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free the land

In this month's issue of Vice magazine, Vice took a long look at one answer to that question in Jackson, Mississippi. There, in 2013, voters elected black-nationalist lawyer Chokwe Lumumba as mayor based on promises of direct democracy and cooperative enterprise. Lumumba died unexpectedly less than a year later, but the story of what he […]

Posted: April 28 2016
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obama administration to sell offshore drilling leases On March 15th, the Obama administration released a draft offshore drilling plan for 2017-2022 that includes 10 lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and 3 in the Arctic Ocean off the coast of Alaska. This proposed drilling plan puts our communities, wildlife and environment in danger -- all so oil companies like Shell […]

Posted: April 27 2016
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[vimeo 133208432 w=640 h=360]

Posted: April 26 2016
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what is commitment? what is art? what is agrarianism...

Grizedale Arts is an arts organisation based on the historic site of Lawson Park farm, above the Coniston valley in the Lake District. The organisation is a curatorial project in a continuous state of development. Our current site, Lawson Park, is run as a productive small holding and working farm house, with a multifaceted programme […]

Posted: April 21 2016
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movie to watch if you have the flu

THE EAST follows Sarah Moss, an undercover P.I infiltrating an anarchist collective, but soon finds herself torn between two worlds as falls for the groups charismatic leader and her ideals begin to change. Keep up to date on the latest news on our Facebook page -

Posted: April 14 2016
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excavating oil out of our museums

Watch the video below! Learn more about the exhibit here! Follow the amazing ripple effects of the exhibit, recent press in the Houston Chronicle and NYT, and more of the organizations work on their news page.  

Posted: April 12 2016
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WA farmworkers walk a thousand miles in footsteps of cesar chavez

On March 17th Washington-state-based independent farm worker union, the Familias Unidas por la Justicia (FUJ), began a 28-day tour from Bellingham, WA to the US-Mexico border to galvanize a boycott of Driscoll berries to be undertaken in solidarity with their contract negotiations with their employer and Driscoll-supplier Sakuma Berry. So far, they have: walked 1,090 miles visited 13 […]

Posted: April 12 2016
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young crofters

[vimeo 130894951 w=500 h=281] Crofting's New Voices from Scottish Crofting Federation on Vimeo. The plans and dreams of a new generation from the land.

Posted: April 11 2016
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kale, racial justice, and reclaiming our collective right to the earth

  [youtube] A beautiful walk around Soul Fire Farm with the thoughtful, insightful, and fiercely passionate Leah Penniman. This film was produced by The Next System Project and the Laura Flanders Show, as part of their series on gender, race, and the next system. I'd write more about the farm, but my paraphrasing would never be as powerful […]

Posted: April 5 2016
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rachel's war

In the Spring of 1962, The New Yorker published Rachel Carson’s anti-pesticide manifesto, Silent Spring, in three installments. Carson’s message quickly transcended the magazine’s readership, eliciting a national response that would eventually lead to a federal ban on DDT for agricultural use and the creation of the EPA. In honor of Carson’s legacy and Women’s […]

Posted: April 1 2016
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watch the power of friends of the earth

40 years - our campaigns in pictures 2011 marks 40 years since Friends of the Earth was founded. Check out their images of just some of the amazing campaigns that our supporters have helped win over the past four decades.

Posted: March 31 2016
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a french tool box of farmer-driven technologies and in english! We are a French-speaking collective of small-scale farmers, employees and agricultural development organisations, gathered together as a cooperative named l’Atelier Paysan. Based on the principle that farmers are themselves innovators, we have been collaboratively developing methods and practices to reclaim farming skills and achieve self-sufficiency in relation to the tools and machinery […]

Posted: March 21 2016
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ten counterproductive behaviors of well-intentioned people

Common mistakes made in social justice conversations and how to correct them. March 18, 2016, Yes Magazine By: Cody Charles Well-intentioned people make mistakes, lots of them. Mistakes must be expected and being held accountable has to be expected as well. The points below outline some of the common behaviors that show up often in […]

Posted: March 21 2016
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help the best climate movie of the year get out and get us together This movie. Speaks directly to the heart of climate change resistance.  It takes you to the brink of despair and then builds you back up. I cried. I danced. In fact, the whole audience danced, standing up out of their seats. And you will too.  Trust me. Now, filmmaker Josh Fox (of Gasland) is touring […]

