Wall Street is buying our farms
Orion Magazine Presents: Buying the Farm Photo courtesy of Mark Renz Dean Kuipers dives into Wall St's speculative invasion of farm country and talks about alternatives that seek to […]
tourism with a wonderful purpose
Food Sovereignty Tours Bolivia Mercado by Shannon Decelle Photography Multiple dates & locations Food First, led by Executive Director Eric Holt-Gimenez, offers a series of Food Sovereignty Tours around the globe. […]
TTIP and tall ships afterparty! july 20th, portland maine!
TALL SHIPS AFTERPARTY and TTIIP TEACH IN! 4 live bands! Hot stuff 5pm- late Come on out! On July 20th,we’ve got a full afternoon and evening TALL SHIPS AFTERPARTY and TTIP […]
Occupy the Farm protesters hold rally and action to stop development of historic gill tract farmland
Thursday July 16th, 2015, 4pm Rally, 5pm Action Monroe St. & San Pablo Ave., Albany, CA On July 16th, 2015, farmers and neighbors of the historic Gill Tract will gather to hold a rally […]
lady justice brewing: a women-founded and operated, community-focused, philanthropic brewery
Support these ladies in their Indiegogo campaign! The Impact Lady Justice Brewing is unique. We are the world's only solely women-founded and operated, community-focused, philanthropic brewery. Your support plays a […]
monetizing charity is deeply problematic, in france they say NO!
France to force big supermarkets to give unsold food to charities By Angelique Chrisafis, The Guardian, May 22, 2015 French supermarkets will be banned from throwing away or destroying unsold food […]
stone soup fall and winter semester's
Stone Soup Institute is now accepting applications for their Fall and Winter Semesters. Both semesters are open to up to four students who are curious and adventuresome enough to explore […]
the grange hall in ojai has great upcoming events
The Grange Hall in Ojai has got it going on! Beginning this weekend (sign up quick!) the Ojai Grange is hosting a series of summer classes on a variety of […]
TTIP and tall ships afterparty! july 20th, portland maine!
TALL SHIPS AFTERPARTY and TTIP TEACH-IN! 4 live bands! Hot stuff 5pm- late Come on out! On July 20th, we’ve got a full afternoon and evening TALL SHIPS AFTERPARTY and […]
a new economy on the land: severine fleming, agrarian
SEVERINE FLEMING, Agrarian A New Economy on the Land Severine is a farmer, activist, and organizer based in the Champlain Valley of New York. She is founder and director of The […]
farmer voices
Farmer voices is a podcast series on PRX.org Give this episode a listen: Young Farmer's Sustainable Agriculture Tool Lending Library and explore their new website and other entertainment offerings.
corporate power over food system
Policy Expert: Walmart has 'immense power' over food system by The Fault Lines Digital Team, Aljazeera America June 18, 2015 In mid-March, hundreds of workers who pick produce in the […]
seeking young food movement leaders
Food Sovereignty Tours, a program of Food First, is seeking young leaders, farmers, and food activists from diverse backgrounds who are working to advance the mission of food justice and […]
complete list of maine sail freight events
The Project Homepage has descriptions of the full schedule of events: (*some require RSVP) June 28: Songs of Land and Sea by Brian Dewan. Halcyon Grange, Blue Hill ME July […]
REQUIRE READING: the TTP, local farming, and what you need to know
On July 20th, as part of Maine Sail Freight events, the Greenhorns are hosting a training on the secret trade deal TTP and TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) at a public […]
red rocks
What are young farmers doing after hours? Just hanging with Neil. NBD.
RSVP now: northeast gathering on domestic fair trade, august 14 in amherst, ma
ATTN:: Open Meeting: Northeast Gathering on Domestic Fair Trade Friday August 14, 2015 9:00 am-12:30pm Campus Center 903 UMASS, Amherst This Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) Summer Conference Free Meeting, […]
apply now grange farm school fall term
As you may remember from our previous blog post, the Grange Farm School in Mendocino County, CA is a 3-month residential farmer training program that combines classroom instruction with experiential education. The […]
great listen: farming without labels
To listen to the radio piece, click HERE! Who is a good farmer? This question of goodness has been important to the popularization of the sustainable food movement. However, consumer […]
gluten intolerance: is it because we aren't around enough poo?
In a recent NYT opinion piece about gluten, the author ends with the following advice: Maybe we should stop asking what’s wrong with wheat, and begin asking what’s wrong with […]
conference: artisans of the grasslands, oct 2-4
Join the Savory Institute’s annual international conference “Artisans of the Grasslands - Crafting the Future for Food & Agriculture,” on Oct 2-4 in San Francisco this year. Click here. Convene […]
voices of the soil essay contest
2015 is the International Year of Soils, so in celebration of one of our most important natural resources, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and Lexicon of Sustainability are hosting the […]
milk maid of the milk and honey rebellion
See Rachel Bell and the Milk and Honey Rebellion live and for free on July 20 at Prescott Park in Portsmouth, NH!
centenario barley: gamma rays, farming, and strengthening local economies at 12,000 feet
the fabulous parlor confirmed for greenhorns event july 20, portsmouth, nh
Listen here! See them live! Stay tuned for more details.
call for volunteers for neil young shows!
Neil Young's "The Monsanto Years" tour kicks off today! The Greenhorns are joining the tour and we are looking for representatives for each show. You will join an "Activist […]
it's all about the soil
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aLh2JQMsGQ&w=853&h=480] Really loving DO Lectures right now! Check out more inspiring talks.
how to get young people to love the land
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVRmXSI6Zi4&w=853&h=480] Reposted from DO (Ideas + Energy = Change).
cottage food laws
Homemade For Sale is a perfect guide to start your own at home kitchen buisness. Co-authors John Ivanko & Lisa Kivirist provide a clear roadmap as the first authoritative guide to go […]
going to seed
photo from EdiblePortland Anthony said: Look at this bean. We need several things from this bean. We need this bean to stand up straight, to be interested in climbing the […]
xtreme farming
Maybe you thought your inclines were intense. These guys are my new heroes. Watching this video as a farmer is a little like watching the Tour de France as a […]
ATTN: Back-packers, bike-packers, food historians, those concerned about scurvey!
Here's another fascinating lıttle nugget of nautical history. In 1845, the famed Captain Sir John Franklin, 127 men, and a very interesting list of provisions embarked on a mission to discover a […]
a stroll down the cooridor of digital humanities
Maine Sail Freight festivities kick off tonight! And in our continued excitement, we'd like to share this neat timeline of Whaling History by PBS. It is wonderfully chockful of top-notch historical […]
future farmers going strong!
Here at the Greenhorns love art and we love farmıng and we love creative subversive people, and so you might imagine that we really love creative subversive art about farming. We've blogged […]
JOB POSTING: civic works food and farm director in baltimore, MD
POSITION SUMMARY: Civic Works, Inc. seeks a creative, independent individual who has leadership experience and a shown passion for Food Access, Urban Greening or Farm initiatives. This new position will […]
bernie has a box to check for agriculture
If you check out the official website for Bernie Sanders, you'll see that he has a box for agriculture you can check when writing to him. Check it out!
class action lawsuit to ban GMOs and pesticides in argentinaG
From Sustainablepulse.com A federal judge in Argentina has ruled that an unprecedented class action lawsuit, demanding a ban on the release of GMOs and their associated pesticides, can proceed. Source: www.lacapital.com.ar (Spanish) […]
draft animal power field days are coming up!
For more information about DAPnet, click HERE!