get hands-on training as a farmer in beautiful vermont!
Rolling admission is now open on UVM's Farmer Training Program! This is a 6-month, hands-on program (May 4 - October 30, 2015) for aspiring farmers and food systems advocates that provides an […]
2011 US glyphosate (roundup) usage: graphic and statistics
Source Glyphosate is the chemical name for "Roundup," which is now sold in many non-Monsanto, non-Roundup formulations. Statistics for Glyphosate usage in the USA: IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Roundup Ready crops - glyphosate-treated […]
talking chadwick
More than thirty years after his death, people still refer to Alan Chadwick in the present tense, a fascinating testament to the power of his personality and ideas. It is […]
saint organic: coach mark smallwood
Over the last 14 days, Mark Smallwood has been on a walk. A walk that will hopefully change the way that we look a climate change and think about how we […]
abandoned orchard revival! a cooperative venture
[vimeo] Though this video is set in Germany, the same situations exist across North America. Learning how to care for these old trees is not only a valuable skill […]
documenting america's environmental innovators
In May 2009 Dorothee Royal-Hedinger and Mark Boyer hit the roadto film people working on the cutting edge of sustainability. They traveled until September 2011 and now their website,, is […]
technology & human consciousness: upcoming conference
On October 25th and 26th the City University of New York will host a teach-in and public forum on Techno-Utopianism & The Fate of Earth. The purpose of the conference […]
why microbes matter... in claymation
This informative claymation explains how important microbes are in the marine environment and how they help keep the planet balanced and healthy!
rice growing regions in china are more cooperative, interdependent
This story is part of National Geographic's special eight-month Future of Food series. Rice and wheat do more than feed the world. They have also affected the way we think—in […]
six figure farming for small plots: a workshop with jean-martin fortier
Thursday, November 20th Hawthorne Valley Farm (Ghent, NY) $15 for the full-day workshop Since 2004, Jean-Martin Fortier and his wife have been making a good living by growing on […]
Severine, greenhorns founder, to be keynote speaker and panelist at bioneers conference
Live tweeting of the events @bioneers October 17-19, 2014 Keynote: Millions of Acres: Young Agrarians Needed (Oct. 17) In the next 20 years, farmland ownership will shift on a continental […]
ag thriller "runoff" begins screening soon!
A woman is struggling to keep her family in tact as the banks try to foreclose on her property. Someone makes her an illegal proposition that could help her keep […]
celebrate indigenous people's day - north oakland, ca
via Phat Beets Produce: Greetings Friends,Christopher Columbus, Conquest and Colonization is nothing to celebrate. Please join us this weekend with our friends at Self Help Hunger Program, POOR, and the […]
creative arts + agriculture
Last month in Greensboro, NC, Art-Force and the National Rural Assembly hosted Cross Currents, a convening of artists-artisans-designers, rural leaders and advocates, elected and agency representatives, CSAs and CDCs, food producers […]
MOFGA's farmer to farmer conference
Every year farmers and other agricultural experts from Maine and beyond gather at MOFGA's Farmer to Farmer Conference to share their expertise about organic cultivation and marketing. This year the […]
eating insects for dinner could save the world
Rachael Young has been getting a lot of attention for her culinary explorations. But the founder of the pro-entomophagy organization Eat Yummy Bugs is, more than anything, a conservationist. […]
mapping who's in your gut
The American Gut Project is building a massive database of information on the links between diet, lifestyle, and individual microbial ecologies. They are crowdsourcing sample collection from people across the […]
a farm is fined $115,000 for using volunteers
For-profit farms that use volunteers are taking risks. The story is from California but much of the same legal basis exists in other states. Beware, farmers. Your interns or apprentices […]
ever wonder how to quickly mulch a LOT of trees?
Our pal Grant Schultz over at Versaland has come up with this idea for mulching: use a French hay rake and throw it up against your tree (nestled in tree […]
reminder: winter is a great time to barter
Our Goods We are a barter network for the creative community. Our members trade skills, spaces and objects to get their work done without money.
awesome storytelling platform!
Ensia is a magazine showcasing environmental solutions in action. Powered by the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota, we connect people with ideas, information and inspiration they […]
fall semester @ stone soup institute
Stone Soup Institute is offering a Fall Semester to four students who are curious and adventuresome enough to explore the experiential learning opportunities on a small homestead in Maine. The […]
more on trade deals & GM standards
The European Union is negotiating the potential future of British agriculture with American corporations, developing deals that, unless tempered, could possibly threaten UK sovereignty by Samantha Lyster for Fresh Produce […]
here's what happens when a billionaire buys an island as a "hobby"
A fascinating read in the New York Times Magazine. Larry Ellison Bought an Island in Hawaii. Now What? By JON MOOALLEM; SEPT. 23, 2014 Henry Jolicoeur is a retired French Canadian […]
farmer training in wisconsin!
Since 2005 Stateline Farm Beginnings has been cultivating a new generation of farmers in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. Stateline Farm Beginnings is a one year training course sponsored […]
ourland is on youtube; watch the web series! You can find the Y0uTube channel HERE or you can visit the OurLand website HERE! Be sure to watch them all!
official state soils!
A state soil is a soil that has special significance to a particular state, and each state in the United States has one! According to the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), […]
capitalism, the climate, and indigenous people
Evo Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, inaugurated the first World Conference on Indigenous Peoples at the UN on Monday and said he is living proof that the community can […]
montana: public lands rally saturday!
Defend your public lands! Do not stand idly by while politicians try to auction off public lands to the highest bidder. Bus, food and door prizes are can't afford not […]
the rowdy and articulate english
Great words from the Land Workers Alliance (LWA)!
maine sail freight goes public!
Meet: Severine von Tscharner Fleming of Sail Freight Maine She wants to borrow your boat, but it’s all about farming. by Mary Pols for the Portland Press Herald Severine von […]
draft animal power network's annual gathering
At the Cummington Fairgrounds, Cummington MA September 26-28th 2014! See Weekend Schedule Here! The Draft Animal-Power Network (DAPNet) advances the practical application of draft-animal power and creates a supportive […]
growing local
Growing Local, a new film series by Seedlight Pictures and Maine Farmland Trust, will premiere during the Camden International Film Festival on Sunday, September 28th. The screening will start at […]
rogue farm corps accepting applications
Applications Open for Rogue Farm Corps’ FarmsNOW Program FarmsNOW is an advanced training program that is designed for the student who has a solid foundation of farm knowledge, skills, experience, […]
A training facility for low-input and small scale dairy in new england
*they're also hiring! Wolfe’s Neck Farm Secures Major Grant from Stonyfield to launch an Organic Dairy Farmer Training and Research Program FREEPORT, Maine — For many years, the story of […]
corridors of the city
A Butterfly Species Settles in San Francisco’s Market Street Two advocates track Western tiger swallowtails through the city and use art to encourage residents to think of the fluttering creatures […]
australians adapt the "seed circus" model
Find our seed circus model here. And check out what these guys are doing! Milkwood is a crew of doers and makers, dedicated to skills for smart, simple, regenerative living. We’re a social enterprise […]
report from the field
Greenhorn Erin Bullock says The Good Life Farm is "the coolest farm I've seen in a while." And reports, "these kids are doing permaculture and agroforestry on a farm scale, […]
have you heard of natalie jeremijenko?
If not, you had better check her out. She's an artist, engineer and inventor for the environmental movement. Take a gander at the video below and if you want to […]