film: voices from the barrens - native people, blueberries & sovereignty
The Wabanaki People are known as the “People of the Dawnland.” They are an indigenous First Nations people from five nations: The Abenaki, the Maliseet – whose traditional name is […]
anthropocene magazine: how to repurpose food waste to grow healthier crops
Recycling food to generate more food is something that nature does exceptionally well. Now, a team of researchers has found a new way to mimic this trait: they rescued food […]
online cooking classes with ballymaloe cookery school!
Ballymaloe Cookery School is a multi-award-winning cookery school delivering a first class culinary education to students all over the world since 1983. We are proud of our long-standing tradition of excellence and our Slow […]
the rodale institute is hiring!
Each member of the Rodale Institute team is passionate about improving the well-being of people and the planet through innovative organic research and leadership. If you share this passion, we […]
national young farmers coalition report: towards a more equitable farming future
The National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC) has just released their land policy report and its FREE to EVERYONE at the link below. To learn more about this initiative, take some […]
from disparity to parity for all: equity and land access for all
See the FULL MOVIE HERE or below!
more funds, less credit needed for indian farmers
The Finance Minister’s plans to fix India's agriculture sector leave a lot to be desired and these tall claims should be taken with a pinch of salt READ THE FULL […]
tending the wild
gathering medicine: how native medicinal practices are thriving today Indigenous peoples in California relied on traditional gathering to provide for all of their food and medicinal needs. California's landscapes […]
toolkit for congress to tackle the food monopoly crisis
Family Farm Action Alliance has developed a comprehensive toolkit for the 117th Congress to tackle the dangerous levels of consolidation in today’s food system. Our policy recommendations are based on […]
deadline 2/5/21: quivira coalition is hiring for a communications and development director
Quivira Coalition is hiring for a Communications and Development Director. The C&D Director is a passionate communications professional versed in conservation and regenerative agriculture, as well as nonprofit communications, development, and […]
a growing culture
The fight for food sovereignty is not fundamentally about ending pollution or building soil, but about culture. “African culture survived all the storms, taking refuge in the villages, in the forests […]
all watched over by machines of loving grace (tv series)
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace is a BBC television documentary series by filmmaker Adam Curtis.[1] In the series, Curtis argues that computers have failed to liberate humanity, and instead have "distorted and simplified our […]
whitewashed hope: regenerative agriculture & permaculture offer narrow solutions to the climate crisis
A message from 10+ Indigenous leaders and organizations We are honored to support this Indigenous-led collaborative post, which invites proponents of western ecological agriculture to go deeper—to not ‘take’ certain land […]
free workshop with jm fortier - farm profitability
Want to learn what it takes to improve profitability for your small organic mixed vegetable farm? Sign up for The Market Gardener's new 3-part online workshop, Keys To Profitability In The Market […]
the quapaw nation’s casino farms its own food
The Quapaw Nation’s Casino Farms Its Own Food A stone’s throw from the blackjack tables, bison are grazing, beehives are buzzing, crops are growing—and nature is winning.
