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farmscale permaculture

Posted: August 12 2014

October 2-5, 2014
Iowa City, IA 52240

IMG_4071Do you want to plan, install, and operate large-scale permaculture systems for maximum resiliency and economic stability?   Ready to learn from international experts in tree crops, keyline design, and multi-species grazing?
We’re all in a unique place in history.  Our motivations are clear: live an enjoyable life, earn a living from a sustainable and regenerative source, and build security while facing an uncertain future.  The only reliable way to fulfill these goals, for ourselves and the greater world, is to scale-up permaculture.  Farmscale Permaculture is the process of rolling out scalable systems that feed lots of people and rebuild ecosystems – changing how Earth looks from space.
Hosted at VersaLand, an emerging 145-acre regenerative savanna actively transforming a degraded monocultural landscape into an abundant agroecosystem.  You can see it happening with your own eyes.
It’s possible, it’s being done, and it’s easier than you think.
More information here