorns HQ. Read on for […]
this is the farm
We love TXYFC podcasts! Episode #7 features A+S Farm, based out of Moulton, TX. Shaun and Amy Jones raise heritage Gulf Coast Sheep for meat, utilizing an intensive pasture management […]