ideas + models
the indigenous farming project
Planting Justice in the Owens Valley: the Indigenous Farming Project by May Nguyen of Planting Justice I’ve been working on behalf of Planting Justice with a project called the Indigenous […]
richard reynolds
Richard Reynolds has been gardening without boundaries, usually neglected public land around his neighbourhood, for nine years. Through his blog he has rallied many to do the same where ever they […]
kiva zip Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee? To support young farmers as they begin to capitalize small businesses, establishing good business practices, facilitating access to credit, and exploring […]
from our favorite oyster growing caveman
The Complete Illustrated One Page Bulletproof® Diet Common dietary mistakes will sap your energy, lower your immunity, and make you cranky. Basic unsuspected foods can make you weak, soft, and […]
ecological pest control
This week's Farm Training Project event from MOFGA. Always a good model for other organizations/educational initiatives. Ecological Pest Control Wednesday, June 26, 5pm at Hatchet Cove Farm, Warren Thursday, June […]
spinning for the commons
news from Shumacher Center for a New Economics On a shelf in the Library of the Schumacher Center for a New Economics sits a small wooden box with worn leather […]
model website and project
Coastal Farms and Foods is an incubator business providing a food processing infrastructure for berry growers, farmers, food processors and food entrepreneurs! Located at 248 Northport Avenue (directions) in Belfast, […]
a new seed company in the finger lakes!
we love seeing new companies pop up. Fruition Seeds! Check out their Kickstarter, Blog and Facebook page. Fruition Seeds grows three acres of certified organic seed in the Finger Lakes […]
michigonian opportunity
Calling all farm interns, apprentices, students of agriculture! Ever wish you had an opportunity which would fill the gap between coursework and internships and the experience of independently owning a […]
mud creek farm - the electric tractor
Great video, great farm, great tractor. [vimeo]
vermont sail freight
In this round up of new forms of grocery distribution. A New Wave of Grocery Distribution Models Takes on FreshDirect As New Yorkers grow ever more interested in where their […]
seed-saving taco truck!
Check out these gals in New Mexico, they gather seed stories from people --> cultural memorybanking.
amazing model of land succession
Family bequeaths farm to PFI By Jean Caspers-Simmet, Published 3/05/2013 AMES, Iowa —Tom and Irene Frantzen's desire to preserve their New Hampton land for generations to come led them to […]
the berkshire food guild
The Berkshire Food Guild is a community of local food crafters with a mission to support and celebrate the regional foodshed. We partner with area farms to host seasonal feasts […]
24 TED talks about food, from food tank
TED is a non-profit devoted to "ideas worth spreading" and you can find literally thousands of free--inspiring and awesome--talks from experts and innovators around the world. We've decided to highlight 24 […]
MOFGA's farm training project
For all of the apprentices in their system and other aspiring farmers. Such a great model. Here's what they're up to this week: Greenhouse Management. Wednesday, May 29, 5pm at […]
much afoot with our Canadian brethren
The Young Agrarians! Who are the Young Agrarians? Young Agrarians is a grassroots initiative made up of agriculturalists and media conspirators intent on growing food sustainably. Inspired by The Greenhorns to build a […]
big food ideas
the BBC collects these each year. Listen to their selection of 2012's big food ideas HERE.
awesome infographic on healthy farm practices
from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Check it out HERE Congress Should Prioritize Modern, “Healthy Farm” Practices When Farm Bill Debate Re-Starts This Month Industrial Model of Agriculture Is a […]
chicago urban farmers
making it happen! Check out their kickstarter campaign Chicago ‘Cooperation Operation’ to Transform South Side Lot into Creative Farm-scapeby Whitney Richardson The Cooperation Operation (Coop Op) is a diverse group […]
seed libraries
Great concept, similar to the way our friends at the Hudson Valley Seed Library got started. How to Start a Seed Library at Your Public Library:
welsh government ahead of the game
on young farmer issues. Check out their templates, grants and mentorship program. Young Entrants Support Scheme
quivera coalition's new agrarians
An excellent program. From New Agrarian Program Director, Virginie Pointeau Introducing the 2013 New Agrarian Program Apprentices: With the arrival of spring comes the graduation of our 2012-2013 San Juan Ranch apprentice—Martha […]
vermont sail freight on gothamist
16 days to go on their kickstarter campaign! Vermont Farmer Building Sailboat To Transport Produce To NYC by Neil Casey for Gothamist The city has lots of rooftop farms and […]
history lesson - salvation army farm colonies
Around the turn of the century, the Salvation Army founded three intentional communities in Colorado, Ohio, and California in an effort to relieve urban poverty that followed in the wake […]
a soil conference in sweden
Summer of Soil is a 5-week, multi-disciplinary accelerator program designed to awaken and inspire a collaborative movement to rebuild and maintain living soils. The program will include a series of hands-on soil-related […]
crop planning genius
Tech-Savvy Maine farmer Clayton Carter of Fail Better Farm created this sweet crop-planning software and has offered it up for free! If you've always wanted to be more organized but […]
micro finance in michigan
from the Utopia Fund. Microcredit in Leelanau County, MI The Utopia Foundation is committed to creating sustainable change through domestic and international microloan programs. Microcredit provides small loans to people […]
young farmer nights
What rockers, self organizing in Rhode Island. Hey Everyone! Just a reminder our next YFN is at the Urban Food Lab, 6pm, Tuesday, April 23!! 110 Mineral Spring Ave, Pawtucket. […]
$250 bonus for growing out seed
For our friends are the Hudson Valley Seed Library. Seems like a pretty useful bit of subsidy. Even if the slots are filled for the cash it's worth participating. Dear […]
cool project merges farming and fisheries
Flooded rice field is tested as salmon nursery in Yolo Bypass By Matt Weiser Decades of experience have proved that Sacramento Valley rice farmers can use their fields to grow […]
co-operative farming info project: call for participants
DEAR COOPERATIVE FARM DREAMERS: The Greenhorns, Land for Good, and the Cooperative Development Institute have launched a project this year to provide the necessary information and support to make land […]
a mobile processing kitchen!
ISLAND (Institute for Sustainable Living, Art & Natural Design) is creating an enclosed trailer that unpacks into a high-efficiency, three-season food preservation kitchen and workshop space. This is a lightweight […]
rad farmers in maine
listening, speaking. The Farmhand Listening Project About the Farm Hand Listening Project: My name is Sonia Acevedo, and I am one of many beginning farmers trying to return to the land, […]
SOS juice - power the people
[youtube=] SOS Juice, is a solar-powered for-profit/non-profit hybrid that will sell juice, smoothies, and compost in order to improve health, promote sustainable agriculture, and create green jobs for low-income youth and the formerly incarcerated […]
anyone can farm
A worth indiegogo campaign: Anyone Can Farm from Bakers Green Acres The goal of Anyone Can Farm is to provide knowledge and training in fundamental areas of farming such as: […]
As an operating system: [youtube=]
COOL unreasonable entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs Take to the Seas for Inspiration By Eric Tyler, New America Foundation What happens when you mix 11 budding startups with Google executives, Stanford professors, a Nobel Peace Laureate […]