food justice

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breaking through concrete

The Breaking Through Concrete Tour (BTC Tour) will document the American urban farm movement. Despite hundreds of farm and garden projects taking hold in major cities, the urban farm remains a misunderstood and overlooked part of our food production system. We will bring to life the diverse projects that are, in distinct ways, transforming our […]

Posted: June 4 2010
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Inter-American sustainable ag

Thanks to Ezekiel for sharing about sustainable ag work in Guatemala. Semilla Nueva (New Seed) works with rural agricultural communities to introduce sustainable growing techniques.  We're a young bunch of Americans and Guatemalans fighting the good fight for good food together. Check out the blog!

Posted: May 28 2010
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this is a very interesting hotbed

Taking place on  May 20: Farmworkers’ Rights & Preserving Small Farms: A Conversation about the Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act The Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act is a New York State bill that was intended to provide fair labor protections to farmworkers who were excluded from the federal fair labor laws enacted in 1939. The […]

Posted: May 9 2010
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A Food Chain Radio Release from METROFARM.COM The Federal Government has admitted to discriminating against black farmers and taxpayers must now pay $1,250,000,000 to make good. These reparations lead us to ask… Can a lender discriminate without discriminating? This Saturday at 9am Pacific, Michael Olson’s Food Chain Radio hosts Carl Horowitz from the National Legal […]

Posted: March 16 2010
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bk farmyards

via our friend, Bee Ayer BK Farmyards is a new urban farming network in Brooklyn. Our mission is to increase access to healthy affordable food to Brooklyn residents through increasing urban food production and providing jobs for urban farmers. We started last year by turning backyards into farmyards, offering the first CSA with all produce […]

Posted: January 18 2010
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Can we have some commentary about this atlantic piece? Cultivating Failure next point. If agriculture were dignified, not just gentrified. Wouldn't that set the economic conditions for the mexican child in this article to be able to have a gardening experience back at his parent's farm in Mexico. Meaning: if the family hadn't been displaced […]

Posted: January 12 2010
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another "ex-cap" greenhorn blog

this just in from Marc Rumminger I've been collecting articles about farming in Detroit for a while (2 years, perhaps) and finally got around to putting together a digest over at Mental Masala (and cross-posted to L.V.L.).  It links to 9 more articles on farming and gardening in Detroit, plus a haunting photo essay on […]

Posted: January 4 2010
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smartypants at MIT

talking foodsheds MIT Researchers think America's obesity epidemic can be reversed via "foodsheds", in which healthier, more affordable food is produced and consumed regionally.

Posted: December 30 2009
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fair food

The California Institute for Rural Studies and Rick Nahmias Photography are pleased to announce the release of "Fair Food: Field to Table" a multimedia presentation promoting a more socially just food system in the US. [youtube=] Through the voices of agricultural workers, growers, businesses and fair food advocates, "Fair Food: Field to Table" tells the […]

Posted: November 24 2009
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The Great Land Grab

Oakland CA: A new report from the Oakland Institute, The Great Land Grab: Rush for World's Farmland Threatens Food Security for the Poor, sounds the alarm on the threat that land grabbing poses to food security and livelihoods. Land grabs--the purchase of vast tracts of land from poor, developing countries by wealthier, food-insecure nations and […]

Posted: October 21 2009
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food security roundtable

Hudson Valley Greenhorns - this is for you! Hudson Valley Food Security Roundtable, Fall 2009 Sunday, October 11, 2:00-4:30 Main Meeting Room, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Poughkeepsie, NY 67 South Randolph Road, Poughkeepsie NY, 845-471-6580 The Hudson Valley Food Security Roundtable is a coalition of farmers, food activists, distributors and consumers working together to help […]

Posted: October 6 2009
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We need a tribe of juicy gypsies

with fruit leather machetes quivers of jam rubbers and a strong set of canning tongs. the fruit is going to waste that is needed by a large + growing population of city people. City people need fruit! Can uncle sam not make a truck hotline linking those populations-- the growers and the eaters ? What […]

Posted: October 1 2009
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Farmworkers are speaking out against abusive grape concerns

via United Farm Workers: We've been telling you about the outrageous behavior of Giumarra--the world's largest table grape company, whose labels include Nature's Partner. Giumarra harvests approximately 1 out of every 10 bunches of grapes picked in the US. Because the company is so huge, their behavior helps set the industry standard. Instead of being […]

Posted: September 24 2009
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business as usual?

U.S. WORKING GROUP ON THE FOOD CRISIS CRITICIZES CLINTON/VILSACK TOUR OF KENYAN PRO-BIOTECH INSTITUTE USAID-Monsanto-KARI Spent $6 Million on Failed GM Sweet Potato Project (Washington D.C., Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA) - On the eve of an upcoming visit to the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Agriculture […]

Posted: August 8 2009
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pumpkins to the projects

the Northeast Food Security Roundtable is busy these days, with some great events coming up.  Click here for more on the project, and on the upcoming  Community Food Sovereignty Benefit Concert, “The Food Justice Revival!” on August 28th. Below, is a description of the Food Security Roundtable's Urban/Rural Exchange and a request to farmers and […]

Posted: August 5 2009
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rooted in community conference!

The California Conference Planning Team is very pleased to announce that registration for RIC’s 10th Annual Conference is now open!!  You can find the complete registration packet by following the link this link (conference registration).  If you are a member of the Rooted in Community listserv, you can also find the packet on the Shared […]

Posted: May 28 2008
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