draft power documentary
check out this snippet from a new documentary directed by Jared Flesher, The Farmer and The Horse. If you like what you see and want to get your hands on […]
another farmacy
the site of our goatspit, summer 2009, now a homey farm store/ soda shoppe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRzzYDmYLOY
david kupfer's call out list
of super cool projects all of us should know about and keep in our arsenal of hope Giving color to the well-researched data, are six case studies that show what […]
cool beans (and not so much corn) in Iowa
these folks have a "Next Generation" program as well. Practical Farmers of Iowa Field Day July 31st, from 9AM to 1 PM Starting at the Student Organic Farm (55519 170th […]
the farm bill and beginning farmers
via the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition's Blog. Also check out a response they posted from a farmer. Vilsack: Farm Bill Should Emphasize Beginning Farmers A funny thing happened on the […]
inspired by Elaine Weiss's book fruits of victory
about how the women's land army at first had issues with harvesting tobacco, in connecticut so close to the women's colleges... but ultimately they did it. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfon799_FI8&feature=related]
upcoming workshops at Foxglove Farm, BC
Two upcoming workshops at Foxglove Farm's 'Centre for Arts, Ecology and Agriculture'. Both are taught by farmers Michael Ableman and Josh Volk. Register at www.foxglovefarmbc.ca or call 250-388-6800 for information. Growing for Family […]
waste not
www.thisisrubbish.org.uk food not bombs meets eat in - UK style. oh yes please!
state fair joys!
Garrison Keillor At The State Fair. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=111538579 In the July 2009 National Geographic, Garrison Keillor, host of public radio's A Prairie Home Companion, listed the Top 10 joys of the […]
Anarchy Apiaries
Their annual potluck was Sunday, but this is a beautiful message be sure to check them out HERE Bees teach patience, resilience, and thankfulness for nature’s gifts. They teach us […]
biodynamics and the future of agriculture
Scholarships are available for youth to this conference - apply ASAP! There is also a special youth gathering. There is a revolution in human values taking place in our midst […]
bio control
Check out this film about biocontrol research on vineyards that greenhorns Anya's friend Houston is a key leader of. Kudos to someone for trying to make agroeco research look cool […]
organic grapes. ecology of the vineyard
To all you budding vineyard agroecologists, we highly recommend checking out UC Berkley's extensive stash of resources on all things organic/biodynamic grape-growing.
always read schlosser
Unsafe at Any Meal By ERIC SCHLOSSER July 24, 2010 EVERY day, about 200,000 Americans are sickened by contaminated food. Every year, about 325,000 are hospitalized by a food-borne illness. […]
artists moving barns around
www.thebarnstormers.org/motionpaintings we could use some help painting some young farmer barns! I know there must be a cool 'this american life' episode on the nomadic crews of southern barn painters-- […]
its all coming together
calling all ruckus raisers: we are putting the finishing touches on a final chautauqua schedule-- look for it monday! in the meantime, interested volunteers should contact anne - [email protected], and send […]
just a reminder
the wicked delicate boys ( aka king corn boys) also made a really nice film called The Greening of Southie. which i was reminded of by watching mat damon bravely […]
more organic films!
Here's a trailer, that is part of the organic trailer competition. [vodpod id=Video.4081771&w=425&h=350&fv=vId%3D284%26amp%3BportalId%3D1%26amp%3BbaseUrl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fviews.newhope.com%2FDesktopModules%2FUltraVideoGallery%2F] Video Player > Urban Roots, posted with vodpod Urban Roots is about the spontaneous emergence of urban […]
non gmo month
learn what organic industry elders are doing to protect their ingredients: www.nongmoproject.org ! and they have a non gmo iPHONE app
irresistable fleet of food distributers~
What’s big and yellow, has three wheels, hauls a quarter ton and is poised to revolutionize small-load urban transport? Answer: the cargo tricycle! from the super cool new GRACE site […]
music for the farmers
http://www.subpop.com/artists many of whom are singing about saving the mountains from coal mining. and some of whom are singing the values of new agrarianims. We are looking for a band […]
california residents alert!
From California Farmlink: Will you make a call to support the next generation of farmers? Please call Senator Diane Feinstein in support of a key program helping farmer get started […]
delicious flotilla on the hudson
And a successful kickstarter project! More on Flood Time the movie HERE. Their teaser is wonderful. CONTEXT: Flood Tide is a collaboration with the Swimming Cities of Switchback Sea, a […]
like essex farm style?
yeah. essex farmstyle. go see for yourself. year round CSA, self service, so breathtakingly punky
instructional videos
instructables- there are more and more of them. cornell beginning farmers website sometimes its easier to see it in video format than reading about it.
brave like billie
life is unfair. be brave like billie! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-Viwv-yvrk&NR=1&feature=fvwp]
in making our screening tent,
look how super wonderful they are! mfta.org [vodpod id=Video.4048894&w=425&h=350&fv=video%3D1515701086%26amp%3Bplayer%3Dviral] art, posted with vodpod
"Good Food" Summer Broadcast Schedule!
PBS stations around the nation are scheduling summer broadcasts of the film GOOD FOOD, about sustainable food and farming in the Pacific Northwest. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0BHrA4hG80] Upcoming Broadcasts of GOOD FOOD We […]
this is another wonderful film. about the pacific northwest
www.goodfoodthemovie.org also super is the film " broken limbs" and the whole inventory up at bullfrog films. and the pdf. of ours. 'how to start a film festival' oh. and […]
call for event volunteers
INVITATION TO CO-CONSPIRE If you receive our emails, chances are we met you at a Greenhorns event somewhere along the way. Whether it was a workshop, a mixer, a bike […]
why it makes sense to make culture from sunshine
http://www.allianceforarts.org/get-the-facts/current-reports.php when the downturn spins down, art pays for it our revolution must be powered by photosynthesis, at least mostly
Maine’s Young Farmers Gather to Revive Century-Old Agrarian Tradition: Grassroots-Organized “Chautauqua” A Further Signal of American Agricultural Renaissance The Greenhorns will host a key cultural gathering in Maine in August. […]
survey survey won't go away
so fill in your thoughts. organic farming research foundation is leader of the pack on farm bill reform along with sustainable ag. coalition, family farm coalition, organic coalition, land stewardship […]
movement on the homefront
With all the prejudice for agribusiness in our official systems it's really a compfort to see progress on the issue of childhood obesity. Get kids outdoors. Feed them real food. […]
local food cycle teach out
Coordinated by the Food Justice Project of the Community Alliance for Global Justice Third Event of 2010! Refugee Farmer Project - Auburn, WA Saturday, July 31st, 10am-3pm