healing & growing woodbridge farm

Help us build a bridge between dream and reality and get Woodbridge Farm up and growing!
For those of you unfamiliar with Woodbridge Farm, we’re a 24-acre farm located along a salmon stream in the fertile Chimacum Valley of Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. Woodbridge was purchased in 2018 by Peter Mustin, one of rural Jefferson County’s only Black farmers and one of its largest Black landowners. As a steward of the land, Peter’s vision of Woodbridge Farm is to cultivate community while caring for the soil, growing good food and flowers, and providing space for Black, Indigenous, and people of color to experience the life-affirming bounty nature provides.
One of the biggest hurdles facing Woodbridge Farm is financing the clean-up of the property to prepare it for farming. Decades of gathered debris are waiting to be hauled off the farm and Peter has been the sole person working and cleaning the land. It’s a massive job but since his injury earlier this Summer, he has not been able to do any other work that might provide an income and there are also holdups with his L&I support. That’s why Peter Mustin and his team are asking for your continued support in making Woodbridge Farm a reality.
For those of you who contributed to Peter’s GoFundMe after his life-threatening injury, thank you! Those funds were used not only to assist Peter as he healed, but also to cover the cost of repairs to Woodbridge’s namesake, the wooden bridge crossing Chimacum Creek and main access road to the farm. Without your support his recovery would have been much more difficult and this bridge repair could not have happened!