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listen to one of the most wonderful PSAs of all time

Posted: January 27 2016

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cQpcqMQ2ZA]

"We can get America back if we get ourselves back. You don't need drugs; you don't need gurus; you only need to believe in yourself. Remember it only takes a small circle of friends to get back to a life based on reality rather than escape."

We'd like to add that you don't need supermarkets, you don't need cars; and you sure don't need TV. You just need a small plot of dirt and a packet of seeds to get back in touch with the earth.
(Anyone who knows the story of Ochs's life will undoubtedly find some irony in this song, but, gosh darmnit, Phil Ochs, we still love just you!)