an artist making good work about bodies, and the terrain of production. Jackie Nickerson - Terrain "TERRAIN is Jackie Nickerson’s new work in progress. It is about us in the […]
be a hobbit, save the earth
a worthy kickstarter project by Steve Bivens. In Be a Hobbit, Save the Earth: the Guide to Sustainable Shire Living I look at the problems facing mankind and our planet today, through […]
high tech sailors learn how to sprout!
The Ocean Going Farmerby Nick Halmos In the fall of 2011, my fellow 11th Hour Racing teammate, Hugh Piggin and I departed from France aboard a Class 40 as competitors in […]
a great farm blog
This one designed for CSA members. The Excelsior Farm Chronicle
seeking a greenhorns rep for the heirloom expo!
Dear Greenhorns: Are you: 1. a young / aspiring farmer? 2. A greenhorns FAN, literate on how to welcome new farmers into the network? 3. Able to sell merch, flirt with […]
organic marketing materials
from the Soil Association! Marketing support and toolkitsLet us help support your activities with marketing materials including; posters, postcards, booklets and logos as well as a range of web banners. […]
land access event
Land Access and the Challenge for the Food Movement: Panel discussionAUG 20, 2014 , 6:30PM- 8:30PM| LA PEÑA CULTURAL CENTER, BERKELEY, CA Land access is a serious challenge facing small-scale […]
letter sent to pope francis regarding GMOs
At the request of major peasant organizations, a group of scientists and agricultural experts sent a letter and document on the problem of genetically modified seeds to the Vatican on April 30, […]
show ferguson some love!
Young farmers, this is a major situation happening in Ferguson, Missouri. If you haven't heard, click HERE. If anyone is in the area, this is a great event to attend. From […]
200 episodes on greenhorns radio!
Greenhorns Radio is radio for young farmers, by young farmers. Hosted by acclaimed activist, farmer and film-maker Severine v T Fleming, Greenhorn Radio is a weekly phone interview with next […]
rural academy theater - dates have posted!
The Rural Academy Theater is a collaboration of individuals, two-legged & four creating theater for primarily rural audiences in response to the growing urbanization of our culture, economy, food, education, […]
farmscale permaculture
October 2-5, 2014 Iowa City, IA 52240 Do you want to plan, install, and operate large-scale permaculture systems for maximum resiliency and economic stability? Ready to learn from international […]
the hidden wound
A less-read book by Wendell Berry. This one is about racism, agriculture, land reform, Malcom X, Leo Tolstoy, and his intimate relationships with the Afro-American people of his childhood.Since usually […]
support the young farmer network
The Young Farmer Network is a grassroots, farmer-led organization of farmers, aspiring farmers, and farm allies from all backgrounds, and of all experience levels.Their network is based in Rhode Island […]
update from greenhorns agroforestry project manager
This is a report from James Most, who runs the Greenhorns AgroForestry project made possible by Nutiva. Progress of the Chestnut Project as of Summer 2014 What is Happening? Hundreds […]
discourse between sea and shore
An older article, but so relevant. The Surf and Turf Connection By Julie Flaherty What do farmers and fishermen dream about? A bumper crop of zucchini and calm seas? Perhaps. […]
a place to get capital for cooperatives
The Working World is a non-profit organization that provides investment capital and technical support for worker cooperatives using an innovative finance model. Worker cooperatives represent a valuable alternative to more […]
artists seek farm for workshop/event
Scrimpy Summer Farm Tour Sometime between August 20th and the 25th, a tribe of New Yorkers (art world acolytes, anthropocene practitioners, gritty urban gardeners, and experimental musicians who were brought together during experiences of Occupy and […]
farm-based festival alert!
September 19-21. 2014 Lake City, Michigan The Earthwork Harvest Gathering is a celebration of food and music, featuring the freshest of local ingredients and fine imported specialties. A family-friendly Gathering […]
aspects of land reform in scotland
Meet the powerful - and usually very private - people who own much of Scotland. Reporter David Miller goes in search of Scotland's landowners and asks whether it's fair that […]
manual and youtube channel on good agricultural practices (GAP)
This manual provides real-world examples of how small, diversified farms can cost-effectively manage food safety risk, and meet the standards set in the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) […]
the von thunen model: a very cool lesson in agricultural geography
The Von Thunen model of agricultural land use was created by farmer and amateur economist J.H. Von Thunen in 1826. Von Thunen's model was created before industrialization and says that […]
ny: introduction to draft animal power
Sept 20-21 Northland Sheep Dairy, Marathon, NY Come participate in a hands-on experience with one of the region's most wonderful draft animal gurus. Donn Hewes is an experienced teamster and […]
greenhorns is hiring!
Greenhorns is hiring for ¾ time project manager, office-master, and head of house position in Essex, NY! Come experience Summer + Fall in the beautiful Adirondacks! To learn more about […]
roadmap to generosity farm
Check out this kickstarter campaign - a great concept! How do we bring together young organic farmers and wise energetic elders to form multigenerational retirement communities that farm? "Roadmap to […]
important action: restore the commons!
A note from our friend Robert LaValva, founder of New Amsterdam Market. August 1, 2014 My decision to stop holding New Amsterdam Market on South Street grew from the frustrations […]
rural romance
food chain radio explores this common issue. Food Chain Radio Show #977: RURAL ROMANCE! Guest: Kristina Johnson, Author, The Love Lives of Farmers She moved out into the country to […]
agricultural authors at empire farm days
Empire Farm Days is celebrating authors who write about agriculture. Five New York State-based authors will be talking with visitors and signing and selling books in the Cornell Marketplace Building […]
land trusts: all white, top down, scenic only
This study reveals a startling and challenging truth about our tactics thus far. A great opportunity to radicalize our methodologies. Read the full paper here: http://www.yale.edu/agrarianstudies/foodsovereignty/pprs/32_Brent_2013.pdf
fsa grant available to help socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers
Grant applications are being accepted from eligible applicants to assist socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers and ranchers to own and operate farms and ranches. The grant will assist community-based organizations, […]
kickstarter for book linking organic farmers with retirement communities
How do we bring together young organic farmers and wise energetic elders to form multigenerational retirement communities that farm? "Roadmap to Generosity Farm" is a book about how to provide […]
kiva zip is crowdfunding for their 100th us farmer!
Over the past two years, our lending community has loaned $648,800 to small farmers in support of local food economies across the United States. Most amazingly, agricultural loans still have […]
gmo labeling proposal shot down by safeway shareholders
...due to a lack of scientific evidence from anti-GMO activists, who were labeled as fearmongers. "In the face of all of the uncontroverted scientific evidence that GMOs are safe, the […]
longhouse food revival 2014!
This annual gathering is the Woodstock of food—an intense, weekend symposium designed to raise the bar on how food stories are told and to connect generations of food-inspired artists, writers, […]
artistic advocacy for prison reform
What do milk and jails have to do with each other? Check out this short video to find out!
soil sisters
a great idea! http://mosesorganic.org/events/organic-field-days/soil-sisters-farm-tour/
oxford real food conference
Severine was able to attend this year's conference back in January. Here's a short video about the event which includes a few words from Severine along with many other attendees![vimeo […]
maine seaweed festival
The Maine Seaweed Festival will be a day long event, held on the beautiful waterfront campus of Southern Maine Community College, Saturday, August 30, 2014.
agritourism: "baby animal days"
a great example of selling admission tickets to the easiest things. At Indian Ladder Farms, Spring means Baby Animals! Baby Animal Days: May 3 – 18, 2014 Come meet our […]
farm with horses
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