mark your calendars: american farmland trust national conference
October 20-22, 2014 Lexington, Kentucky The Farmland, Food and Livable Communities conference will bring together leading experts from around the country for the first nationwide conference focused on […]
california farmlink announces new online linking system
If you are a farmer with 2+ years of experience farming and a clear idea of what you're looking for, California FarmLink now offers a new service which allows for landowners […]
small farms: apply now for a "lift"
Beekman 1802 Mortgage Lifter Sauces is a pasta sauce company which has pledged to donate 25% of their profits to help give individual small farms a "lift." On April 29th, […]
the greenhorns are happy to release
OURLAND Episode 4: Access to Grazing Market demand continues to swell for ethically raised, pasture-based livestock, poultry, eggs and milk. These products fetch a major price premium over the conventional, […]
young farmers: join the nop and hold the usda's feet to the fire!
The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service’s National Organic Program (NOP) is the team that develops and enforces national standards for organically-produced agricultural products. They support consumer confidence that products with the […]
cesar chavez film - out this weekend!
burning ice festival
Happening right now in Brussels. Burning Ice Festival: The Gentech Future That Never Was A great roster of speakers and attendees: The theme of the seventh Burning Ice is the genetic […]
featured resource
The Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development is a great resource in general, but you might want to take a look at this back issue from 2010, which […]
reminder: our land symposium
OUR LAND: A SYMPOSIUM ON FARMLAND ACCESS IN THE 21ST CENTURY In the next two decades 400 million acres of U.S. farmland will change hands. Will that land be consolidated […]
amtrak residency
an idea for the off-season, for our farmer/writers. Amtrak is excited to announce the official launch of the #AmtrakResidency program. #AmtrakResidency was designed to allow creative professionals who are passionate about train travel and writing […]
[vimeo] Thirty years after Koyaanisqatsi, Godfrey Reggio–with the support of Philip Glass and Jon Kane–once again leapfrogs over earth-bound filmmakers and creates another stunning, wordless portrait of modern life. […]
596 acres
596 This map shows sites of potential community projects. We have taken several different sources of information about vacant publicly owned land, chosen the most accurate information from each […]
tiny house communities
How tiny house communities can work for both the haves and the have nots By Eve Andrews Ryan Mitchell lives and breathes tiny houses. He has been running the popular […]
drones: coming to a farm near you?
From Mid-Missouri Public Radio Unmanned aerial vehicles aren’t just for spies or for the battlefield. Farmers all over the country think drones can give them a leg up, too. Tech-savvy […]
an atlas of radical cartography An Atlas of Radical Cartography is a collection of 10 maps and 10 essays about social issues from globalization to garbage; surveillance to extraordinary rendition; statelessness to visibility; deportation to […]
chaseholm farm grand opening
A model. There will be a cow salon/photo booth, cow milking lessons, farm tours at 2:30 and 3:30, live music, some foods, a raffle for farm store treats, calf cuddling, and […]
usda press release: organic markets are growing, 2014 farm bill funding helps access these markets
In today's press release, the USDA has announced new figures that show the organic industry continues to grow domestically and internationally. Certified organic farms and businesses in the United States […]
sea shipping industry goes on a carbon diet with the worlds largest ship
Sea shipping accounts for 3 to 4% of global CO2 emissions and the largest 15 ships could be emitting as much carbon and greenhouse gases as 760 million cars! Enter Denmark's […]
great context-setting events
Part IV begins next week. Our policy workshop webinar series investigates four broad themes in food and agriculture policy. Part I explores linkages between theory and practice in food […]
a dairy on the move
This farmer in Suffolk has moved her innovative dairy, using crowdfunder to make it happen. She runs a small, commercial dairy with suckling calves. Take note, follow her work, and pitch […]
pedal and plow
An interesting project to follow in the coming years: Pedal and Plow Pedal and Plow is a documentary web series following Lydia Caudill, Creator and host of Pn’P, as she rides […]
uvm farmer training
They've still got a few spots open! Here's the scoop: If this epic winter has you plotting your next moves in sustainable farming, you are in luck. The UVM Farmer […]
article by a dairyman
Rainton Herdshare David Finlay - 11 March 2014 I’m afraid this isn’t an article about how our broken food system is driving climate change, biodiversity loss, diffuse pollution, resource depletion, […]
german farmers: all dressed up and nowhere to grow
The demand for regional and organic products is higher than ever in Germany. If young farmers can get started, the thinking goes, they'll have no trouble selling what they […]
raging grannies
call for musical submissions
The Agrarian Resistance Mixtape is looking for musical submissions! [youtube=] Please send songs by April 15th in the following format to: [email protected] Track title: Artist: Written by: Link to a recording: […]
cowboy indian alliance will ride to reject the xl pipeline
April 22-27, 2014 Washington DC On April 22nd, a group of ranchers, farmers and tribal communities from along the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline route, called the Cowboy Indian Alliance, […]
blanket recall: why you should support your local slaughterhouse
A recent NYTimes opinion article begs the public to support your local slaughterhouse. Why? Costs and regulations have caused a sharp decline in slaughterhouse facilities across the state. As a […]
new podcast from txyfc
Episode #8 – Judith McGeary and The Texas Legislative Process Join TXYFC, as we dive into the Texas legislative process with Judith McGeary, director of the Farm and Ranch Freedom […]
casting call for city women turning towards the farming life
Cole Huling, a casting producer for Orion Entertainment, is currently working on a new TV series that features women who are leaving behind the city/suburban life to become farmers/ranchers/etc., working […]
technology criticism from the beef world
Here's an excerpt from a recent post in the Ranching for profit blog. The whole post can be found HERE "According to one cattle industry leader quoted in […]
[vimeo 36960419 w=500 h=281] Aluna ALUNA is made by and with the KOGI, a genuine lost civilization hidden on an isolated triangular pyramid mountain in the Sierra Nevada de Santa […]
ecological market gardening in B.C.
for our Canadian readers: And check out their website and youtube channel. The time has never been more ripe to nourish a literacy that can help break the cycles of an unsustainable culture. […]
america's youth protest keystone
[youtube]) HERE. On Sunday, March 2, 2014, a group of young people called XL Dissent organized a march from Georgetown University to Lafayette Park, which is opposite the White […]
featured resource: farm commons webinars
Farm Commons delivers fast-paced webinars that help farmers move forward on the legal issues that affect their farm operation. Our webinars are engaging and practical- this isn’t just theoretical learning! Topics […]