more more more
workshops on how to be a useful one in this world. Garden for the Environment, out in CA, is offering an amazing list of workshops. Bees, Soil, Poultry, Bamboo. You name it!
trading what we dont already know, for what we've got to spare
TRADESCHOOL At Trade School, students barter for instruction. We turn storefront space into a platform for learning, a place where enthusiasts and specialists teach in exchange for basic items from students. Anyone can offer to teach a class. Students sign up for classes by agreeing to meet the teacher's barter needs. We ran Trade School […]
free pruning workshop in hudson, NY
Micosta Nursery will be hosting a series of free pruning workshops on April 18, all taught by berry expert Steven McKay. 1pm Stone Fruits including Plums, Cherries, Peaches, Apricots 2:30pm Berries and Kiwi 4pm Pome Fruit including Pears and Apple Micosta Nursery is located at 3007 Country Route 20, Hudson, NY 12534. Please RSVP to […]
rev billy + mountaintop revival
People who hear the phrase “Mountaintop Removal” have a common response: “Mountaintop Removal? How is that possible?” And then you ask if they mean by that question – how is it physically possible to do such a strange thing? Or do they mean – how does it ever occur to anyone, how is it […]
farmers, show up!
go meet those chefs. CHEFS COLLABORATIVE MEMBERS AROUND THE COUNTRY CELEBRATE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF EARTH DAY Over 50 acclaimed chefs and restaurateurs bring diners to the table for "Earth Dinner" (Boston, MA) - Chefs Collaborative and Organic Valley Family of Farms will commemorate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day with Earth Dinners at restaurants around […]
hua ka hua - restore our seed
no gmos we say. yes seed sovereinty. Positive organizing effort by Organic Seed Alliance and others. Hua ka Hua - Restore Our Seed A Public Seed Symposium April 17-18, 2010. Outrigger Keauhou Beach Resort in Kona
one of the best plant sales on the planet
At the Occidental Arts & Ecology Center. They are giving you a second chance if you missed the sale last weekend. SECOND CHANCE PLANT SALE April 16, 2010 9-5 pm If you missed the April 10-11 Plant Sale, you have a second chance on Friday, April 16th. For the first time ever, OAEC is offering […]
can global warming alter a minds?
A panel of professors, authors, visual artists and editors will be exploring that subject next week at at The College of New Rochelle. "The Mind in the Age of Environmental Destruction: A Panel Discussion” will take place on Wednesday, April 21, 2010, at 7 p.m. in Romita Auditorium on the Main Campus of The College […]
slow slow worth it.
applications are now online for Terra Madre conference 2010! WHAT: Terra Madre is an international conference, hosted by Slow Food, that gathers sustainable food producers, farmers, cooks, educators and activists from around the world to connect and share their stories and traditions, as well as their innovative solutions for keeping small-scale agriculture and sustainable food […]
we just learned about this training program
Patagonia's Tools for Grassroots Activists Conference. It's held every 18 months, so look for the next about a year from now. Back in 1994, we organized our first Tools for Grassroots Activists Conference. We invited a handful of seasoned activists to help us train members of some of the environmental groups we support. We asked […]
the only thing cuter than a young farmer
is a young farmer's cute tracker lovey. It's hard not to notice all the singing going on these days. It's spring after all. But did you know that there is meaning behind the sounds birds make? Birds have an intricate communication network and are constantly informing each other and other wildlife about what is going […]
learn about Summer University at UVM's Horticulture Farm
this summer be a part of the hands-on, field based progam during the prime growing season in Vermont. Whether you are interested in food systems, integrated pest management, landscape horticulture or apple production, there is the right course in the perfect location. Take a class in entomology, plant pathology, ecological agriculture, tree fruit, and weed ecology. Do an internship at the student farm or plan […]
petaluma young farmers mixer
West Coasters, this one's for you! The main purpose of this event is for the young farmers of the greater Bay Area to get to know each other, so they may be able to better network, exchange ideas, and generally widen their community of support.