Posted: March 18 2016
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eating organic grain is more important than ever

Richardson Milling says: Richardson Milling, the largest oat miller in North America, has no intention of changing its policies on glyphosate. In fact, they recently said that: IT'S OK FOR FARMERS TO SPRAY ROUNDUP ON THEIR CROPS BEFORE HARVEST IN ORDER TO GET THE CROP TO DRY UNIFORMLY. Tracey Shelton, director of corporate communications with […]

Posted: March 15 2016
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from corn-fed to vegetarian to freegan to vegan to meat eater

Dustin's View, Jan. 31, 2016, Wreflective Writing Would you describe yourself as a long-time farmer and environmental activist? Not at all. I used to be a redneck. I used to race cars and motorcycles and snowmobiles… I was a motorhead. I don’t want people to think I was always like this, because then they’re like […]

Posted: February 1 2016
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we are all flint

The same forces that have made the Flint disaster possible are the same ones that are bent on privatizing public water supplies and preventing a just resolution to the growing world climate disaster. The following is an excerpt from a Statement from SxSW Experiment about the water crisis in Flint, MI. The experiment is a powerful grassroots coalition of […]

Posted: January 31 2016
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listen to one of the most wonderful PSAs of all time

[youtube] "We can get America back if we get ourselves back. You don't need drugs; you don't need gurus; you only need to believe in yourself. Remember it only takes a small circle of friends to get back to a life based on reality rather than escape." We'd like to add that you don't […]

Posted: January 27 2016
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hawaii back story of colonialization

What We Want vs. What We Can Get:Colonizing Ourselves Colonization can take place in many ways. One of the ways that it occurs is diverting our energy away from organizing for what we actually want, to instead organizing for what we think we can get under the current system. Large environmental groups in the U.S. […]

Posted: December 24 2015
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this is a good time of year to get your gear fixed...


Posted: December 21 2015
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a collaboration of the harvard food law society and food literacy project

Does your work connect to land and food? The Harvard Just Food Forum seeks proposals that focus on issues of land justice in the food system. We encourage proposals that highlight entrepreneurial initiatives and insights, lessons learned, successes, and opportunities to create a more just food system. We are especially seeking panels and workshops that […]

Posted: December 14 2015
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occupy the farm, now streaming

[youtube] Following a successful theatrical release in fifty cities nationwide, the acclaimed documentary OCCUPY THE FARM is now available to stream or download on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Instant Video and VUDU.

Posted: December 13 2015
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Consumed: a new movie thriller about GMOs

[vimeo 143568165 w=500 h=209] Help change the conversation on GMO! Attend a screening of a new movie thriller about GMOs in a theater near you! Consumed is an amazing film, so let's fill every seat to make sure the world knows how Monsanto controls our food supply! "Very entertaining, relatable, suspenseful and informative and a […]

Posted: November 23 2015
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a new network!

CALLING ALL FOOD MOVEMENT ACTIVISTS! Are you… …a staff member of a nonprofit organization or public agency developing a regional food supply chain? …a student interested in practical training that will complement your academic work on food systems? …a community nutritionist seeking to expand your knowledge of food systems? Would you like to become certified […]

Posted: November 16 2015
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ample table for everyone opens application period for food security projects

Philanthropy News Digest November 5, 2015 Each day, 22 percent of New York City’s children are hungry and do not know when they will eat next, while their families lack the resources to provide dependable and nutritious meals on an ongoing basis. Ample Table for Everyone focuses on combating food insecurity in the five boroughs of […]

Posted: November 10 2015
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earthalujia! sundays nov-dec, joes at the public in NYC

Revernd Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir "are wild anti-consumerist gospel shouters and Earth loving urban activists who have worked with communities all over the world defending community, life and imagination."

