Essays & Articles
too late for corn
Try planting something different! a radical suggestion by conservative farm service providers. Grow something different!
young farmers need protection
the need for health insurance for young farmers is a hot topic - learn more by reading this article from the Center for Rural Affairs:
eliot coleman paper delivered at yale
I'm not the hugest fan of this paper, but he references a lot of historical texts that I've begun digging into. Currently on the bed: Agricultural Discontent in the Middle […]
deb wonderful deb
an interview with the lovely debra eschmeyer in the faster times: + learn more about her latest groundbreaking undertaking - FoodCorps.
rural gay men's reader
RFD is a reader written journal for gay people which focuses on country living and encourages alternative lifestyles. It fosters community building and networking, explore the […]
speaking up. John Peck, hero
Greetings,There has been some discussion expressing concerns about the concept of food sovereignty possibly being used to deny food to those who really need it. Actually, that would be a […]
Speculators getting in deeper into farming
I may be a cloudy eyed springtime mud hopper, but these sharky speculators pushing buttons on wall street with our nation's food supply get me all riled up and FURIOUS. […]
ny times says cut
Here’s a Great Place to Cut from NY Times It seems hard to believe, but the federal farm subsidy program — wasteful, inefficient and virtually indestructible — may at last […]
day jobs.
You'd think that milking upwards of a hundred cows a day would be enough to keep a man in professional pay. Sadly, the milk situation in this nation is pitiful. […]
reversing desertification with livestock
Here's a great article passed on to us by greenhorn Emma Young. The Savory Institute: Healing the World’s Grasslands, Rangelands and Savannas This is the first of a two-part interview […]
women & farming
Women and farming: A nurturing nature By Dan Pilar for the Des Moines Register, May 7 2011 Here's a Mother's Day question for Mom: Is there a maternal instinct that […]
festival of new ideas
The festival just wrapped up, but here's a nice piece about the event by current Hudson Valley Seed Library intern Alison Baitz. The Art of Food and Farming The New […]
moooooove along
On Small Farms, Hoof Power Returns from NY Times By TESS TAYLOR Published: May 3, 2011 ON a sunny Sunday just before the vernal equinox, Rich Ciotola set out to […]
The rising cost of food
read up:
from our friend tasha
An essay from her blog Brown. Girl. Farming. Her hands are cracked, reeling from the whipping wind. Split, torn and dotted with splinters, numb to the impact of the wooden […]
cnbc on young farmers
Life On The Farm Attracts Green-Spirited Entrepreneurs 26 Apr 2011 | 12:06 PM ET A growing interest in small-scale agriculture is beginning to reverse a decades-long flight from the farm. […]
sawmill hollow family farm
these farmers aim to reintroduce Aronia berries to America! Intrigued? Here's some great coverage from The Atlantic. Aronia Berries: The Next Acai? by James McWilliams The aronia berry is a […]
A Big Thank You, and Building Support for Farms and Food
severine boardrooming it for young farmers in albany with baseball cap american farmland trust lobby day recorded by anna mumford
media as portal into agriculture
here, a few states are passing laws to prevent media from penetrating factory farms
building wealth in rural america
There are ways for individuals to build their wealth. These strategies would pay particular benefits in rural America.
changing roles
Greenhorn Olivia Sargent just wrote this piece for Civil Eats. How do you fit into our food economy? Changing Roles in the Local Food Economy The DIY craze has shacked […]
don't bank on it
Don’t Bank On It – the product of a collaborative effort between Farm Aid, Food & Water Watch, the National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC) and the Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA (RAFI-USA). As […]
miss america says we need more farms
But she's a little off if she thinks all those farms are small businesses...,bgBrJVB4 "Can we feed a growing world population, fuel our economy, and still offer wholesome food […]
grow up. show up. dress up.
up up up
From Ancient Giants, Finding New Life to Help the Planet By JESSE McKINLEY, April 9, 2011 in the New York Times FORT DICK, Calif. — Shooting skyward like a jagged […]
what is government for?
Vilsack seeks biotech/organic co-existence, not a USDA-dictated solution By Jon H. Harsch © Copyright Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc. WASHINGTON, April 6 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told organic producers Wednesday that […]
nowhere to farm?
An interesting letter to The Telegraph, with some comments following. Do you have thoughts on this issue? Write an essay. we'll post it. Young farmers with nowhere to farm The […]
a movement that's here to stay
Here's a well written and insightful piece by 2 students at Tufts' Friedman School. The New American Farming Movement, and Why It’s Here to Stay by Marisol Pierce-Quinonez and Jeff Hake, […]
millionaire dutch farmers lose shirt in IOWA.
Prosperous Farmers move to Iowa, and fail massively original piece: follow up and commentary.
at the table
oldest future farmers of america program. This is a place where urban youth are beginning their careers . An old article, but a good one. Whole student body eats their […]
article: the serfs of arkansas
The Serfs of Arkansas Immigrant farmers are flocking to the poultry industry -- only to become 21st-century sharecroppers for companies like Tyson. by Monica Potts | March 9, 2011 Shane […]
homeland food insecurity
Gigi Stafne sent us this article that she recently wrote. Have a read, greenhorns. Food Insecurity. Maybe I should call it Homeland Food Insecurity. This is the precarious state of […]
keep it great people!! we got a call out! from mark bittman: Farming is becoming hip | The number of farms is at last increasing, although it’s no secret that farmers are an […]
farming the library
looking for some good reading? greenhorn Janna Berger is compiling a stellar list of "pages to turn with calloused fingers" and has written a nice essay to accompany the list. […]
intern or apprentice?
there's a difference! for all you looking for farmwork this season, be sure to check out this article from civil eats
spirit of the diggers
BY: Ian Fitzpatrick March 12 2011 "When Gerrard Winstanley and 14 fellow Diggers declared, in April 1649, that "England is not a Free People, till the Poor that have no […]
canadian young farmers
Making it: Organic farming a natural choice for young entrepreneurs by Mary Albino Visitors to the Young-Carey home tend to express envy. You commute only into the backyard! You lunch […]
foodstamps, a powerful tool
starting new farmers markets can be hard on the farmers especially when aggresive-local-foodies and affluent markets are still abundant. but with EBT swipers and doubling of food stamp dollars-- the […]
oregon young farmers
In New Food Culture, a Young Generation of Farmers Emerges By ISOLDE RAFTERY CORVALLIS, Ore. — For years, Tyler Jones, a livestock farmer here, avoided telling his grandfather how disillusioned […]
mom friendly article
Ag antibiotic use: Risky — but also sloppy and wasteful by Maryn McKenna So, antibiotics. Given to farm animals. (Yeah, that again.) How does that work, anyway? Pills? Injections? […]