recap: plant-out camp out @ mozaic farm in chicacum, wa
On the weekend of October 23rd-25th, Greenhorns (in collaboration with Mozaic Farm in Chimacum, WA and HipCamp) hosted a socially-distant, workshop-based training for nut and fruit tree planting and soil […]
oxford real farming conference 2021: online and global event
OXFORD REAL FARMING CONFERENCE REGISTRATION LINKJanuary 7th-13th, 2021 The Oxford Real Farming Conference, a seven day online event, brings together "farmers, growers, activists, policy-makers, researchers and all those who support […]
allegheny mountain institute's farm and food system fellowship
Applications are now available for Allegheny Mountain Institute’s fully sponsored Farm and Food System Fellowship! The Fellowship is an 18-month educational program that fully sponsors, trains, and empowers individuals to […]
'ulu: the perennial hawaiian staple crop making a comeback
'Ulu, also known as breadfruit, has a promising future for both healthy people and a healthy planet. This indigenous Hawaiian crop is making a resurgence thanks to the folks of […]
severine's farm house for sale, westport NY
In order to support the ongoing works to build the Greenhorns Campus in Pembroke, Maine -- including the historic buildings Grey Lodge and Reversing Hall -- Severine has put her […]
agrobiodiversity principles from FACT
From the folks at FACT: Food, Agrobiodiversity, Clarity and Transparency: TEN PRINCIPLES FOR AGROBIODIVERSITY [site] The FACT Accelerator has worked with food systems experts from across the globe to develop 10 Principles […]
women, food and agriculture network: land walk video
Climate Land Leaders: Land Walk With The Bouska Sisters “Ecological Design advised us to ask certain questions while we walked,” Carol says. “Where is there erosion? How does the water […]
maine grains featured in nyt article
That Flour You Bought Could Be the Future of the U.S. Economy (link to article) "The flour industry might seem an unlikely arena for business innovation. There was once a […]
study warns unprecedented wave of land privatization
DRIVING DISPOSSESSIONTHE GLOBAL PUSH TO“UNLOCK THE ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF LAND” [pdf] From the Oakland Institute: Driving Dispossession: The Global Push to “Unlock the Economic Potential of Land,” sounds the alarm on […]
grassroots media spotlight: organic hazelnuts
Though 99% of U.S. hazelnuts are grown in Oregon, only 1% of these are grown organically. NCAP doesn’t back down from a challenge, though, and we are proud to be […]
Paycheck Protection Program for Farm Businesses
Thank you to FARM COMMONS for their presentation on how to utilize PPP during this time of financial uncertainty in the face of Covid-19. PPP is a potentially forgivable loan […]
selling to restaurants: a farmer's guide
"Connecting with chefs and restaurants can be intimidating, and it can be hard to figure out where to start. Restaurants can become some of your most reliable customers, placing predictable […]
geothermal greenhouse - growing exotic fruit in the nebraska winter
Russ Finch is the ultimate grandaddy of Farm Hack . He designed a greenhouse in his backyard that is heated using geothermal energy. Despite the fact that winter temperatures in […]
a guide to sharing farm equipment
Faith Gilbert has just released her Guide to Sharing Farm Equipment, a 42-page guidebook intended for farmers, service providers, cooperators, and organizers of shared equipment pools. The guidebook covers a wide array of […]
bicimakina: biking across the US celebrating alternative uses for human-power
You may be familiar with Farm Hack, started by Greenhorns founder Severine. Farm Hack is a worldwide community of farmers that build and modify their own tools (including a […]
oh boy! check out this treasure trove of apiary wisdom.
Once upon a time in a land... not so far from Seattle... lived a man, his wife and their two beautiful young daughters. One day the man came to his […]
new farmer's almanac submission time!
Greetings writers, artists, photographers, agrarians! It’s almanac time again! If you would like to contribute to the next volume of the Almanac, now is the time to get thinking, writing […]
agriculture, labor and the law
New Entry Sustainable Farming Project & the Conservation Law Foundation are teaming up to hold a workshop that will provide an overview of key employment issues that farmers need to know. The […]
best milking practices online course
[youtube] Penn State Extension are running a best milking practice course for professionals in the dairy industry who want to learn about problems on dairy farms that result from mastitis. […]
new research identifies cold weather strategies to avoid respiratory illness in calves
As winter approaches, research funded by the farmer-driven Northern New York Agricultural Development Program has identified cold weather strategies for attention by regional dairy calf managers. “Winter weather poses […]
interactive geoengineering map
ETC Group and the Heinrich Böll Foundation have produced an interactive map of geoengineering projects around the world in an attempt to shed light on the worldwide state of geoengineering. […]
can we really restore degraded landscapes?
[vimeo 231744267 w=640 h=360] New and exciting things are happening at the Permaculture Skills Center. The Eco-Landscape Mastery Course is already underway! It couldn't be a more opportune time to continue our […]
allegheny mountain institute is now accepting applications for their farm and food education fellowship.
[youtube] Allegheny Mountain Institute (AMI) is seeking applicants for its fully-funded Fellowship program. Now in its seventh year, the 18-month Fellowship prepares and empowers individuals to become teachers and […]
arizona science institute launches first ever glyphosate testing biobank
[vimeo 236206538 w=640 h=360] The Detox Project reported on Tuesday that they along with MetricBio have launched the first ever Glyphosate Biobank. which is being funded by the public. The […]