Posted: November 1 2015
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it takes a region, saratoga springs, nov. 12-14

Back in June, we posted about the upcoming NESAWG (Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group) It Takes a Region Conference. And maybe, at that moment, you thought that this year's theme of "Putting MOVE in the Movement" was so freaking great that you signed up immediately. If so, good for you! But maybe you, like me, were […]

Posted: October 25 2015
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rewild! escape from monomania

Rewild! Escape from Monomania by: George Monbiot October 17, 2015, Rural America Most human endeavours, unless checked by public dissent, evolve into monocultures. Money seeks out a region’s comparative advantage—the field in which it competes most successfully—and promotes it to the exclusion of all else. Every landscape or seascape, if this process is loosed, performs […]

Posted: October 20 2015
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challenges facing young farmers

It’s a cloudless Saturday morning at the farmers market, perfect for strolling past stands overflowing with tomatoes, summer squash and melons. Filling your bag with fresh grown goodness, you feel the satisfaction of feeding your family the best and knowing that your choice is helping a small farmer steward the land in the best way […]

Posted: October 15 2015
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food fights brought to you by WGBH

Listen to this five part broadcast of stories that paint a picture of both the joys and the challenges faced by the growing number of small suburban and urban farms in New England. Brought to you by WGBH public media.  LISTEN HERE!

Posted: October 13 2015
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rocking co-op in montana

[vimeo 131463009 w=500 h=281] Putting food from local farm fields onto dinner tables in Polson, Montana, (pop. 5,000) is about healthy eating and a whole lot more.The Polson Food Hub, part of the Montana Co-op, is a place where people not only pick up locally produced food, they might also stop by to take boxing lessons, […]

Posted: October 6 2015
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bring your body! show up for fisher people, the ocean commons, and the health of the gulf of Maine, sept. 30, plymouth, ma

Urgent! This just in from the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance and Fish Locally Collaborative: Family fishermen and supporters are inviting ally networks to join them and call on Congress, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, and the New England Fisheries Council to stop the corporate takeover and privatization of the ocean and fisheries, to protect the democratic […]

Posted: October 4 2015
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defending new england's family fisherpeople

The next generation of fisherpeople are facing policies that force consolidation, privatization, and corporate takeover of the ocean and rights to fish. In 2010, the New England Fisheries Management Council implemented a Catch Share policy to manage New England's fish populations. At the time, the council promised protections against Fleet Consolidation for family fisherpeople. The […]

Posted: September 29 2015
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how pope francis is reviving radical economics

Excerpt from: How Pope Francis is Reviving Radical Catholic Economics- Some Catholics have been quietly practicing them all along. By Nathan Schneider September 9, 2015 My friend Ryan Patrico, a doctoral
student in history at Yale, noticed something curious while studying the German nuns whose convents wound up in Protestant regions in the early, bloody days […]

Posted: September 14 2015
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apologies... but the farmers are coming

"My apologies to the Parisians," said Sebastien Louzaouen, a member of the Young Farmers' Union in France, "but the farmers are coming." The warning comes as an estimated 1,700 tractors and thousands of agricultural workers from across the country rolled into downtown Paris on Thursday – part of a growing protest movement led by unionized  small- and medium-scale […]

Posted: September 7 2015
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hacker wars: the full documentary

[youtube] Staying on theme, The Hacker Wars (embedded above) is a full-length documentary about the war over who controls information on the internet. You catch it all on youtube for free-- which might be an excellent way to round off the Labor Day weekend. Anonymous writes, "The Hacker Wars tells the tales of the anarchic […]

Posted: September 6 2015
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activist guide to exploiting the media

Because, as George Monbiot writes, "Activists are treated unfairly by the press more often than any other group of people except gypsies, travellers and asylum seekers,"we are delighted to link you, today, to An Activist's Guide to Exploiting the Media." "Reaching the media is as time-consuming, as demanding and as necessary as building lock-ons or […]

Posted: September 6 2015
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Ask your Senator to defend our right (and state's rights) to know what's in our food! A bill recently passed through the House of Representatives that denies states the ability to require labels on genetically modified food, even if those laws are already in place. This is completely ridiculous. If we act fast, we can […]

Posted: September 2 2015
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story of our soil

"The regeneration of soil is the task of our generation." The video is great, but their petition is even better. Learn more about the Story of Soil on the group's website. which is a project dedicated to convincing the California legislature to allocate $160 million from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to help rebuild healthy soils.

Posted: August 23 2015
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soulful action

Rev. Billy and the Choirs's BAN MONSANTO Summer [soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height='450' iframe="true" /] This song was written by Nehemiah Luckett & Laura Newman from the words of The Declaration of The Occupation, a collaborative document created by the NYC General Assembly of Occupy Wall Street. Their Indiegogo campaign deadline is August 21st to […]

Posted: August 17 2015