oxford real farming conference 2021: online and global event

January 7th-13th, 2021
The Oxford Real Farming Conference, a seven day online event, brings together "farmers, growers, activists, policy-makers, researchers and all those who support agroecology, including organic and regenerative agriculture and indigenous systems." With 500 speakers and 150 hours of content, this conference is a highly informative space where people can share their stories, learn from one and other, and build alliances to strengthen the future of real farming.
Greenhorns' director, Severine Fleming will be speaking at ORFC on the young farmers' movement in the U.S. Find more information on her session, A Decade of the US Beginning Farmer Movement in Reflection: A Conversation with Severine Fleming on the ORFC website.
A glimpse into the program:
- Agroecology Across Three Continents: Showcasing Good Policy Practices
"Governments are beginning to recognise the urgent need to transform our food systems. This has been made even more pressing by the current health and economic crisis caused by the COVID pandemic. Currently, there are good but rather scattered examples of governments around the world that have been developing conducive and innovative policies aimed at introducing and implementing agroecological and resilient principles.
Join three leading policymakers from three different countries (India, Denmark and Uganda) as they explain the good policy practices they are helping to put in place, which make possible the long-term transformation of the food and agricultural systems of their countries. Chaired by IFOAM – Organics International, our speakers will explore the key entry points and drivers of transformational policies including the multifaceted crisis, climate change, health, and environmental pressures.
We will hear from Prof. Rajeshwar Singh Chandel, a member of the Himachal Pradesh Government of India, about their initiative to turn the food systems of the entire state into a sustainable one, from Mr. Alex Lwakuba of the Ugandan Government about their brand-new policy on organic and from Paul Holmbeck, the Director of Holmbeck Eco-Consult on how their countries consumers became the most pro-organic ones in the world."
- Supporting Agroecological Food Systems in the Era of COVID-19
"With global hunger likely to double as a result of the Covid-19 crisis, the need for food systems transformation has never been more urgent. Across five continents, Agroecology Fund partners have been on the frontlines of relief efforts, mobilizing powerful grassroots networks to strengthen long-term food security and resilience. The Agroecology Fund launched an Emergency Fund to support 59 such community-led responses to Covid-19. A panel of grassroots organizations will share their strategies to provide healthy, agroecologically-produced food for rural and urban food systems."