JOB ALERT! sunfield land for learning - farm educator position
Sunfield Biodynamic Farm and Waldorf School seeks a Farm Educator to join our faculty for the 2021-2022 school year. The position starts July 1, 2021. The Farm Educator will help […]
job opportunity (park city): permaculture / landscape company manager / site lead
Permaculture / Landscape Company Manager / Site Lead Red Ant Works, Inc. - 20+ year landscape construction and horticultural care company seeks manager and site lead in Park City, Utah Founder […]
healing & growing woodbridge farm
Help us build a bridge between dream and reality and get Woodbridge Farm up and growing! DONATE TO THEIR GOFUNDME HERE ! For those of you unfamiliar with Woodbridge Farm, […]
the small farmers journal sends their thanks
Supporting agrarian knowledge one over-sized journal at a time.
queer farmer voices wanted for white house meeting
Listen up, queer farmers! Jonah Mossberg, director of the Queer Farmer Film Project's documentary Out Here has been invited by the White House Rural Council to a meeting at the White […]
the best time to plant a tree is now
[youtube] So get some good advice from the experts! This is one of the best youtube planting tutorials that I've ever seen. Tooley’s Trees is a retail and wholesale […]
who owns organic?
An updated version of Dr. Phillip H. Howard's Who Owns Organic info graphic is now available here. When Howard, who is an associate professor at Michigan State University, first made […]
usda makes another website
USDA has a new website and you can see it here. Its purpose is to support new farmers and is pretty awesome. We are thankful for the websites, USDA! What we'd like […]
letter sent to pope francis regarding GMOs
At the request of major peasant organizations, a group of scientists and agricultural experts sent a letter and document on the problem of genetically modified seeds to the Vatican on April 30, […]
the greenhorns sign and support the petition to stop development on the gill tract farm
A Food Initiative on the Gill Tract Farm >> Sign Here << We urge UC Berkeley administration, the UC Regents, and President Napolitano to halt the current development plan for the Gill […]
how to help the seaport and municipal market
ELECTED OFFICIALS URGE AN OPEN & TRANSPARENT COMMUNITY-LED PLANNING PROCESS FOR THE SOUTH STREET SEAPORT Last week, city and state elected officials representing Lower Manhattan sent a strongly worded letter to […]
a reminder...
As we sit painfully gazing past our screens to the foliar psychadelia of lakeside champlain -- up to our ears in cargo logistics, porch overflowing with seaweed, pickles, syrup and […]
audio trawl
Hello loyal blog readers, Our occasional, random requests have been so fruitful that we're coming back for more! Can you send in your favorite: 1. Farm / farm-affiliated bands 2. […]
support food entrepreneurship on Kiva Zip
a note from friend of the Greenhorns, Johnny Price, project director of Kiva Zip Dear friends, I'm writing to you as great innovators, entrepreneurs and organizers in the food / […]
high altitude farmer training
a note to all you lovely readers from Dana, friend of the greenhorns, asking for your help and willingness to share your wells of knowledge. to reply, email [email protected] I am […]
if you're looking to help out here is the place to plug in for hurricaine sandy relief WE're donating a truck full of food there today, come along!
train train train, what do you carry?
I watch long rail cars go by many times per day. Is there a way to know what they carry? IF you live near a train track and are also […]
alaskan greenhorns?
Hi there blog readers, WE are including in the almanac a ' dairy recruitment' map of alaska from 1926. It therefore came to my attention that we have not adequately […]
farmland investing, a growing sector
Where are there benefits for young farmers? How do these schemes impact the matrix of farmland ownership? How does it compare with the land-grabs and speculative investment that we have […]
any greenhorns want to represent us in madison?
if so, please email [email protected] Sacred Agriculture 2012 Biodynamic Association Conference November 14-18, Madison, WI Join us on November 14-18, 2012, at the beautiful Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center in […]
research in biodynamic world
Announcing Call for Pre-Proposals and Collaborators for Biodynamic Research The Biodynamic Association is seeking creative, relevant and innovative research projects that will advance the understanding and practice of biodynamics. By making this Call, […]
national young farmers conference!
Yes, it's not until December, but you can start planning now. SAVE THE DATE: 2012 Young Farmers Conference: December 12-14, 2012 Every December, over 250 young farmers from across the […]
young farmer survey
a thoughtful article and a survey request from Matthew Hoffman on the National Young Farmer's Coalition blog: Is there a special connection between women and sustainable agriculture? People sometimes talk […]
lucky to meet malcom, he wants a new farmers almanac too!
Here is is challenge for new work from California: We are confronted daily with dramatic and very real evidence that California is in decline. Everything seems wrong. We can’t seem […]
the audacity of milling
The idea for Maine Grains was conceived in 2007 when Amber Lambke helped organize the Kneading Conference – a gathering of farmers, millers, bakers, researchers and home bread baking enthusiasts – to revive […]
usda organic production survey
Farmers: Participate in Organic Production Survey! USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service is quantifying organic production in the United States. The data will help shape decisions regarding farm policy, funding allocations, […]
dear senator patty murray,
Patty Murray is the co-chair of the super committee and she is my senator. Dear Senator Patty Murray, As your constituent, I urge you to support a fair and balanced […]
pledge for local radio COLUMBIA COUNTY
ROOTS DOWN [root]: the part of a plant that attaches it to the ground or to a support, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant. In the wake […]
call for media
Attention young farmers of the future: Call for Photos, Videos + Sounds! Attention young farmers of the future - we need your media savvy skills to help put together a resource […]
Music and stagecraft in the Catskills
We have a full lineup of original shows for Agrarian Acts, sep 25 in the Catskills, more than thirty farmers collaborating for 6 hrs of drama, mischief, eating and country Still Needed […]
helpers needed for UNion square event
please email [email protected] with subject: HELPING SEPTEMBER 3 cooking crafting welcoming decorating engaging in deliberate hospitality gestures with the general public bring your skills and your willing spirit s
dear APP makers
We need an app that makes an alarm 10 minutes before dusk to remind you to put in the chickens! Anyone?
so so close!
Our friends at Farmstead Meatsmith are so close to their Kickstarter goal. You can help them reach the finish line by going to their kickstarter page and donating! [vimeo=]
we need a few kansas greenhorns!
Are any of you out there? We have an opportunity to do a fun project at Farm Aid if we can get some local support peeps out there. I know […]
save this hereford breeding stock!
Time to step it up, Greenhorns. Go Go Northwest Farmerfolk! We need to find a home (or as many homes as possible) for a group of pure blood, AHA Registered […]
Volunteer Recruitment for FELT
Calling All Fuzz-Loving Greenhorns! We are looking for 3-5 Oakland-area Greenhorns to help run the kick-off the Greenhorn's SEED CIRCUS 2011. The first event is called FELT and is about […]
mold for clout
greenhorns are looking for a potter for a project at a very special museum Do you mix silicas with muds and have fun squishing them around? Do you dream of […]
You may have heard by now, ATTRA, the National Sustainable Information Service, has been caught up in the budget cuts going on in Congress, and its funding was eliminated in […]
amazing mappers.
for all your mapping needs!
we love road trips
Daniel Klein and the folks at the Perennial Plate want to know, What's the best food story in America? This spring Daniel will be traveling across the country for 6 […]