speed networking in the hudson valley
This event is put on by Dutchess County Bounty here in the Hudson Valley. If you're in the area, it's worth attending. Cheryl Rogowski is quite inspiring - the first farmer to win a MacArthur Genius Fellowship. Dutchess County Bounty Speed Networking Event Join fellow farmers, food producers, chefs, caterers and food buyers at this […]
strolling of the heifers
The world-famous Strolling of the Heifers Parade happens on Saturday, June 5, starting 10 a.m. sharp in downtown Brattleboro, Vermont. Don't be late! The heifers are at the front of the parade
primitive skills convergence in nor cal
at Polcum Springs. Check out their workshops listing, and in particularly the primitive skills weekend described below. PRIMITIVE TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW WEEKEND With Tamara Wilder June 5 – 6th, 2010 $140 to $160 sliding scale Join us as we explore universal hunter gatherer skills used by humans all around the world and spend some time learning […]
are you coming to the hoggett event?
Our friend and hoggett attendee Jenna Woginrich posted about it on Huffington Post, starting quite a flurry of comments that are worth a read. We hope to see you tomorrow! If you are coming, please be sure you've written down directions. Here they are again, just to be safe. And please grab a map and […]
work + play at pie ranch
tomorrow! Pie Ranch (pescadero, CA) is hosting a community work day, potluck dinner, and rollicking barn dance in the roadside barn. celebrate the spirit of community at this monthly ritual of working together on the ranch, sharing locally grown food, and then spinning, laughing and dosey-doing together into the night. The work party starts at 2 pm. Then […]
"fruits of victory" talk - wilton, CT
Tonight! At the Wilton Library. Celebrate Women’s History Month with a discussion with Elaine F. Weiss, author of Fruits of Victory – The Woman’s Land Army of America in the Great War. Imagine a spunkier, and more controversial, Rosie the Riveter–a generation older, and more outlandish for her time. She is the ‘farmerette’ of the […]
Vernal equinox hogget Cook Off - this weekend!
A celebrational/educational event, feast and community gathering in the hudson valley In honor of the vernal equinox, spring and the start of a new growing season, join The Greenhorns and Animal Welfare Approved at Kinderhook Farm in Valatie, NY on March 20-21 for a celebration of agricultural activities, rural community and a farm to table […]
NY book launch
book talk +Q&A, folled by a signing and reception to celebrate the release of Anna Lappé's latest: Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do About It WHEN: Thursday, April 1st, 2010 @ 6:30pm WHERE: Wollman Hall at The New School, Eugene Lang Building, 65 […]
the biotech debate
an invitation from the Oakland Intitute to join a discussion of the recently released research: Biotechnology and Agricultural Development: Transgenic Cotton, Rural Institutions and Resource-Poor Farmers March 18, 2010 Lunch Briefing: 12:30 - 2:30pm 1100 15th Street, NW Suite 600 Washington DC 20005
beekeeping in santa fe
EcoVersity: Topbar Beekeeping Monthly, March 20 - September 11 at EcoVersity, Santa Fe, with Talon Van Howten [youtube=] EcoVersity is once again offering very affordable Topbar Beekeeping Classes for its 6th season!
raw milk symposium
We just heard from the organizers of this event - they're hoping for a strong young farmer presence. Any Midwestern greenhorns out there to represent? $50 if you register by March 15, which you can do online HERE
high density grazing workshop - CA
for all you grass farmers out there. A terrific 3-day workshop: Introduction to Holistic Management and High Density Grazing from Holistic Management International.
fermented feasts
Ferment Change is a two month long string of events that benefit City Slicker Farms in West Oakland in the months of April and May. This event series strives to weave together fermented foods, culture, and urban agriculture through a series of skill shares, dinners, bicycle tours, workshops all culminating in 400+ strong fermented food […]
hogget update
Hawthorne valley fiber arts will be leading a dying workshop. Red rooster playing a set. Flying deer nature center tanning the hide. Field trip to chatham sheep company on Sunday. Sign up with Tucker now: [email protected] March 20+ 21st Valatie, NY- Kinderhook Farm partners: Animal Welfare Approved McEnroe Farm Kinderhook Farm
greenhorns at Drake Forum - Washington, D.C.
Greenhorns + Severine + The National Young Farmers Coalition will be presenting at this forum. Today and tomorrow! Vilsack asked for new voices, challenged us to get involved: We are ready!
crops and cultures presentation
by a young farmer from New Jersey. Crops and Cultures: The Preservation of Heirloom Varieties A slide show and talk by Adam Forbes Monday, March 22 at 7PM; Princeton Public Library's Community Room Free and open to the Public
alemany apprenticeship
a stellar opportunity from our friends at alemany farm in San Francisco. For the second year in a row, Friends of Alemany Farm will be offering an Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture. The 11-month course takes participants through the seasons, covering key garden and orchard tasks that occur in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Apprentices will learn […]
galloping towards spring
young farmer mixers, film fests, cook-offs galore-- the greenhorns are hustlin and bustlin this spring. check out our upcoming events and stay tuned for more to come. Feb 28 NYC NY Just Food CSA Conference panel for aspiring CSA growers: supplying the demand March 3+ 4 Washington DC Drake Forum, Beginning Farmer Symposium Have […]
if you are in cali, and have jangle
these folks are proved, super duper movers towards the edible future. The Organic Farming Research Foundation and Horizon Organic Dairy, in cooperation with New Hope Natural Media, invite you to the 13th Annual OFRF "Meet & Greet" Organic Benefit Luncheon. March 11th, 2010 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Natural Products Expo West Anaheim […]
join miss annie at her fundraiser, raise (veggies on) the roof!
Hello! Yesterday I took a walk through the Greenmarket picking up the last ingredients for this Saturday night's fundraising dinner for Growing Chefs in Brooklyn. The lineup is wonderful--an evening of tasty treats and live music (a banjo jumped on board with the two fiddlers last week!) The auction (starting at 9p) has grown to include […]
no farms, no food rally - NY
this takes place March 15. More than ever before, we need to tell our state leaders why they have to invest in New York’s farm and food system. Severe and disproportionate cuts to New York’s food, environment and agricultural programs have been proposed in Governor Paterson’s 2010-2011 State Budget.
dairy maids social
A lovely lady from Lilac Ridge farm, near brattleboro, is milking fifty head of Holsteins and Brown Swiss. Together we conspired to hold a young dairy maid - herd management social. Next January. Into Dairy? Get on the list. It will be in the the Champlain Valley somewhere.
CSA in NYC conference - this sunday!
presented by our friends at Just Food. The Just Food Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in NYC Conference is an opportunity for CSA members from around the city and farmers to come together for a day of workshops and discussion. In addition to the workshops, there will be a panel discussion with CSA farmers when attendees […]
this "stipends for farmers" is a great trend
and very important for us to be publicly grateful for. I recently had a spat with some fancy conference organizers who wanted agrarian presence but weren't willing to cover gas and expenses for the farmers--. We live in an economy that undervalues farmers time, makes them shlepp hustle and burn. But as we form social […]
sap rising
via our friends at Common Ground Farm, a bit south of us in the Hudson Valley. Old-Time Maple Sugaring-Off Party & Community Dance Date: Sunday, March 7, 2010 Time: 1:00 - 7:00 PM, dinner/dance starts at 5:00 PM Location: The Randolph School, 2467 Rte 9D, Wappingers Falls, NY (1 mile south of the village of […]
tonight! the first Local X Local, a monthly event presented by Brooklyn Brewery & Brooklyn Bowl which celebrates Brooklyn’s local art & music community. this edition features The Phenomenal Handclap Band. we will be there with Annie Novak of the Eagle Street Rooftop Farm to plot, plan+ prepare for summer gardens on rooftops, fire escapes, backyards […]
supper with brooklyn creative league
WHAT: Green Edge NYC is partnering with bk farmyards for their monthly BCL Supper Club to raise funds for the Youth Farm developed by bk farmyards and the High School for Public Service in Crown Heights / East Flatbush to start the 1-Acre Farmyard! Come and enjoy a delicious meal, topped off with cocktails from Sister […]